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Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by slowmo:


Can't wait until next year at Lambeau when the Super Bowl losers come to town.

If the Packers don't play like their asses are on fire for that game they should be strung up by their nuts.

Don't think that's going to be a problem.

@DBak69: Couldn't be happier! The right team wins and true colors are shown. #havesomeclass


@TJLang70: I hope Gronk jumps on a police bike and rides it thru Seattle's locker room.

Last edited by ilcuqui

10 hours ago Russell Wilson was looking at being the highest paid player in NFL history. 


Now he's Trent Dilfer 2.0 with a faint whiff of Brad Johnson. 


The look on Sherman's face when everything went to **** should be a new Chunky Soup. WTFajita

Sherman running his mouth doesn't bother me, he's not usually wrong with his commentary and his play backs up his mouth. When you play like he does then you have room to run your mouth. My problem with Sherman is that he's a sore winner (as evidenced by the pick above and his sh*t talking to Rodgera after the week 1 game). He takes every opportunity to rub it in, let it go dude. Totally classless IMO.
Hey....we're at the 1 yard line with :20 seconds left & we have Marshawn Lynch....LET'S PASS!!!

Looks like the Russell Favre luck ran out. Time to pay Russell $22 million & back up the brinks truck for Lynch.

Much as we don't like MM calling pass plays at the goaline, Rodgers is the best player on the Packer's offense.  Can't reallly quarrel with putting the ball in his hands.


However, for the entire game, Wilson had only thrown 20 passes.  The best player on the Seattle offense was/ is Lynch.   He just gained 4.5 yards to the half yard line the previous play. Let your best player win the game by making 1/2 yard in 2 more tries.

Last edited by slowmo

I'm just glad that maybe 3 or 4 years ago, I started to actually somewhat like Brady and the Patriots.  I used to hate them, but I think the 10 years of them being close but not winning it all softened me on them a bit.


I just flat out had some major sour grapes over that Packer/Seahawks game and there's no way in Hades I could have enjoyed a Hawks win.  Just really really glad the Hawks will have to shut their pieholes this coming off season.  The ending to that game could not have been better, just one of the biggest bonehead plays by a coach/QB in Super Bowl history.

Originally Posted by cuqui:

And one of the greatest defensive plays in a championship game. Give the rookie his props, that was simply outstanding.

Why it's like New England knew what was coming.  Like they had previous knowledge of what Seattle was practicing.



Tomorrow, or shortly thereafter, Dan Quinn signs with Atlanta, and even though most Seattle fans have likely already factored that in, it is still another bitter pill to swallow.


Chok on it Seattle.

@GPB1. Both lost and feel like ****. 


Seattle is kind of ****ed though. 


They wanted Wilson to throw the game winner to help justify his upcoming $23 million per contract even though it was 2nd and 1 with 25 seconds left with a TO against nickle coverage. 


RTFB. Always RTFB. 





Last edited by ChilliJon
Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

The great Bob Costas explaining to me who the FG kickers are. 


Wonder if he can give me tips on gambling

He would be more than happy to share his unsolicited opinion on gun control laws.

Arrogant asshole.

If you're keeping score at home, that was the biggest 4th quarter comeback in Super Bowl history.  Also, Seattle is the first team to have a player ejected in Super Bowl history.


Given all that happened that quarter, and given it was the Super Bowl, I would say that is the biggest choke in the history of the NFL.  Makes the NFC CG look like peanuts.

Last edited by vitaflo

The fight at the end was the icing on the cake. Sore, sore losers. The Seahags took it all the way until the final 26 seconds of the super bowl the finally get dethroned as champions. Rip them hearts out.

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