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Capers & the defense! Pressure and creativity galore. The whole defense.

Grant had a pretty good game, for the opportunities he had.

McCarthy is like Garrett, inept. Seriously, Havner to block Ware numerous times? That's a total clusterfrak of a scheme.

Penalties: The Cowboys are as bad as teh PAckers in that area.
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THAT was the Capers defense I was expecting after the preseason.

That was the best offense we played so far this year, and they had to claw to get a garbage time TD.

Key: all the third down stops.
+ the D
Rodgers is still playing

- still the O-line and flags. Same ol same ol...

Special teams did not give up a long return but our punter is questionable. I thought he started out the season o.k. but this game...a lot of short punts and line drives.
Garbage TD at the end aside, a thorough physical beat down ass kicking on defense against a very good NFL offense.

Woodson is ridiculous.

Driver never stops trying.

MM play calling was actually half way decent at times.


Someone either get MM lasix or someone else holds the challenge flag.


Biggest + to Nick Barnett!

For years I've been pissing and moaning about how 95% of the time he gets through on the blitz he just ends up running right past the quarterback. But today when Nick got back there the quarterback went down.

Biggest - was having to sit through that first half which was even more boring than watching a soccer game!
Like Aikman said, Jenkins, Pickett, and Jolly were stout--and they've generally been stout most of the season. Big difference was that blitzers got to the passer today.

Woodson and Barnett were very good.
Originally posted by who:
What IS the deal with Colledge? Does he need to put on twenty pounds, or get stronger, or both?

Have no clue. He is doing that stupid "sit down with Daryn" crap each week and yucking it up but he just seems to have regressed big time playing at times WORSE then his rookie year. Hell Deitrich-Smith looked better then him today. And that's pretty pathetic....

Bigby, taking good angles
Matthews, head is un-rookie like
Hawk, although he has a hard time keeping his feet while blitzing
Interior O-line, yes you heard it. Clifton is their worst Lman. Looks like a rook.
Grant, just makes the most out of his ability (doesn't have big time ability)
Driver, woke the team up on that one drive, extending the chains.


Pace, pace, pace. Did I say pace? What in the heck is Rodgers thinking? Does he think he has to look cool? He's got physical ability, but no mental ability.
Not seeing Jerry Jones mug all day, at least I never saw it.

Penalties yet again
Lack of rythem on O
Bad challenge by MM
Did I mention penalties
Originally posted by RatPack:
+ Beat Jerruh and his thugs

_ Listened to Ackman and some balding guy

I thought Aikman acted more homer today. A DAL DB was bumping a GB WR and he said that it was within 5 yds and a good play. The next time DAL got the ball a GB DB was bumping a DAL WR within 5 yds. and he said it looked like he might of got away with one.
Great game, very little to complain about but here's my nitpick. Why call an inside handoff to Jackson on 3rd and 22? What I did like is that the slant and the screen have finally returned. What the hell took so long??

I made my fiancee stop in some craphole bar in Bumblef**k between here and Palm Springs to watch the game.
CMIII - the REAL deal
Woody - nuff said. Best DB in the game
MM has not lost this locker room. They played their guts out today.
Physical approach to the game, and it led to a slow, steady beatdown.


Crosby sucks.
Posterity only, but I was hoping they wouldn't give up the garbage-time TD to Mr. Overrated QB.
Wells playing shows that Colledge needs a big C next to him to be effective. He gets abused when he's the 'bulk' on that gap.

It's been 13 months since GBP fans could feel really satisfied with a nice win. I'm going to enjoy it this week and worry about the warts (insane penalty volume) after awhile. Beating these clowns is always a huge boost.

They actually made an effort to run the ball
Woodson- simply awesome
The LBs actually swarmed around the ball and made plays
Good ST coverage today


This is still the worst pass blocking OL in the league
MM has to stop with the long FG attempts
Penalties- still way too many
We didn't get the shutout Big Grin
The team had fire today, especially the defense - let's hope they can keep it going.

Woodson, Matthews, Jolly, Jenkins and others, but especially these guys.

Great gameplan by Capers.

MM stuck to the run, and we stuck it to the hated Cowboys



MM being his same dumb self, not knowing the rules, mostly bad playcalling except sticking with the run.


GREAT WIN!!! I'm glad I was wrong about the outcome.
Vets rose to the occasion
Rodgers some pinpoint passes
As progressed players gained confidence

Crosby misses again...coaching needs to get his attention
Havner blew two plays that resulted in smashing sacks
Jolly is a hot head and needs to calm down before he gets another stupid flag
MM wasting a challenge; when he should have challenged the spot and not the TD
MM trying to waste a third challenge
Some players still need to get a sense of urgency
Some questionable playcalling
Just today, Woodson:

1. Tackled strong and physically.
2. Shut down one of the best TE's in the league.
3. Was a ball hawk.
4. Forced fumbles.
5. Brought the heat on Romo and forced another TO there.

That's pretty much the whole package you could ask for in any football player, and he put it all on display in one afternoon. He was the most fun player to watch for either team today.

It was also nice to see the OL step up their game to almost mediocre. They've been an abomination in every game that mattered so far this year, and even when they're just below average, this is what happens.
How many DB's can play such superlative coverage that they have TWO INT's in the endzone like Woodson had today and against the ******* (even tho it was called a bogus penalty)?

He is special.

And like you said, JJSD, the other things. The blitzing. The run defense.
+++ Green Bay wins

+++ I live outside of Dallas, and will be able to hear Randy Galloway rip the Cowboys. "Overreaction Monday. Cows lose, Cows lose....Cows suck!"

+++ I love me some Charles Woodson!!!

-- McCarthy's challenges.
++ Rodgers got better as the game went on. Seemed like he started waaay off, and then got steadier and steadier, more accurate and less rattled.
++ Woodson. 'Nuff said.
++ No turnovers for us; we got three! (We dropped two but got each back.)
++ Jones -- seven tackles and it's his first start? Maybe move AK inside again?

+/- MM almost called a game with some consistency

-- STs. *sigh*
+ had a sound gameplan and executed

+ 2 times AR had time in the pocket to survey the field, both resulted in 10+ yard passes and guys hit in stride.

Imagine if he could stand in the pocket 4 times a game.
Disgusting, isn't it Blueshound? They've given themselves very little room for error the rest of the way now.

Fortunately we came out of this game relatively unscathed as far as injuries are concerned.
+ The Packers rose to the occasion!
+ Capers brought it!
+ Romo was sacked more than Rodgers!
+ Roy Williams sucks!
+ Sep, my Sep!

- Not sure why the Packers didn't do this last week.
- Not sure why the Packers didn't do this against the *******.

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