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Originally posted by FreeSafety:

I doubt many of us know just how much or how little time and technical knowledge is required to keep the site running.

I'd seriously be willing to give it a try. But honestly, I have little computer "geek" knowledge. Sooo, I 'd certainly be willing to moderate or if I took over, I'd need a computer whiz by my side...which I assume it would just be easier if a computer knowledgable individual just took it over.

I work from home full-time so I'd be around just dont have the technical knowledge. I know, minor details! Wink
I think scoop took this forum as far as he could. He was a little conservative on some issues, always maintained a decent product, but held on to some posters too long and didn't do a good job of bringing new ones in. He lacked a certain creativity and when problems did arise always mumbled something how he was going to fix it. I saw him once and just felt that his facial expressions and body type aren't what's needed to take this forum to the next level. Scoop took a few immature posters and developed them into pretty damn good posters. Overall he tried but frankly I think he's come up a little short and needs to move his butt on so someone else can get this thing where we deserve it to be.

Think of the implications for me. You close down X4 and I'll have to start getting together with Henry here in Jacksonville for my Packer news...where's your humanity man? Big Grin
Originally posted by BadgerzFan:
Originally posted by Henry:
Wouldn't you all just crap if I took up the site?

Actually I don't think the site needs anyone to "take it over". I'd personally rather see someone just take the reigns of the financial and infrastructural side of x4 and leave all of the moderating to the excellent (and I'm not just saying that, I believe it) moderators this site has. There's too much balance here right now to see someone just launch in and yank the site in a whole new direction or send it down a bad one-way road like a certain other site which will remain nameless.

When you think of the people a site like this has and will impact, any transferrence of ownership cannot be something that is taken lightly. scoop needs to find the right person or this place will just go down the tubes.


Posted by me.

Not that I'm going to but I'd keep it exactly the same . . .

So why don't you just relax. I find it rather amusing that you're so upset by the thought of someone who has a different opinion possibly being at the helm.
Last edited by Henry
Originally posted by Blair Kiel:

Think of the implications for me. You close down X4 and I'll have to start getting together with Henry here in Jacksonville for my Packer news...where's your humanity man? Big Grin

What's next? Dogs and cats living together?
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
I agree. In a perfect cyber world, if there was a willing "geek" to take over the computer issues and collect the money, perhapse the 3 moderators could act as a tribunal to handle content and user issues. It would be hard to expect another to match scoop's even handedness as he oversaw everything.

I doubt many of us know just how much or how little time and technical knowledge is required to keep the site running.

I would suggest that the tribunal also include a spectrum of certain posters as well.
Originally posted by FreeSafety:
I agree. In a perfect cyber world, if there was a willing "geek" to take over the computer issues and collect the money, perhapse the 3 moderators could act as a tribunal to handle content and user issues. It would be hard to expect another to match scoop's even handedness as he oversaw everything.

PH. . .PH. . .PH. . .PH
Originally posted by Blair Kiel:

"Tribunal" sounds so...militaristic. I was actually dishonorably discharged from the Cub Scouts by a tribunal..rotten bastards.

You decided to go for your "light the scoutmaster on fire" badge?

edit: So you went for "get to "know" your livestock" badge instead. Hmmm, creepy.
As with I2H, Scoop has served us well during his tenure and we fully realize you have earned a respite.

I along with many others fully appreciate how time consuming and demanding it has been to manage this forum and thank you for a job well done.

I hope your career change brings you the satisfaction and rewards we all wish for you. If this site continues to function, it would be nice if you will still have the inkling and opportunity to share your comments with us occasionally.
My personal opinion is that someone needs to be in charge. As great as the mods are (they're awesome), there are certain things that need to be decided and for which there has to be accountability/authority. I see there are at least a few people willing to entertain the responsibility, which is great.

Computer savvy is not a huge prereq for this. If you just run this as it's set up now, there is very little that has to be done, especially if you don't play around with changing things at the top of the page (the I2H tribute, the links, the countdown clock, THE WEBATHON!, stuff like that). If you do that stuff, then you need to be able to handle a little HTML. I would help whoever took this on and would be available down the road if needed for something.

My career change: along with some other people, I'm starting a new organization to develop food banking in other countries. We are in startup phase now, and it will be extremely time-consuming. There will be a lot of travel, much of it international.

I'm sure I'll watch the board from time to time. But I probably will try to refrain from posting for the most part.

- scoop
Originally posted by scoop:
My personal opinion is that someone needs to be in charge. As great as the mods are (they're awesome), there are certain things that need to be decided and for which there has to be accountability/authority. I see there are at least a few people willing to entertain the responsibility, which is great.

Computer savvy is not a huge prereq for this. If you just run this as it's set up now, there is very little that has to be done, especially if you don't play around with changing things at the top of the page (the I2H tribute, the links, the countdown clock, THE WEBATHON!, stuff like that). If you do that stuff, then you need to be able to handle a little HTML. I would help whoever took this on and would be available down the road if needed for something.

My career change: along with some other people, I'm starting a new organization to develop food banking in other countries. We are in startup phase now, and it will be extremely time-consuming. There will be a lot of travel, much of it international.

I'm sure I'll watch the board from time to time. But I probably will try to refrain from posting for the most part.

- scoop

You are good people, Scoop. Thank you so much. You will be missed.
Can you all believe it's almost been 6 years since scoop started this site? Unbelievable. I still remember wandering over to the JSO a few days after the SB the Rams won (think it was about then) and wondering "WTF is going on here???" JSO always was a mess, but nothing looked right that day. I believe it was OldNavy or one of the other JSO posters that pointed me in the direction of scoop's site. I've spent a lot of time here posting lots of drivel. Ahh, memories.

Best of luck to you in the future scoop.

How you got my picture kind of creeps me out, not that I'm ashamed of it. Scoop international travel sounds so-----exotic. If you ever come to Florida don't forget your passport.
Originally posted by scoop:
Computer savvy is not a huge prereq for this. If you just run this as it's set up now, there is very little that has to be done, especially if you don't play around with changing things at the top of the page (the I2H tribute, the links, the countdown clock, THE WEBATHON!, stuff like that). If you do that stuff, then you need to be able to handle a little HTML. I would help whoever took this on and would be available down the road if needed for something.

I'm sure I'll watch the board from time to time. But I probably will try to refrain from posting for the most part.

- scoop

Scoop-How much time do you spend here? And as the"head"/owner of the site, how much time would be required to maintain/monitor the site?

Let me start trying to get some of the basic info down here. Bear with me while I put this together (during Monday Night Football).

The site is hosted by the company that provides the software, Groupee. It's what they call an "Eve" community. We are on the "Shaw" plan, which is $99/month, with additional charges if (when) we exceed certain limits. We run over the plan limits in some months, not so in others (e.g., off-season). Here's a link that describes the various plans and features/limits:

My time here varies tremendously, as I suspect it does for most people. Some weeks I barely have time to look in at all. Other weeks I'm here every day, several times a day. It depends on what else is going on in my life (duh!). I do think it's important to maintain a pretty good presence - absentee ownership probably wouldn't work too well. Obviously, it's tougher during bad times (and during elections!).

The moderators are extremely helpful. Tim is very good with graphics and has done a lot of the avatar work for me over the years. Legacy probably has the best feel for the "philosophy" of the board. And Benzene has...a cool avatar. Smiler

Traditionally, the board has three major "events" each year:

1) Miss x4 - March/April
2) Webathon - August (annual fundraiser)
3) FFL - September (fantasy football leagues)

The webathon is the only one of these that pretty much has to be run by the board owner/manager. The other two could be "outsourced" to others. In the past I2H ran the FFL stuff more than I did. Miss x4...well, the board owner probably would have to run that as well, if it's kept at all.

For the webathon, I've usually tried to just raise what I need to pay the bills. People are really quite good about it and it just takes a couple of weeks to raise the necessary funds.
Last edited by scoop
I have been on many boards and yours is the best as far as keeping things civil. That is so rare, and so needed. Thanks, Scoop. I wasn't here from the start like so many others, but hope it can continue with your philosophies.

Could we start another web-a-thon of donations so the new "owner" would feel secure about the financials?
Originally posted by scoop:
And Benzene has...a cool avatar. Smiler

That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. Big Grin

Seriously though, whoever does take over I hope keeps it going with the same ideals that made this forum great.

Thanks again scoop
Last edited by Benzene
I was in shock at work today when I saw this announcement. My first ppst was a misfire. Like many here, I was a member of the rollicking JS board that was abruptly terminated after the 1999 season. We had a blast over there. People were soon talking up this Times Four place as a new gathering site for us diehards, but I registered and quickly forgot about it.

One day I got an e-mail from Scoop asking me if I still wanted to be a member, since I wasn't posting. I started coming to the site, and though the community was very different, I have always enjoyed myself.

It's the pits watching the Packers stink and Holmgren and Hasselbeck roll towards the Super Bowl. Times Four changing drastically or going away would be an equal calamity.

Best to you, Scoop. Thank you so much for everything and bravo.
Thanks, Scoop.

I know that you don't care for pats on the back, but this board and the way you've run it have made a big, positive difference in the lives of a lot of people, myself included.

That your reason for leaving is so you can dedicate more time to making yet more big, positive differences for a lot of people is one of the coolest things I've ever heard.

You're a good person and a solid role model.
Scoop, thanks for the info on Second Harvest. I've been able to do some volunteer stuff right here in Jacksonville. I thought this was very cool.

Yoko Ono allowed the use of Lennon's self portrait to raise money. I think I may have to get one.

If anything, I think we'd all appreciate a little info as to how you and your organization are doing from time to time.
Originally posted by scoop:
My career change: along with some other people, I'm starting a new organization to develop food banking in other countries. We are in startup phase now, and it will be extremely time-consuming. There will be a lot of travel, much of it international.


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