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awwwww lookie, it's my stalker. 


Hey Goob, isn't it painful trying to type after your knuckles drag on the ground all day? 


Oh and FTR (that means for the record) I'm surprised your vast knowledge of football gleaned from watching TV for 40 years didn't enlighten you to the fact Dick Butkus was a great LB. 


I said nothing about my play calling abilities, just sharing 40 some years of NFL observation in a forum that I thought was for discussion of such things.


Maybe I'm in the wrong place then, I dunno. 


My apologies to the forum.


Over and out.


I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, honest Goob I didn't mean to make you cry!! Although I was kinda disappointed you never started an I'm Leaving thread, I always love those. 

Last edited by Shoeless Joe
Originally Posted by Hungry5:

Available and Accountable.



Does his play = his contract? I say yes. He's on the field for nearly every defensive play so his price per play might be considered a bargain. Jones (and Matthews) on the other hand have been awarded new fairly pricey (for Jones) deals and now they are missing time. And we can almost count on them missing time each year based on their history so far.




Best defense of Hawk I have seen.. Solid post, Hungry.


That said, I still think he has been overpaid throughout his career.   His impact, up until recently, has been marginal. 

Originally Posted by Shoeless Joe:

awwwww lookie, it's my stalker. 


Hey Goob, isn't it painful trying to type after your knuckles drag on the ground all day? 


Oh and FTR (that means for the record) I'm surprised your vast knowledge of football gleaned from watching TV for 40 years didn't enlighten you to the fact Dick Butkus was a great LB. 

Men do not have "stalkers", only women do.


But thanks for confirming it with me.


I apologize, m'lady. 

Originally Posted by beef:
Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

Now AJ makes the guys around him better?  Where was this the past 3 years?

it was evident during the super bowl run.

I think Hawk took over the play calling duties for Nick Barnett after he was injured for the season.   The defense seemed to improve almost immediately.  Bishop also started in place of Burnett at the same time as Hawk took over the pc duties. 


Was it Bishop or was it Hawk or a combination of the two?  

I remember someone on the defense saying that "Barnett called the plays with emotion"  That doesn't sound like a compliment.


Jenkins was a beast and Green helped improve the line which probably contributed to the linebackers playing better that year - much like Jolly, Jones and Daniels have helped this year. 

This year the d-line has been improving so much that McCarthy trusted his defense and declined the 10 yard Ravens penalty on 3rd and goal as opposed to accepting a 5 yard penalty in SF earlier this season. 


All I know for certain is that I'm really liking the way Hawk is playing now and he deserves some props for playing some great football lately and always being there for us to kick around when he doesn't. 

Last edited by BartManDude

My first sign of hope to Hawk this year was in the preseason.  There was a play where he stepped up after reading run, engaged teh Guard, GOT OFF THE BLOCK, and made the tackle at the line of scrimmage.  The biggest problem with Hawk the past few years has been that he was too content to be blocked.  He has made a huge improvement in getting off the block and finding the ballcarrier.  He was always good at tackling and he could move, but if the other team schemed to get a hat on him he was not likely to be in the play unless he made the tackle downfield.  This year he really looks like he has addressed that point.  If he could just cover TEs he might be that #5 overall guy we picked.  Regardless, at this point he is a player on the team and I just want him to be a starting MLB.  He has been that the last few years and he is playing at a high level this year. 

I agree Hawk has been a steady, solid player for 7 years which makes his 5th pick overall a value...I'm glad we've had him.....but I have been critical when he has played poorly---we've all seen him slow to react, slow to get to ball carriers--making many of his tackles 7 to 10 yards past the line of scrimage, getting beat like a drum in coverage and being pushed out of the middle like a rag doll....

Great, hard nosed team player, willing to sacrifice salary ....but he has had his share of whoopings---Nick Barnett was a better ILB and Nick took a lot of criticism

Originally Posted by Tdog:

boy, the comments after that article...  people commenting there seem to think AJ is world class. 

Must be his friends and family, because I can't think of a single Packer fan I've talked to over the past 4-5 seasons with something good to say about him. If Barrington can step up and the rest of the LBs stay healthy, we aren't going to be seeing him on the field very much over the next seven games (yes, the Packers will be playing in the Super Bowl). Even if he does have to play some over that span, this is going to be his last season with the Packers.

Last edited by Pack-Man

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