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Geez, I go away for a month and this place starts to disintegrate! Falling apart from the top down! Wink

Scoop - you created a nice little community of people here, and can hand it off with the satisfaction that a LOT of people have enjoyed the experience. Heck, I met my husband because of this site!!! Eeker I feel like I owe you some kind of commission or something.

If you're ever anywhere near the Twin Cities I want to make you a nice, homemade dinner ... and maybe we'll invite Chickenboy too. Big Grin

Thanks for all you've done, and best of luck on your future career. We're big supporters of the local food shelf ourselves. For our wedding we asked guests to bring food shelf contributions instead of wedding gifts. Because of our generous guests we were able to deliver 1300 pounds of food that day (and check contributions of $1100 too). It's a noble cause - good for you.

And to whoever takes over --- what's your policy about members that are fans of other teams? wave3
After reading Viking girls post I got to thinking

-This site is responsible for at least one wedding

-The place you go for info on Direct TV or Vacation plans

-We have had at least one fake death (Old Sarge, New Sarge, Peekaboo)

-I shed a tear for a man I never new I2H

-Wedding/engagement/tattoo/job advice

-Birth announcements, anniversary announcements, birthdays

-All in all this is a pretty cool place to visit. The best part is indeed the hodge podge of posters and thought processes. It is a real cross section of america brought together by the love of (mostly) Packer football.

I have even managed to win several bets here Big Grin
Originally posted by iowacheese:
After reading Viking girls post I got to thinking

-This site is responsible for at least one wedding

-The place you go for info on Direct TV or Vacation plans

-We have had at least one fake death (Old Sarge, New Sarge, Peekaboo)

-I shed a tear for a man I never new I2H

-Wedding/engagement/tattoo/job advice

-Birth announcements, anniversary announcements, birthdays

-All in all this is a pretty cool place to visit. The best part is indeed the hodge podge of posters and thought processes. It is a real cross section of america brought together by the love of (mostly) Packer football.

I have even managed to win several bets here Big Grin
This is also the site where many of us got our news during 9/11 because those of us at work had no way of getting updates since the news websites were down.

You've run one heck of a community Scoop, I'm sad to see you go and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
IowaC: Don't forget about the minute by minute postings on 911.

I know this about 911. I will never forget where I was when I first saw/heard of it. I will never forget trying to get into the base that day and I will never forget x4 on that day. As a matter of fact my first reaction once I saw the television was to come here and help keep others appraised of what was happening.
Originally posted by oldnavy:
IowaC: Don't forget about the minute by minute postings on 911.

I know this about 911. I will never forget where I was when I first saw/heard of it. I will never forget trying to get into the base that day and I will never forget x4 on that day. As a matter of fact my first reaction once I saw the television was to come here and help keep others appraised of what was happening.

Good point OldNavy, Intersting you mention that.

I didn't think of it because I was nowhere near a computer. I had just arrived at Trinity Lutheran School in Davenport to teach DARE class. I ended up watching the events unfold on TV with 5th Graders and school staff. I stayed at the school the rest of the day to help ease fears, even though I really had no clue what all was going on.

I have caught alot of breaking news here, this is one of the first two or three sites I open each day.
It is hard to believe that it has been 5 1/2 years since I joined this site. there have been plenty of good laughs along with some good football discussion. Of all the comings and goings of posters this one certainly has a finality to it. I wish I had the time and/or patience to maintain something like this but my job usually demands too much for me to even have a normal life now. I was looking at some of the other thread titles and thought....

"The Packers fail to keep Scoop from Retirement"
Originally posted by MN Cheese:
Thanks, Scoop.

I know that you don't care for pats on the back, but this board and the way you've run it have made a big, positive difference in the lives of a lot of people, myself included.

That your reason for leaving is so you can dedicate more time to making yet more big, positive differences for a lot of people is one of the coolest things I've ever heard.

You're a good person and a solid role model.

Yeah..what he said.
After reading Viking girls post I got to thinking

-This site is responsible for at least one wedding

-The place you go for info on Direct TV or Vacation plans

-We have had at least one fake death (Old Sarge, New Sarge, Peekaboo)

-I shed a tear for a man I never new I2H

-Wedding/engagement/tattoo/job advice

-Birth announcements, anniversary announcements, birthdays

-All in all this is a pretty cool place to visit. The best part is indeed the hodge podge of posters and thought processes. It is a real cross section of america brought together by the love of (mostly) Packer football.

I have even managed to win several bets here

Dido on all of what you said. I have come here asking for advice and everything from marriage to what kind of oil to put in my car. Huge cross section of personality types and expertise on every kind of subject imagineable. I'm not sure I have the time or patience to keep it going. Scoop, please keep us informed of the date you plan to pull the plug. Maybe one of us could step up to the plate at the last second.
Originally posted by Deadhead Archer:
Originally posted by iowacheese:
After reading Viking girls post I got to thinking

-This site is responsible for at least one wedding

-The place you go for info on Direct TV or Vacation plans

-We have had at least one fake death (Old Sarge, New Sarge, Peekaboo)

-I shed a tear for a man I never new I2H

-Wedding/engagement/tattoo/job advice

-Birth announcements, anniversary announcements, birthdays

-All in all this is a pretty cool place to visit. The best part is indeed the hodge podge of posters and thought processes. It is a real cross section of america brought together by the love of (mostly) Packer football.

I have even managed to win several bets here Big Grin
This is also the site where many of us got our news during 9/11 because those of us at work had no way of getting updates since the news websites were down.

You've run one heck of a community Scoop, I'm sad to see you go and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

I remember many posters this board worrying about Kworst on 9/11!!
I left the Army at the end of 2000 (or so I thought) "joined" X4 and then was recalled to the Army after after 9/11
I got support when I was promoted, when my mother died, when I was sent to Iraq/Kuwait, when I was medevac to germany, returned to duty, had a friend die in my arms, started a DVD library, got supplies for female troops, was sent to Walter Reed, when I finally came home...the list goes on and on. This place feels like home.
Thanks Scoop and thanks to the rest of you all.
Originally posted by scoop:
FRZ has graciously agreed to take over.

"The king is dead! Long live the king!"

Thanks for getting this wonderful place off the ground, and sticking with it for nearly six years.

Please drop by and let us know how your new endeavor is working out.

Best of luck to FRZ, and thanks in advance for saving X4 from possible oblivion.
Thanks FRZ! Now I don't have to worry about how to be a tribunal! Big Grin Eeker

Scoop, what can I say. Thanks for so much for so much, as others have said, especially the opportunity to meet some great Packer fans (and a few of the noble opposition), both online and in real life. Okay, so I already knew Quiet One, but thanks for the rest. Wink A great crowd here, who can be witty or silly, then turn around and be doggedly determined and serious in things they feel strongly about, or in helping or supporting another, for the great majority even the strong opinions expressed in a very thoughtful, level-headed manner without going off into snappish or ad hominem attacks, and then join to chat during a game or just yak about brat recipes. X4 is jam-packed with articulate and intelligent folks whose input you feel quite confident in trusting, in all manner of things from cars to computers to baby names. Which is probably why so many do. If the world was a macrocosm of x4, I think it would be a nicer place.

...Legacy probably has the best feel for the "philosophy" of the board...

And thanks for that nice compliment. blush

We'll miss you, toobad so please don't just lurk forever; do post once in a while eventually (even stuff that's not Legacy-directed compliment stuff would be okay! Wink ), especially once you feel FRZ has his sea legs under him and you wouldn't feel like you might be undermining his new authority or something by giving your opinion on who to draft next year or what's the best toothpaste or something.

The last couple weeks have been a bit jam packed and stressful for me, but I'll try to be around here to help in whatever ways I can with the transitions such as they may be. Yes, I remember x4 as a "lifeboat" both from the sinking JSO board and on 9/11. I was one of the first people at work to know what was happening. Nothing I read or saw in any news outlet at any point in that story had quite the impact on me of kworst's "au natural" post as to what he witnessed, written in his own harried words when he first posted to let us know he was okay.

Just because I am giddy enough, like a little kid, to want to let everyone know: this weekend I finally got a real actual copy of that most excellent Brett and Bart photo that I've been using as my avatar! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Yippee!! (BTW, is it just that some setting of mine got messed up, or are only some animations working for others, too?)

So, Scoop, are you really going off to feed the world, or did you figure that was the only possible way we'd let you go without sending ninja cyber sleuths to hunt you down and drag you back? Wink Wink Farewell and following seas, Scoop, and the very best of luck in your new quest. Feed the world, let them know it's Christmastime Santa , and all that, knowing that all of x4 is behind you all the way.

I feel like I'm attending Washington's farewell to the troops, or one of those moments when a Patton or MacArthur retires from action. So as one who's been privileged to be one of the "junior officers," under your command, I'll send you off with a big "ref" salute:

Last edited by Legacy

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