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With the emergence of Jordy and Cobb and Jones you had to think that Jennings days might be numbered. Plus, they need that money to extend Rodgers or Raji or CMIII.

I think Finley and Woody will be the most interesting decisions they make. Do they keep one or both of them? Do they rework their deals? Hard to believe either guy returns at that $$$.

Then there's Hawk. He just seems overmatched out there and he is making big money too.
Originally posted by titmfatied:
and you believe Jennings is one of those guys?

For all we know his agents have tried to talk to the Packers and the Packers didn't return a call.

Jennings has been a fantastic Packer his entire tenure here. I just don't get the hate he's received this year. He's done little to nothing to deserve any of it.

Originally posted by titmfatied:
1)and you believe Jennings is one of those guys?
2)Jennings has been a fantastic Packer his entire tenure here. I just don't get the hate he's received this year. He's done little to nothing to deserve any of it.

1) Yes I believe him when he says it. He is the one who is saying it. If it's not true, then why does he keep saying it? (Right, it is a business and he is merely negotiating, IOW, lying to help his negotiating position. Got it.)

2) True he has been a fantastic Packer, which makes his comments suggesting it all meant nothing to him and he is happy to move on, not to mention failing to stand up for his quarterback after his sister's blistering rant, all the more vexing. I guess it kind of hurts. It feels like he is jilting us.

EDIT: Or maybe I'm just in a bad mood today. I do regret the "douchebag" comment.
Originally posted by Boris:
It's a business. Jennings knows this is his last chance to get a huge contract.

If it was me, I would go to another team too.

How much do you think the Vikings or Bears or Lions would pay for Jennings?

Did you forget he went to school in Western Michigan? Calvin Johnson & Greg Jennings. That'll be fun

Lions can't afford Jennings Bears? Why would he want to be with Cutler?
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by BrainDed:
after watching last nights game, I'm in favor of tagging Jennings and letting Raji walk next year.

To get the money for the tag, restructure Hawk and Wood. If they are not willing, start packing.

Off one game?

I worded that poorly..

My point is I am not sold on Raji being worth a big time contract.. If we tag 85 we get another year to evaluate both players. Part of the reason we are all conceeding that Jennings is gone is the upcoming contracts of Raji and Clay..

I'm not so sure Raji adds more value than Jennings right now.. Could be that 2 of the las 3 games we got utterly destroyed on the ground. Its a interesting debate either way.
My worry is we are definitely losing some great leadership guys but it's inevitable.

I think Hawk is complete garbage. Great guy, hard worker, but mediocre at best and overpaid. I like Brad Jones next to Bishop and I think Manning will be a player eventually. Love Woody but he didn't look right at safety. I don't see a place for him unless he drastically reduces his salary.

Zombo gone
Jennings gone
Driver gone
Benson will be cheap
Walden as a backup only
Sign Shields
Sign Harris
I like Brad Jones next to Bishop
I definitely don't. They still need to upgrade from him for a starter. Jones was lost in the sauce a fair share too this year and brings next to nothing in the pass pressure phase. He's good enough to get you through like he did this year but not good enough to be a season opener starter imo.
If it's not true, then why does he keep saying it? (Right, it is a business and he is merely negotiating, IOW, lying to help his negotiating position. Got it.)

My thing about 85 is that he will be so motivated for 2013. If he leaves, will not be easy, despite how he sounds. I remember him telling me his rook yr how hard it was to see other players come & go. He called home, upset about it, saying bye to friends. Hated the biz side of it, really

My opinion is Jennings is a guy that genuinely cares about his team mates and would love to stay here, but has to do what's best for his family and that's not in tune with the Packers plans. We have zero insight into the Packers side of the negotiations so it's pretty tough and a bit unfair just to assume that Greg is being a greedy guy and raking them over the coals for money.

For all we know the Packers didn't want to insult him with a low offer and told him to explore the market and give them a chance to make a counter offer. The way these things go you know real quick if the team is interested or not and it's tough to put on a happy front when you know you're not in the plans. It's easy for us to sit and judge but it's not our life and our family that's getting affected.
I like the second paragraph, tit, but not the first. "Has to do what's best for his family" is an old excuse. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, it's code for "I'll go where they pay me." It's not like most of them haven't made millions already, and Jennings has -- his last contract was a four-year, $26.88 million deal. If he really wanted to stay here, he'd figure it out just like Hawk restructured and others have taken a little less to stay. For too many, though, they equate money with respect.

Remember Latrell Sprewell in the NBA? He said, “I told you I needed to feed my family,” Sprewell said at a press conference [Nov. 8, 2004]. “They offered me 3 years at $21 million. That’s not going to cut it." Roll Eyes

It's almost always about the money.
I don't think Finley is going anywhere.

According to ProFootballFocus, Finley had seven drops over his first nine games of 2012 and finished with two over his last nine.

Jennings is as good as gone IMO.

Woodson will be back.

Hawk will be gone if he doesn't take a pay cut. Bishop and Smith are better.

DuJuan will be invited back.

Brad Jones is a keeper IMO.
JerMichael Finley: No question he stays. Wake up people.

Greg Jennings: He goes to the highest bidder and it won't be GB

Donald Driver: Not wanted in GB. He tries to play elsewhere.

Jeff Saturday: He's already stated he's done. Good luck to him.

Ryan Grant: He goes.

Charles Woodson: Woody restructures and stays another few years.

AJ Hawk: Hawk restructures and stays too. The staff loves the guy.

Frank Zombo: Chances have run out. Time to go.

Erik Walden: Tests FA and comes back as a backup.

Brad Jones: TT resigns him. Good utility Lber to have around.

Dejuan Harris: He comes back.

Cedric Benson: No reason why he doesn't come back too.
I wish there was a way to keep Jennings. I have no problems with anything he has said. In the past when the Packers wanted to re-sign someone, the news was out there about the Packers at least talking with their agents. And like Cullen Jenkins, Darren College, and a few others when they did not want to sign them, there was nothing but crickets. Jennings can read the signs that the Packers are ready to move on. Ted won't spend that kind of money on a WR that has not been healthy the past couple of years. too bad.
Originally posted by jazalin:
Please no Benson back, he is a turd. I was not impressed with him at all.

I don't get why you wouldn't want Benson back. He's cheap, a proven back, didn't cause any off-field problems, and showed promise early in the season after signing late. What's the alternative? Starks can't stay on the field. Green apparently can't either. Grant is washed up. Harris showed promise late in the season, but do we really want to pin our hopes on him as our featured back next season? If he can beat out Benson next year, then so be it.

I had high hopes for Starks after 2010, but I'm tired of expecting late round (or undrafted) guys to come out of nowhere and assume the starting running back position. It doesn't seem to work. TT is an excellent evaluator of talent, but he either doesn't highly value the RB position, or he just doesn't see RB talent like he sees WR talent.

We don't need the second coming of Adrian Peterson, nor should we spend that much coin on the RB position, but with Benson we have an inexpensive, proven long as he can stay healthy. Seems like a no brainer to me.
Jennings this season, injuries aside, proved he's not a top WR. If he wants top money -- which he does -- then take a hike.

Finley never deserved the big extension he received. Does that mean he has to stay?

Driver, Woodson, Saturday and Grant should all go. Grant just plain sucks, but the other guys are way over the hill.

Brad Jones sucks. Please get rid of him. Zombo is worthless, too.

Hawk isn't that good, but there's nobody to take his place. It's worth keeping him through the end of his contract to see how other guys develop and how Bishop returns.

DeJuan Harris deserves to be extended into next season. But so long as MM is the coach, the Packers will never have a good running game. Either he doesn't know how to run the ball or he just doesn't want to. Yes, he won a Super Bowl, but I think he got lucky by catching lightning in a bottle with James Starks (who never repeated his success) the end of 2010.
I agree with much of Sep's post, with the exception of Woodson. I know his skills and speed are diminishing, but the secondary is still very young and I think it needs a veteran presence. If his cap number is not ridiculous, I would keep him. Would rather trade Tramon Williams for a decent draft pick....his poor year in 2011 was attributed to a shoulder injury, but what's the excuse for this year. He seems like the type that lands the big contract then regresses.

I really hope TT takes a dip into free agency this year. The window they have with Rodgers will not be open for that long and he needs some help on the OL and defense. Other than Lang and Sitton, the OL is terrible. On the DL, I love Pickett, but he is a big guy and he's starting to break down a bit. Neal is not reliable and Raji seems to lack the fire. There are too many guys like CJ Wilson, B. Jones and Walden who are simply journeymen.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RochNyFan:
I agree with much of Sep's post, with the exception of Woodson. I know his skills and speed are diminishing, but the secondary is still very young and I think it needs a veteran presence. If his cap number is not ridiculous, I would keep him.QUOTE]

When Woodson signed his five-year, $50 million deal in 2010, he was a full-time cornerback. Now that the 36-year-old has moved to strong safety in base defense (he’s still the slot cornerback in the nickel package), the deal doesn’t make as much sense financially for Green Bay. Woodson is scheduled to make $10 million in 2013. His leadership would be sorely missed if his Green Bay days are numbered, but the Packers would gain $10 million in cap room without having any dead money because of the way Woodson’s contract is structured.

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