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Fairly will reprise his crash-test dummy role vs the Packers in October, he's now a Ram

I'm sure Josh will welcome him back to Lambeau; where he's 0-4 in his carear

There isn't a better feeling in football better than a great OL returning for another year together. That's the thing about great OL's. None of them want to let the other four down. Band of brothers. 

Agreed Chilli.


Campen can handle the interior (always could), but they brought in Marshall last year and Solari this year for their experience working with OT's.



Prior to Marshall the assistants working with Campen were former Centers Fontenot and Hilgenberg. They really had that interior covered...   Das Boot finally figured it out last year and brought in a guy who knew the edge.

Solari has some good experience, but I really liked Marshall and was disappointed to see him move on to the Jets. He is the OL coach there and not an assistant so I understand the move up. With Solari's background, I wonder how long he will stay.

Solari offered some comments upon his hiring and he said he really took his time to look for a good situation. He didn't care about being the main man, just wanted to be a part of an exemplary organization. He's also at an age when ambition slows down a bit and I don't think he currently has upward aspirations that would take him away from GB. MM knew him from KC too


It may also be a similar situation to Zook coming in for a year before taking over the lead role. Not sure what was discussed or Campen's future, but that may have played a role in his decision to choose GB and an asst role. Any upward movement for Solari might be in-house instead of with another team.

Pure speculation on my part


I think he has a longer future in GB and this isn't just a placeholder till something else comes along.

Last edited by Satori

Pete Pricso, Le Charles Bentley and Tony Boselli opine on the challenges in training OL under the new CBA and new spread offenses in college


“Colleges are sending more mentally, technically and physically unprepared players to the NFL,” Le Charles Bentley said. “Pro coaches are then expected to fix issues that have been reinforced over the last four or five years of a kid's career.”


“Offensive line coaches are so overwhelmed with responsibilities that even the most-seasoned coaches are having a hard time managing the coaching and teaching,” he said. “Offenses are getting more schematically demanding that coaches are spending most of their time getting caught up on X's and O's and lose focus on the nuances of playing the position.

Pretty interesting read Satan! Thanks for posting it.


I've never been a big James Campen fan, but his guys have kept Aaron pretty clean. Rodgers does his part in getting the ball out about as fast as anyone. I've just been less than enthused with some of the run blocking these past 4 or 5 years. Seemed improved last season, and I am hoping Solari helps there this year. I think he will.

Interesting that college football isnt doing that good of a job having guys ready for the NFL. I get that it isn't a college football's coaches job to get guys ready for the NFL but I think that the author is right when he says that they aren't ready.  So often now it seems that teams are playing this spread option/pistol/ air raid offenses and it is so finesse based I think they just aren't ready for the tougher NFL.  Which is why I actually like the job Campen has done in GB.  He has an offense that is wide open in some ways and smash mouth at other times and has molded these guys well.

The NFL is evolving into basketball on grass and the value of brute force players are going down across the league.Pass rushers are premiums, run stuffers are not as valued anymore


Spread out the defense instead of smashing them in the face.


Even in GB, the Packers front office will choose talented pass blockers over maulers every time. That's why GB struggles on 3rd and short, they simply don't spend enough time on it nor do they have the horses for it. With Rodgers at QB, it makes a lot of sense, but that doesn't mean we have to like it. 

Sitton, Lindsley, and Lang are one of the better/best interiors in the league. JMHO.

That being said, Bentley and Boselli comments make sense. Of the games I've been able to watch thus far this preseason, there has been some gawd-awful OL play from many teams. Arizona, San Fran, Seattle, Tampa Bay, Washington, and Atlanta in particular.

We haven't been immune to it either. We've had recent struggles with Newhouse and Sherrod, Barclay was marginal 2 years ago, and is having a tough time this year. We've been lucky that Daktari has over-achieved. Bulaga has been relatively solid, but has missed too much time due to injury. And they both have struggled, to say the least, against the stouter pass rushers/defensive lines.

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