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Originally Posted by LarseeBear:

Screw the record books, right roger?


If it weren't for the Pack, the nflfu would be dead to me.

I agree. Leave the damn game alone. The nflfu is coming closer and closer to losing me the same way MLB and the NBA already have. The continual rule changes/pussification of the game, commercialization of the game/league and incredibly horrible and inconsistent officiating are going to be the things that finally put the nail in the coffin and make me stop watching or caring. I'm with you Larsee. If it weren't for the Pack I'd already be there.

The XFL had no extra point kicks, instead making teams always line up to convert a play for the extra point.  The idea was to eliminate a boring play, but in practicality the extra point conversion try was just as boring with an average conversion rate of 40%.  It seemed like a lot of effort for only one point.


I don't think it is broke, so leave it the way it is.

Good point about the complaints when the two point conversion was added.  I liked it then, like it now.


Kick off have to much to do with the game.  Big returns, turnovers, onside, etc.  Lots happens on KO. 


4 points for long kicks is stupid.  No other way to put it. 


I could live with the choice of lining up on the 20 or lining up on the 2, but if you elect the two, there is no option to kick.  Can't wait to see the first coach call a fake from the 20. 


Still think overtime is dum.  I like sudden death. 

One of the many desired goals for going ahead with this proposed change is the idea that this will somehow speed up the game.


I'll eat my hat if the NFL doesn't simply take the time that used to be allotted for a PAT and slot another commercial  in it's place. I predict the experience of watching a NFL game live will be no shorter. Call me a cynic, but I don't think this is much about player safety at all.

Last edited by Fond Du Arrigo
Originally Posted by Fond Du Arrigo:
One of the many desired goals for going ahead with this proposed change is the idea that this will somehow speed up the game.

Making the teams line up and go for 2 after every TD would slow the game down quite a bit. More chances for penalties and official reviews and injuries and timeouts to be called.

Removing the extra point and making a TD worth 7 would speed up the game, but it would also eliminate the chance for a 2 point conversion (a change that I liked) and be a step backward for the game IMO.

Last edited by FreeSafety
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

Making the teams line up and go for 2 after every TD would slow the game down quite a bit. More chances for penalties and official reviews and injuries and timeouts to be called.

I really doubt if there is a change it would be this. The prevailing one seems to be giving a team seven for every TD, with the option of attempting a two point conversion, with the risk of getting only six if the two point attempt fails.

Roger Goodell is a flipping idiot.


How about we keep extra points and kickoffs, and get a new NFL Commish?


Or, if he prefers, he can stand on the goal line, while the kicker stands at the five yard line. The kicker gets four steps. If he can kick Roger Goodell in the balls, and knock him over, the kicker's team gets the extra point. 


I am so ________ sick of this jackass. The lights are on, but nobody's home. 

Last edited by lambeausouth

If they're going to screw around with it, I like keeping the XP but moving it back to the 20 or 25. It should be a reward for scoring, but not a gimme. If they move it back, the D might at least try to block it rather than today's "I'm just going to stand up at the snap since this is a done deal."


And yes, if the D blocks it they should be allowed to run it back for the point. Making it a dead play on a block or partial block sucks. It might also encourage a team to put someone in the EZ in the hope of a partial block and runback. 

While I think as-is is just fine if they want to change it to make it more "exciting"  or whatever I would revert to what they do for little kids (think pewee). After a td the offense gets an untimed down, they can chose to try get back in the end zone from the 5 yard line for 1 point or from the 10 yard line for 2 points (could mix up the yardages for the NFL). I would also allow a drop kick through the uprights to be worth 1 point in both senarios. Gives you a lot of options and instead of just throwing the ball away if no one is open the qb could do a drop kick through the uprights

Offense has a choice between going for two or a free kick from the 30. (Holder and kicker only. No long snaper, rush, just a free kick) make it it's a point. Miss it and the other team has a choice between making you kick off or taking possesion at the 35.


Following each score from every game a lab in NY tests a pee sample collected from Adrian Peterson in the off season. If it comes up hot the xp is good. It's as close to automatic like the current format minus the risk of injury and every blue moon it's going the other way and surprise the crap out of everyone.

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