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Dallas had to respect play action due to the run game. If you were like me and was like "where the hell were guys like Randall Cobb before this?!:!" that's why.

Minus Jordy, this is a team that has to set up the run to get the pass going. That's precisely what they did. Not only was Lacy effective but at one point late in the game Starks was up to nearly 6 yards a crack.

Dallas was forced into a lot of zone play. Which finally allowed Cobb, Jones and those screens to be open and available.


Let's turn this into the + / - thread.

+  Tretter and O line in general

    12 made some sweet throws and his scrambles sparked the second half scores

     Eddie and Starks were nails

     This was the Randall Cobb I remember    

     I thought the offensive scheming was the best in months and MM was great as play caller. He tinkered at the beginning of the second half as he always has but had the wisdom to go run heavy in both formations and calls today. Great to see quick throws and well-run comeback routes again

     Defense in general was great except for the two long runs which Jake Ryan and HHCD were mostly to blame for

     Randall and Rollins are flat out ballers

     Janis! and Chris Banjo were da bombs on ST coverage

No minuses that I'll cite -- nice to see a smart offensive approach and execution for the first time in months!

Last edited by ilcuqui


Janis with the special teams MVP.  We might see Janis! grow up to be Travis Jervey right before our eyes.  

Green Bay fan really, really, really want Lacy to work out for this team.  You can feel the fans just collectively hoping every run will amount to something.  Good for you Eddie for having a nice day.  I still hope we don't sign you to a second contract.  

Abby on the field = a win.  Dude does SO many little things that people just don't notice.


Tom Brady would have been pleased as punch to have Clement bumped upstairs.  

Tretter is more athletic than Linsley...Linsley reminds me a bit of Frankie Winters....lunch pail guy.

Of bigger concern is TJ Lang getting his ass whipped up front by Greg Hardy and almost getting AR killed (again).

IMHO, the thing that made the run game work so well today was the liberal (and effective) use of the screen passes. Something Clements didn't seem to have a grasp of.

El-Ka-Penisbreath posted:

Abby on the field = a win.  Dude does SO many little things that people just don't .  

One I noticed was when Adams was sent to the bench and the Cobb catch over the middle on (I think) 3rd and 13. Abbrederis ran a perfect "hook route", stopping and turning on a dime, that turned out to be a great pick for Cobb to break open.

I think Rodgers is still shaking off the yips.  That's the other reason Clements should be run out of town.  One of Rodgers stronger traits is protecting the ball.  It worked against him when that moron Clements kept calling the same failed scheme.  Now Rodgers is going to have to get his rhythm back with Cobb, Jones and Monty in a more run orientated scheme.

As in, give Abbrederis the start over Adams?  He looked way better overall despite no catches.

If they watch the FOX feed, that failed 3rd down where Rodgers had to throw it in the dirt because Dopevante stopped his route should be a tell-all.  AR is glaring Adams down afterwards and you see AR say, "That's bullsh*t!" 

To be fair, AR could have been saying that to the ref, but I really don't think so. There was no penalty, just a horrendous route and effort by #17.

[{Going to keep beating the Bench Adams drum.  It worked on Clements.}]

Last edited by Pistol GB

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