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Guys who should be in their prime right now and what did that draft give the Packers?
1. Justin Harrell - Bustola
2. Brandon Jackson - Makes pedestian seem exciting.
3a. James Jones - Good, solid receiver, nothing to complain about at all.
3b. Aaron Rouse - Stiffer than Fedya watching a Bea Arthur marathon
4. Allen Barbre - He's a Barbre girl living in a Barbre world.
5. David Clowney - Bozo the receiver
6a. Korey Hall - Blocked like a linebacker, tackled like a Fullback
6b. Desmond Bishop - Solid player, no complaints here.
6c. Mason Crobsy - Whiffffffffff.
7a. Deshawn Wynn - More more dynamic than Jckson, and much less reliable.
7b. Clark Harris - Who?

11 picks and two decent players, that's it. What a pile of crap, especially from a draft whse first round netted Calvin Johnson, Joe Thomas, LaRon Landry, Adrian Peterson, Patrick Willis, Marshawn Lynch, Darelle Revis, Lawrence Timmons, Anthony Spencer, Joe Staley and Greg Olsen, guys at or near the top at their position.

Well, except for LaMarr Woodley, Marshall Yanda, Jermon Bushrod, Dashon Goldson, Antwan Barnes, Brent Celek and Dwayne Bowe were about the only other good players to come out of that draft.

What a pile of horse crap that draft was. A few stars may make it seem like a good year but blech! San Fran was the clear "winner" getting three of 21 good players.

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11 picks and two decent players, that's it. What a pile of crap, especially from a draft whse first round netted Calvin Johnson, Joe Thomas, LaRon Landry, Adrian Peterson, Patrick Willis, Marshawn Lynch, Darelle Revis, Lawrence Timmons, Anthony Spencer, Joe Staley and Greg Olsen, guys at or near the top at their position.

The Packers drafted 16th that year, that means as far as that list goes we only had a shot at Anthony Spencer, Joe Staley and Greg Olsen.
Average lifespan of an NFL career is 5 years.

Not a good draft for sure but scored a couple players in Jones & Bishop & even Crosby (who WAS good before last year) Clowney was still in the league last year so say what you want but the guy is still sticking around.

I remember wanting Leon Hall or Aaron Ross in that first round instead of Bu$tin (my first year at RCMH)

Originally posted by Boris:
Average lifespan of an NFL career is 5 years.

Yep. Talking about draft successes 6 years after the draft is like handing out draft grades the first week of May each year.

Brandon Jackson, Aaron Rouse, Allen Barbre, David Clowney, & Korey Hall all made it out of TC onto a roster and played more than a season in the NFL.
Originally posted by Herschel:
Average career span is a loaded stat too though. Guys who last are generally in their prime from years 3-8, give or take, depending on position. So guys from '07, '08,'09 and '10 should be a strong core of teams right now.

You already listed the '07 guys...

Jordy Nelson
Brian Brohm
Patrick Lee
Jermichael Finley
Jeremy Thompson
Josh Sitton
Breno Giacomini
Matt Flynn
Brett Swain

BJ Raji
Clay Matthews
TJ Lang

Quinn Johnson
Jamon Meredith
Jarius Wynn
Brandon Underwood
Brad Jones

Bryan Bulaga
Mike Neal
Morgan Burnett

Andrew Quarless jury out
Marshall Newhouse
James Starks prolly gone
CJ Wilson

I see your point.
Yep, even the guys who aren't stars are important to the team as they have enough experience to fill roles. Ex: CJ Wilson is kind of one-dimensional but he's solid against the run and fills an important spot in the base defense.

I do find it odd that outside of a few stars there was a year that added very little to the league in terms of core talent.
I just looked at the 1956 draft------not one of 'em is still on the roster.


# Year Round Overall Name Position School
1. 1956 1 8 Jack Losch HB Miami (Fla.)
2. 1956 2 20 Forrest Gregg T Southern Methodist
3. 1956 4 44 Cecil Morris G Oklahoma
4. 1956 5 56 Bob Skoronski T Indiana
5. 1956 6 68 Bob Burris HB Oklahoma
6. 1956 7 80 Hank Gremminger E Baylor
7. 1956 8 92 Russ Dennis E Maryland
8. 1956 9 104 Gordon Duvall FB Southern California
9. 1956 10 116 Bob Laugherty FB Maryland
10. 1956 11 128 Mike Judock C Miami (Fla.)
11. 1956 12 140 Max Burnett HB Arizona
12. 1956 13 152 James Mense C Notre Dame
13. 1956 14 164 Charlie Thomas FB Wisconsin
14. 1956 15 176 Buddy Alliston G Mississippi
15. 1956 16 188 Curtis Lynch T Alabama
16. 1956 17 200 Bart Starr QB Alabama
17. 1956 18 212 Stan Intihar E Cornell
18. 1956 19 224 Ken Vakey E Texas Tech
19. 1956 20 236 Clyde Letbetter G Baylor
20. 1956 21 248 Hal O'Brien FB Southern Methodist
21. 1956 22 260 John Popson HB Furman
22. 1956 23 272 Jesse Birchfield G Duke
23. 1956 24 284 Don Wilson C Rice
24. 1956 25 296 Frank Koeneke E Minnesota
25. 1956 26 308 Dick Goehe T Mississippi
26. 1956 27 320 Dick Kolian E Wisconsin
27. 1956 28 332 Bob Lance QB Florida
28. 1956 29 344 Vester Newcomb C Southwest J.C.
29. 1956 30 355 Rod Hermes QB Beloit
Originally posted by Boris:
Average lifespan of an NFL career is 5 years.

Not a good draft for sure but scored a couple players in Jones & Bishop & even Crosby (who WAS good before last year)

Disagree. 20/20 hindsight, 2007 was not a great draft but it was a solid one.

We were picking 16th, and we had five of those drafted players making significant contributions to a Super Bowl Championship team.

Crosby has had two 140+ point seasons, and he's finished 4th or better in points at least three times in his six seasons. Last year did indeed damage his career numbers, and since those struggles are still fresh in people's minds it is understandable that the perception of his overall career productivity has been eroded as well.

And the last time I saw the figures, TT also led the league among GMs in regards to % of drafted players still being in the league.

Not perfect by any means (nobody is), but not too shabby either.
I guess I don't understand why we are focusing on one draft. Have the Packers drafted poorly in TTs tenure? Have the Packers not been successful since he took over?

Yes, Bustin was a miss. I get that. But look at the 2007 draft in general. There were a lot of misses. Guys like Joe Thomas and Calvin Johnson and Adrian Peterson were selected early, but so were guys like Jamarcus Russell, Gaines Adams, Jamaal Anderson, Etc.
Originally posted by Blair Kiel:
I just looked at the 1956 draft------not one of 'em is still on the roster.


# Year Round Overall Name Position School
25. 1956 26 308 Dick Goehe T Mississippi
26. 1956 27 320 Dick Kolian E Wisconsin
27. 1956 28 332 Bob Lance QB Florida
28. 1956 29 344 Vester Newcomb C Southwest J.C.
29. 1956 30 355 Rod Hermes QB Beloit

I think that pick of Dick Goehe was a reach. They could have traded down for more picks and I would have bet my house he would have been available in the 27th round.
Originally posted by Tschmack:
I guess I don't understand why we are focusing on one draft. Have the Packers drafted poorly in TTs tenure? Have the Packers not been successful since he took over?

Because while it was a bad Packers draft, sure, it was a terrible draft overall. That draft added a few stars that make it "shiny" but in reality it offereed very little quality or depth to the league.

One reason San Fran made teh Super Bowl is they were able to get three very good players now in their prime from a draft where many teams got nothing of substance.
Originally posted by YATittle:
Look at the list put together by Hungry5 of '08, '09 and '10. Even some of those he didn't boldface are playing elsewhere in the league.

'07 wasn't TT's best year, but his work since then has kept us in the Super Bowl hunt. Hope for the same this year...

The point is that '07 wasn't a good year overall for ANYONE (except San Fran, I suppose) even though there are a few big names from it. Look at Green Bay, Seattle, San Fran and Baltimore, four of the best teams this year. They're the teams that have more than one good, long-term player out of that mess (and Lynch didn't start out in Seattle).
So now SF is the gold standard? Why? They lost the NFC championship last year and lost the Superbowl this year.

What about Atlanta? What team has won more regular season games than them in the NFC the last 3 years?

The Packers won the whole damn thing 2 years ago and all of a sudden they are a second rate franchise that doesn't know how to draft or develop players?

Where's Jim Druckenmiller when you need him?
It seems fairly obvious (to me at least) that this thread is in reference to the 2007 draft and that it appears San Francisco did OK compared to others in a weak draft. I will also ask how you came to the conclusion that Green Bay is second rate? Is this another X4 example of pointing out something positive on another team means you are ripping on our favorite team?

Also not sure how you extract that San Fran is now the gold standard on how to run a franchise by the topic of this thread. Although they seem to have built a pretty nice club out there.
Rong again

The thread is all about suggesting that SF did well in one draft (and that is why they are so good) and implies the Packers did not and it's the same bubble gum argument for those that want to find fault with TT.

One or two years of anything does not make a trend.

I'll gladly take TT and the Packers long term over any other team in the NFC. Just because they don't hit on 100% of their draft picks or win a Superbowl every year doesn't make them a middle of the road team either.
Jesus H Friggin' Christ, T, Chickenboy is right. It was a crappy draft where even the good drafting teams only got a couple of good players out of it who are now in their prime and even in the Packers bad draft they still got almost as much as anyone out of it.

I guess if I post in anything but inverted pyramid some are going to think it's somehow a rip on someone. Sorry for acknowledging another team actually did something right once while also pointing out that the Packers did about as well as anyone when you look at the big picture. Lets just disregard Staley, Willis and Goldson even being drafted because it doesn't paint TT as the lord of all.

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