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Originally Posted by The Ref fka Blair Kiel:

...and I'm not giving my brown help a Christmas bonus this year ( or the day off for that matter) on account of you snarky liberals.


Can I get extra credit for yard work if I apply it to my "brown servant appreciation" thesis?

Last edited by Henry
Originally Posted by Goalline:
Originally Posted by BrainDed:


You do realize that studies have been done on this very topic by Universities and they show that FOX is the biggest offender in terms of providing slanted news?  There have also been studies down on how misinformed people are on issues based on where they gather their news.  Guess who came in last.

If you really do want unbiased news, go here -

Pssh! More liberal pish posh. I get my news from the KKK website. Fair and Balanced!!!



Originally Posted by ammo:

what the hell is FOX an abbreviations of? 

A synonym.... FAUX

Last edited by Boris

Any network that would hire Sarah Palin cannot be taken seriously.  Who's their news director ? Joseph Gobbels? Last time I watched fox news was the last Presidential election night. Comedy gold!  Almost as good as The Score after a Bores loss! 

I am having difficulty understand which are pluses and which are minuses. But the one thing I do know is a couple of the posts were kind of blah blah blah blah blah blah blah................................................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

There was another one involving Jordy at about the 11 minute mark of the second quarter. Live it looked like he was not touched, he thought he was not touched. On the one replay I saw t appears that he may have been tOuched by the d backs foot but it was never shown again.

Perhaps the refs blew the whistle?  Correct me if I am wrong, but IF they blew the whistle, there is nothing to investigate as the play is over.

Originally Posted by Packiderm:
Originally Posted by Fond Du Arrigo:

Any poster who draws a parallel between Sarah Palin and Joseph Goebbels cannot be taken seriously. 

Why not? The're both short a few fries from a Happy Meal!


Goebbels was brilliant in methodically selling evil.  Palin just draws a herd of idiots who want to squeeze her conservaboobies.  

Last edited by Henry
I spent the first 3 quarters yelling "hit the hole and go Eddie!!!" He was leaving a ton of yards on the field. Someone must have said something- 4th Q he was plant and cut and getting those yards. Going to need that Sunday.


I do hope whether you are liberal or conservative that you can admit that the alphabet networks shields viewers from what is actually going on out in the world.  All you get is a liberal slant.  I watch Fox so I get both.

And that would be all the news?


Hell, for just one example, google Fukishima.  The Pacific Ocean is dying and practically no American is aware.


Yay Fox!  Yay MSNBC!

Originally Posted by BrainDed:
Originally Posted by SanDiegoPackFan:

really Ammo?  That's your comeback?  Fox doesn't know it all, they just give you ALL the news.   I watch Fox News (not the shows necessarily) but the news so I can actually get the news.  Then, I can make a decision about it.  When I watch the alphabet networks, all I get is what they think is important.  (i.e., the Jonathon Gruber fiasco...nothing on the alphabet networks....this is the biggest story of government deceit since...well, since the IRS scandal that still going on).


I do hope whether you are liberal or conservative that you can admit that the alphabet networks shields viewers from what is actually going on out in the world.  All you get is a liberal slant.  I watch Fox so I get both.


I'm sorry if that offends people.





You do realize that studies have been done on this very topic by Universities and they show that FOX is the biggest offender in terms of providing slanted news?  There have also been studies down on how misinformed people are on issues based on where they gather their news.  Guess who came in last.

If you really do want unbiased news, go here -

National Public Radio???!!!  Are you serious?  Now that is funny.  I hope that's not where you get your "news".  


Originally Posted by ammo:

I take it alphabet networks are CBS, ABC, NBC. All are three letters. I'd like to know how FOX is any different.  At least I know what ABC, NBC and CBS are abbreviations of, what the hell is FOX an abbreviations of? 

seriously?  you just got that?  That's been the case ever since another networks' news programs started broadcasting both sides of the issue.   The "Alphabet" Networks are the lamestream liberal media.   They slant their 30 minute nightly news so far to the left that Fox (Fox Corporation and a name of an animal) news (fair and balanced) is called conservative when in reality it represents middle America.  The liberals just can't stand that so they attack and the "alphabet" networks follow suit.  It's been going on for so long that everyone is so used to it...that is until 1996. 


Now Americans have a choice:  The Liberal Slant or hearing all news stories whether they rip the Republican's or Democrat's platforms--at least you'll know about it by watching Fox News.   Bill O'Reilly is the new Walter Cronkite...except O'Reilly is an Independent and Cronkite it turned out was a liberal Democrat.  But at least Cronkite kept it hidden until his later years.  Brokaw, Williams, Rather, the ABC Englishman all were blatant about their liberalism.  Hence, the declining viewership and importance of the network's Nightly News programs.


All you guys/gals are great Packer Fans and are very funny...I laugh reading some of YOU'RE attacks...I'm sure you all mean well.



now can you all just STFU?




Originally Posted by Pikes Peak:

After Obama's immigration speech (right after) they had on Michele Bachmann and Louie Gohmert....fair and balanced fer sure. Cons and baggers ate it up.

Well, then you didn't watch much of their coverage.  They had Bob Bechtel and Kirsten Powers, too.  Fox had the #1 ratings of all cable and network news outlets for their Election Night coverage....AGAIN.


I just don't get why everyone is so afraid of getting ALL the news.  The attacks are just "comedy Gold, Jerry" guys are just like that spoiled 3-year-old named  "Cooper" or "Skylar" or "Dylan"...waaaaa.....I want to go back to the 1970's when I had 3 Liberal Networks and PBS.


 I love you guys!



Now bend over and just STFU.


Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Packiderm:
Originally Posted by Fond Du Arrigo:

Any poster who draws a parallel between Sarah Palin and Joseph Goebbels cannot be taken seriously. 

Why not? The're both short a few fries from a Happy Meal!


Goebbels was brilliant in methodically selling evil.  Palin just draws a herd of idiots who want to squeeze her conservaboobies.  

let me guess, probably believe that Hitler was an excellent orator.  


The forums moderators help keep discussions on target and help keep the peace when things get heated.

Seriously, shouldn't this thread get locked??  Or at least moved to the non-football side of the house.

Last edited by PackLandVA
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