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Originally Posted by cuqui:

Grave Digger grinning ear to ear reading the last dozen or so posts.

In the end we are arguing about why the Packers failed which shouldn't make anyone happy. There are stats and quotes and articles that back up both sides of the argument. For me it comes down to the differences between the 2010 and the 2011-2013 teams: Nick Collins, Chuck Woodson, Cullen Jenkins, Des Bishop, Walden vs MD Jennings/Jerron McMillan, ??Casey Hayward, ??Mike Neal, Bead Jones, ??Palmer. Fortunately the improvements have been made and the personnel upgraded and the 2015 D was much improved. If they had held out for 5 minutes longer we are possibly talking about a championship D. Clay to the middle probably was the biggest factor, but Peppers, Dix, Daniels, etc. all being added or improving is truly what made the turnaround happen.
Last edited by Grave Digger
Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

... I also think all those big game meltdown have to rest in some part on the defensive coordinator...



Yeah, I thought it was strange when he said something like the team didn't even practice against a read-option offense (paraphrased) after the first big loss to SF.
That we saw essentially the same thing happen against them the following year was even stranger.


I think we had the talent to win either of those games, and the last couple vs the Seahawks as well. The fact that we absolutely crapped the bed in all of them cannot be denied.


Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

Is this the Bears OTA this year?  They look a little to young to compete.  Looks like they could use a little work in the weight room too.  Now I am not so concerned about the first game of the year. 

Since FA really kicked in the mid 90's, we have seen the near impossibility of fielding a team with both a great O and a great D.  This team has had a great O since MM got here and it has had a great D one year; the result was a title.  TT has been lights out in drafting O, not so much on D.  Not related to FA but another truism in that you don't see any GMs that consistently succeed in drafting great O and D players equally.  The trick is really having one great side of football and then be just good enough on the other.  These Packers have flirted with that equation since MM and AR have taken the reigns.

Originally Posted by CAPackFan95:

nnhn uymm  eeah hmm yeeemmm mmmnhhhhh


What a complete and utter tool. Good... luck, with that... San Francisco...


Oh My GOD! Unbefrickinglievable!

Last edited by Boris

Brian Carriveau of Railbird Central and CHTV fame has a post out today talking about how MM is in the defensive meetings challenging Capers, challenging the players and challenging the status quo. Das Boot


"In our meetings instead of just being there, watching the film, watching how the installs go, he's actually in there challenging our minds as players.




Here's an earlier article interviewing Mike Martz about the best offensive minds in the game. Its a good read and sheds a little light on what a talented offensive guy like MM can bring to the table... for a defense. The text makes more sense in the article cause of the added pictures, but I pulled some out anyway for the link-challenged


Great football tickles Mike Martz. Outstanding audibles make him squeal. Well-drawn-up plays send him into man-crush mode.

“You want to talk about a great coach?” he asks. “Check out Mike McCarthy.”


"On first-and-10 near midfield, Rodgers recognizes a defensive alignment and checks to a run off the left guard. Eddie Lacy takes the handoff for 29 yards, setting up a Packers touchdown. ( vs vikes)


“This is a run check. See the two tackles, outside shade on the guards? You never have that unless it’s third-and-long. It’s probably going to be a double plug up the middle by the backers. So you check to this run, and if he gets through there, there’s no scraping linebacker. You’ve got to look at a lot of tape and really understand the defense to know that’s going to happen.” 


“This cracks me up. McCarthy knows that when he’s in a certain personnel, [Vikings head coach Mike] Zimmer will leave the safety on the short side of the field responsible for half the field with the safety and the other cornerback responsible for the other half. His stat guy is telling him that. ( Mike Eayrs)


“Playing defense is about rules,” Martz says. “If you understand their rules, you can put them in bad positions … when you know the defensive rules and you don’t take advantage of them, you ought to be fired.”


Article also talks about how the Chargers HC, Mike McCoy neutered the seahawks defense last year too. Good stuff

Sorry, this is what I think of when I see the thread title.


The Wizard

Misty morning, clouds in the sky
Without warning, the wizard walks by
Casting his shadow, weaving his spell
Funny clothes, tinkling bell
Never talking
Just keeps walking
spreading his magic
Evil power disappears
Demons worry when the wizard is near
He turns tears into joy
Everyone's happy when the wizard walks by
Never talking
Just keeps walking
spreading his magic
Sun is shining, clouds have gone by
All the people give a happy sigh
He has passed by, giving his sign
Left all the people feeling so fine
Never talking
Just keeps walking
spreading his magic

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