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Sports radio and now the pregame shows are fixated on Tim Tebow and how he should or shouldn't be the Jets starting QB. I've said before, I don't understand the love or the hate surrounding this guy but the reality is he causes a hurricane of emotions.

That said, why in the world would any team add this guy to their roster? He's just good enough in spots to cause you to think he is the answer, but he'll never be good enough to win the big one. All he does is create problems due to the media circus that surrounds him.... which IMO isn't his fault.
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It was bound to happen eventually. The Jets are a complete joke right now and Tebow being on the team only makes things more difficult. Should be quite entertaining to see how this shakes out with Rex and the Jets......
New York, Ryan, and Sanchez all deserve each other. Adding Tebow in the mix is just a spoon to keep the sauce constantly simmering

I don't think Sanchez was ever going to be a "superstar" QB, but he could've been a step above the Flacco/Romo/Cassell-tier of QB's. Now that Rex has worked his 'magic', he'll be lucky to be in the league in another 3 years.
2-3 years ago I mentioned how Rex is one of those head coaches that wins initially but in the end loses and is terminated. He's a ticking time bomb and Tebow accelerated the fuse
The only reasons to sign Tebow are 1: you want the media circus, and/or 2: you want your existing QB to fail. The problem with number two is that if it works, then you have to start looking for a new QB...because you know Tebow isn't going to be the answer.

Like Timmy said, Sanchez was never going to be a superstar, but he would have been in a better position to succeed had management not brought the circus to town.

Couldn't be happening to a better team though....somebody has to be the laughing stock of the NFL. The Queens apparently decided to take a year off from that role.
"I think he's definitely our guy" Rex said about Mark Sanchez.

The only thing he missed was a 'maybe' at the end of the quote.

Rex will be missing the Floriduh vote with comments about Tim and the wildcat are not working. I hope Tim is still praying for Rex.
AS everyone knows, TT is not a good QB, but the guy wins, and there is something to be said for that. I lived in TT heartland (next to BK) for many years, and had to deal with the TT crazies. The guy is still a winner. Tell me the last time a playoff winning QB, gets traded after the season, CRAZY!?!?!
But the goal isn't to win a single playoff game; it's to win a championship. Anyone who watched the Broncos lose to the Patriots last year could see that Tebow is a ways away from a championship QB. Hard to blame the Broncos for upgrading from Tebow to Manning.
No offense but that whole "he's a winner" stuff is a crock. Would anyone aside from a bares fan call Jay Cutler a "winner"? He went to a championship game and lost just like TT did. Bart Starr is considered a "winner" yet he lost a hell of a lot more games than he won as a HC. \rant
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Just a slight upgrade there... More importantly, I think Denver realized the circus that surrounds Tim Tebow and wanted him out of town because of it.

This is probably right. But do they trade him before they know that they have Peyton?
Originally posted by Shoeless Joe:
So they're all "a winner" too then, right?

Picking a fight, eh? I wouldn't consider every QB that lost their last game a winner. I would consider QB's that find ways to win, "winners". It's not all on the QB, but you can't argue that TT was 8-5, and probably won 2-3 of those games last year when they shouldn't of.
Isn't it amazing how heavily debated Tim Tebow is? Like I said when I started this thread, I just don't get the hype one way or the other on the guy. He's talked about more in NFL circles than any other player, yet he's nowhere near a top player. Crazy.
Originally posted by bdplant:
The only reasons to sign Tebow are 1: you want the media circus, and/or 2: you want your existing QB to fail.

3 is quite possibly tickets. The Jets have quite a bit of trouble selling tickets because they priced out their more traditionally blue collar fans when they opened up the new stadium...they're still having trouble. They have commercials all the time around here for tickets.
Sanchez needs a lot of help to be a Super Bowl winner. They already lost their shutdown corner. Might as well sell Tebow. I am suspecting Rex was looking for a higher powered offense and this is a way to get a higher level of attention.
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
If Tim Tebow played baseball I think the 2002 A's would have signed him!

...and they'd have to extend the nets up the first base line to protect the fans. I think there's a chance he's actually right handed and never realized it. Razzer
Sanchez can't perform because he has a new backup? Boo Hoo

Just another over-rated QB from perennially over-rated USC. But it's Tebow's fault.

Just like the rest of fat spoiled degenerating American society, it has to be somebody else's fault.

"Gimme gimme gimme....I need I need I need."- What about Bob?

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