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Originally Posted by SanDiegoPackFan:

really Ammo?  That's your comeback?  Fox doesn't know it all, they just give you ALL the news.   I watch Fox News (not the shows necessarily) but the news so I can actually get the news.  Then, I can make a decision about it.  When I watch the alphabet networks, all I get is what they think is important.  (i.e., the Jonathon Gruber fiasco...nothing on the alphabet networks....this is the biggest story of government deceit since...well, since the IRS scandal that still going on).


I do hope whether you are liberal or conservative that you can admit that the alphabet networks shields viewers from what is actually going on out in the world.  All you get is a liberal slant.  I watch Fox so I get both.


I'm sorry if that offends people.





You do realize that studies have been done on this very topic by Universities and they show that FOX is the biggest offender in terms of providing slanted news?  There have also been studies down on how misinformed people are on issues based on where they gather their news.  Guess who came in last.

If you really do want unbiased news, go here -

Last edited by BrainDed
Originally Posted by BrainDed:


You do realize that studies have been done on this very topic by Universities and they show that FOX is the biggest offender in terms of providing slanted news?  There have also been studies down on how misinformed people are on issues based on where they gather their news.  Guess who came in last.

If you really do want unbiased news, go here -

Pssh! More liberal pish posh. I get my news from the KKK website. Fair and Balanced!!!

The next planet was inhabited by a tippler. This was a very short visit, but it plunged the little prince into deep dejection.

"What are you doing there?" he said to the tippler, whom he found settled down in silence before a collection of empty bottles and also a collection of full bottles.



"I am drinking," replied the tippler, with a lugubrious air.

"Why are you drinking?" demanded the little prince.

"So that I may forget," replied the tippler.

"Forget what?" inquired the little prince, who already was sorry for him.

"Forget that I am ashamed," the tippler confessed, hanging his head.

"Ashamed of what?" insisted the little prince, who wanted to help him.

"Ashamed of drinking!" The tipler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence.

And the little prince went away, puzzled.

"The grown-ups are certainly very, very odd," he said to himself, as he continued on his journey.

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