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I know this has been discussed at least once in the last 12 years but....

I really don't like anyone but the Packers now. I don't care whether any other team wins or not (I do like to see certain teams lose). When I was young, I used to cheer for the Baltimore Colts if the Packers weren't playing them. I must have felt that way for quite a while because I remember cheering for both Unitas and Bert Jones.
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I was always a Chargers fan. THey were frequently on the 3:00 game after the Packers, and they we're a really exciting team to watch with Air Coryell, Fouts, Muncie, JJ, Chandler, Joiner... funny how I can't recall a single defensive player. Willie Buchanon. There, I got one. Smiler
For reasons I can't explain, NFL is the only sport where there isn't another team where I kind of root for/hope they do well if my favorite team isn't doing well. IT's Packers or bust for me. The local teams in my area(Niners and Raiders) I flatout despise. I'm indifferent towards the Chargers but admit that I laughed at their postseason failures/choke jobs
I have a bit of a soft spot for the Cleveland Browns I guess. They have a great tradition and a great bunch of fans, it's too bad their franchise's owners have been so awful as of late. Art Modell stole their team, and shortly after they fought hard enough to win their team back, a rich boy flunky who is pretty bad in his own right inherits the the franchise from his father.
Growing up, when the Cowboys had Tom Landry, they were my second favorite team. I really started hating them, oddly enough, when I moved to Texas. That pretty much coincided with Jerry Jones, the white trash richie, not even having the guts to fire Landry in person. Tom had to find out by the television. I idolized Roger Staubach growing up, so that was the death of the Boys to me (though I still like several of the players on their team-Jason Witten first and foremost).

I liked the Niners under Bill Walsh a lot, which wasn't too long after Roger retired. Montana was my favorite football player until Don Majkowski came around. I guess I've always been a fan of offensive football.
Originally posted by CAPackfan:
For reasons I can't explain, NFL is the only sport where there isn't another team where I kind of root for/hope they do well if my favorite team isn't doing well. IT's Packers or bust for me. The local teams in my area(Niners and Raiders) I flatout despise. I'm indifferent towards the Chargers but admit that I laughed at their postseason failures/choke jobs

I can root for other teams, so long as my rooting doesn't in any way harm the Packers. If two teams want to beat the piss out of each other, more power to them. Just clear a path for the Pack to go to the Super Bowl.
Buffalo Bills, as i have stated before here, my team from the AFC.

Don't burn me, but I was OJ's biggest fan when he ran behind the "Electric Company". The snow in Buffalo and Green Bay it was a natural thought for me, and the juice would run like no one on those sloppy fields. I thought it was awesome. On the playground I was number 32 during "smear the queer" in the snow(ripped coats, bloody noses). Good times, good times.

Then the 90's, it was a helluva run and a lot of parties with disappointment. That game vs. the Oilers/Warren Moon was the greatest time I ever had watching an NFL football game that wasn't a Packer game. Good times, good times.
The Minnesota Vikings, and I'm being completely serious. They've been a tremendous rival for the Packers (all-time series is almost even), they're great fun to root against, and their various scandals, pratfalls, and heartbreaking losses over the years have been endlessly entertaining. I heart the Vikings.
Last edited by CitizenDan
I root for the Steelers unless they're playing the Packers. I respect the history of that organization and the way they do business. In terms of quality organizations, I think they're second only to the Packers. Only 3 head coaches in what, 40 years? That's incredible.

As my dad would say though, my second favorite team is whoever is playing the Bears.
Originally posted by Goldie:
Now it's Matt and Mr. Wilson there....gonna be watching them real close.

That's a good team to pick. I just hope they suck when the Pack plays them this year. They had an unorthodox draft but maybe it will work for them.

Similar to Music City, I loved Air Coryell too, but have no affinity for the current Chargers.

If the Packers had to fold the franchise, I'd probably be a Bears fan with them just 100 miles to the South. For now, I don't have any other team other than the Pack that I feel real great about.
I grew up in the 80's, and while no team came close to my passion for the Pack, I really liked the Warren Moon QB'd Houston Oiler pass happy teams. Especially with the WR corps he had, Haywood Jefferies, Webster Slaughter, Ernest Givens, and Drew Hill. Fun as hell to watch.
NY Rangers.

Never was a fan of a different football team. There have been a few teams over the years I didn't necessarily root against; Chiefs, Steelers, Browns, Giants among them, primarily because of history or tradition, but the Pack was the only 'real' team for me.
I idolized Willie Mays growing up, so I followed the SF Giants when he played for them, but never really followed the Mets after he was traded there. He wasn't playing much by then, and I was losing interest in baseball at the same time, so I just very casually follow the game now.
Never cared for/watched/followed basketball.
But I do love watching hockey. Years ago, the Tulsa Oilers were a farm team of the Rangers, so I got to watch a lot of players that eventually joined the big leagues. Then, back in the 80's sometime, MSG Sports had NYR hockey on, and I could watch 'em nightly, it seemed. Much like the Braves had a following from TBS, and it was just a blast to watch. I'm still a fairly casual fan of the NHL, but hockey is the game that has lasted with me over all others excepting football.
Houston Texans Big J.J. Watt fan and Owen Daniels and Garrett Graham also. Seattle will be my third favorite team WHEN Russell Wilson takes over the starting role at QB. Always root for all former Badgers in the NFL! GO BADGERS!!!
My second favorite team just does not exist,after much soul searching thought I find I really dont give a damn what any of the other nfl teams do except the NFC North where I hope they all lose every game except the Packers,who naturally I want to see win them all.
There is no second team for me. It is only the Packers.

That doesn't mean I won't root for one team or the other in a SB - for one reason or another. But those reasons are not because of any loyalty.

Now I have a brother who is a Steeler fan. Born some 18 years after myself, he grew up in the 70s - when the Pack were struggling. Pray for him.
Used to be the Bills until I moved about to Buffalo. For a team that hasn't made the playoffs this millenium, it is shocking to see the arrogance and false hopes these people build themselves on year after year. You are looked at as an outcast if you are a fan of any other team.

I've basically said "Screw sports" in general over the past year, so I really don't have a 2nd favorite. Basically whoever plays an NFC North rival or the Patriots I want to win.
Well I have rooted for second teams but they can only be AFC teams and only when they don't play the Packers. For me it is the Chiefs (no clue why) and the Bengals since I live near there and all of my friends are Bunguls fans.
Don't have a 2nd fav either.
Growing up (70s to mid-80s), since the Packers were never in the playoffs, I enjoyed the Raiders, Steelers and even Montana 49ers. And while I admire the Steelers organization, all I've got is the raspberries for all of them now.
Not really a 2nd favorite but living in NC I like to see the Panthers
do well. Mostly so they'll stay here and also for the chance to see
A playoff game

I used to like the Oakland Invaders of the USFL, led by Bobby Hebert
Like Lambeausouth, I was a big Cowboy fan during the Landry days. In fact, I was a bigger Cowboy fan than Bears' fan in my early years. I got a Roger Staubach jersey as a Christmas/Birthday present circa 1978 and wore the hell out of it. As a nine year-old, I remember crying my eyes out after "The Catch." Even though I stopped following them as closly, they remained my second favorite team throughout the 90s.

Now, however, I could give a rat's ass and enjoy seeing them choke as much as the next guy.


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