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So now I'm reading that the Packers organization is anti-American, yadda, yadda, yadda because of what was on the field during the anthem yesterday. I've been trying to discover what was going on, but all I'm finding is bitching. I was there and the thing was right in front of me.

First of all, the sound system sucked eggs. I thought it was my hearing so I asked my grandson if he could understand anything that was said. He said, "Nope." So if what the announcer was saying explained the banner/whatever and who was carrying it, we never understood it. The people were just that - people. Old, young, men, women. Just plain people as far as we knew. It wasn't until later I noticed the closed captioning on the scoreboard, but that sucked eggs too.

To me the "whatever" didn't even look that professionally made. So did some group make it to avoid violating U.S. Flag code? Again, I don't know and I can't find any info. But all those people carrying the "whatever" looked very proud and happy to be there, rolling out the "whatever" and holding it.

Cripes, if people needed to look at an actual U.S. flag, look at each side of the scoreboard. Hello.

I'm not looking to start another pissing match, even though I know it's hard for you guys not to get one going. I don't want judgments. I want to know what it was all about. For all we know it could have been the hard work of a very civic minded group and the Packers rewarded them for it. Like I said, all I'm reading about is bitching but no one providing any facts. 

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The NFL should stop pushing the military and social justice politics. We just want to watch a game as a form of entertainment to break away from the madness of everyday life, which is now saturated with broken and disgusting politics. We want that game to be fair and competitive. Goodell is on the wrong side of every issue of concern to its fan base. There is an adage drawing the anti-correlation between wealth and intellect. Goodell is the poster face for this adage.

exactly why I don't enter the stadium anymore until the spangled banner stuff is over...  

as for this flag and all the people who are riled up?  I have no chits to give, don't care.

I should rephrase that.  Social media is awesome for cat videos, hilarious memes, gifs and the anthromporphicaiton of fast food restaurants and food mascots.  

And literary bots.

That's it though.  Nothing else is good.  Ever.

Last edited by Henry
Henry posted:

This just in.  Social media is for ****ing idiots who can't think for themselves.

You said the same thing at your Facebook page.

"Like" whore.


"We've used such displays from time to time in the past when other pregame elements take up a significant portion of the field. To avoid causing confusion, we will not be using such displays in the future.

If they have to play the national anthem, invite local high school bands to do it.  And have local American Legion/VFW types bring in a normal-sized flag.  Those kids would love to get on Lambeau Field, but of course what the league wants is a spectacle thinking that the bigger the flag, the more patriotic you are.

Tavis Smiley posted:

I just deleted something I shouldn’t have posted in post Brewer elation. But come on. We live in a society here. Let’s get our common sense in order.

I fear it is too late.  No deletion needed.  Go Brewers!

Tavis Smiley posted:

I just deleted something I shouldn’t have posted in post Brewer elation. But come on. We live in a society here. Let’s get our common sense in order.

I think you need to go on drunken rants like the rest of us.

Good grief. If they're going to insist on playing the anthem before a game, just do the anthem like they do at a high school without all the extra crappy pageantry. Almost all of us are there to see the game and we don't need the whole patriotic sideshow. 

Blair Kiel posted:
Henry posted:

This just in.  Social media is for ****ing idiots who can't think for themselves.

You said the same thing at your Facebook page.

"Like" whore.

That's just for cruisin' desperate housewives.  

Last edited by Henry
Fedya posted:

If they have to play the national anthem, invite local high school bands to do it.  And have local American Legion/VFW types bring in a normal-sized flag.  Those kids would love to get on Lambeau Field, but of course what the league wants is a spectacle thinking that the bigger the flag, the more patriotic you are.

What?  You don't love the full military parade and missile flyovers?

Tavis Smiley posted:

I just deleted something I shouldn’t have posted in post Brewer elation. But come on. We live in a society here. Let’s get our common sense in order.

I believe Tavis is what's known as an HSP, highly sensitive poster.

Live your passions my friend.  Embrace them. 

Henry posted:
Fedya posted:

If they have to play the national anthem, invite local high school bands to do it.  And have local American Legion/VFW types bring in a normal-sized flag.  Those kids would love to get on Lambeau Field, but of course what the league wants is a spectacle thinking that the bigger the flag, the more patriotic you are.

What?  You don't love the full military parade and missile flyovers?

Not when the military pays the NFL millions of $ out of it's recruiting budget to do it and in turn creates a misconception that the flag's only purpose is to symbolize the military. 

and what was sunday's great and awesome flyover?  a refueling jet.  big freakin' deal.  they might as well have driven an oil truck across the field...

Last edited by Tdog
Henry posted:

So no girls in flag bikinis with SAMs?

There is nothing more sexy to me than a pretty woman with a firearm! The bigger the weapon the better! Damn yes.

My wife loves the gun range.

Last edited by PackerPatrick

It's funny, I know one of the persons who held that replacement flag on the field last Sunday.  As a personality profile, he's an NRA member and a hardcore conservative.  He was none to happy to get there on Sunday and find out he wasn't going to be holding a real American flag but did it anyways.  Then he complained to his season ticket rep and told the rep he thought it was an insult they didn't have a real flag, blah blah blah. 

Actually I like this guy for the most part as he's helped me out when I've been in a bind many times, but I'll never understand getting all worked up for something like this.  There's a trillion things in the world I'd get upset about before I'd spend an ounce of outrage on this issue.

Tschmack posted:

The fighter jet flyovers are badass.  Preferably low and turn up the speed! 


They just need to nose up and hit the afterburners.  At Lambeau you'd feel like you were inside the world's largest subwoofer.

Good grief. They can look at the actual U.S. flags atop the stadium. I couldn't see the Am. Legion/VFW color guard because they were on my side, but I would guess they also carried a U.S. flag. There were appropriate fireworks during "rockets red glare" and "bombs bursting in air" that brought out a few "oohs" and "aahs." The refueler It still brought out a few "oohs." I've been there when the fighters have gone over. Now they're badass.   There's no way to fit the U.S. flag they have for the field and the entire UW Marching Band. 

Well, Fightpho93, your friend might have been upset but I saw plenty of people holding that banner/whatever smiling and looking thrilled just to be there.

Some people will never be happy no matter what. I actually feel sorry for them. I thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Last edited by QuietOne

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