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Originally posted by Pakrz:
Originally posted by Hungry5:
While a fan revolt or boycott would eventually hit the owners in their wallets, it can't happen quick enough. What needs to happen is the players need to make a statement, and what two better teams to do it than the Saints @ Packers? NOS pissed about bounty-gate and GBP fuming over a non-simultaneous Intertouchcepdowntion. They are the national game on FOX Sunday... perfect stage.

Right. Two very talented teams fresh off screw jobs from the NFL machine. What sort of a statement are you thinking?

I think each team should prepare for the game like normal, then run the plays at walking speed. Refs should be able to keep up then.
Originally posted by bubbleboy789:
anybody know where i could get a green shirt with a giant yellow asterisk on the front?

My guess is one will be available at NFL.COM. Anything for buck with these guys. I agree with Boris...I'm not watching the games this week. They called us idiots!
They're right.

The only ones ready to actually boycott are Packer fans right now. That's not enough to do any damage, and they know it. That's why they put out the bullsh*t "explanation". They know full-well it will be business as usual in no time.

Why I'm still pissed is the triple whammy: Touchception after the Shields raping after the Walden call. The Packers kept winning the game and finally won the game, and it still wasn't enough. For anyone that loves the sport, that's just too much to handle sitting down.

Sadly, I don't think the rest of the country is feeling it strongly enough to take any real action. Ratings could even be going up. Controversy sells.
I have an idea....but the players won't do it.

The players can't just strike. They're under contract (CBA) However....

The can "retire". Not just a couple players. ALL of them. Want to see who controls the game Goodell? It's not you or the owners, it's us fans & the players.

What do you think? It could work.
You're right, nothing will come of it. I said I will do it and I will.

I think the best possible outcome is that this event remains in peoples minds. That it is the nucleus along with a number of other incidents that define the dung ball that is what the NFL is becoming. That it is routinely rolled around by dung beetle type commentators with the same ferocity that Arod had today to discuss the game's shortcomings much like what happened in 1994 with MLB. That we refer to Goodell in the same way we refer to Selig. That the lack of balance of power in this league is exposed.

I love this game. The game is being destroyed because it makes a lot of money and thus draws second tier entrepeneurs to its table who gobble up all of the vittles meant for the masses (Huey Long reference). I would like the direction of the game to change, and only leadership can change that. I'm proud of Arod. His is the type of leadership that can change the direction of the league.

Today, I don't love the NFL.
The "funniest" part of this lockout is that one of the sticking points is the NFL is insisting on a a substitute group of officials for the season. Why? Because the NFL believes that is needed to replace officials in-season who aren't performing well.

So, they lock the regular refs out to "improve" the performance of the regular officials---and in doing so deliberately employ officials completely unqualified to ref. Maybe Goddell's favorite book is Alice in Wonderland.
Peter King on his podcast this week states that he thinks the #1 issue is that they want to move all NFL employees to a 401k vs. the pension. They calculated that they could make an example of the refs to all NFL employees in this matter is my interpretation. While there is discussion of extra refs etc., I agree with King that this is the key issue.

BTW, King is a short dicked stooge for the NFL. He's only 98% sure that the call should have been overturned by the replay official, but he won't tell people why there is 2% uncertainty in his mind. What is holding up his decision, well he just can't say! He can cover his tracks all he wants, but the evidence in this case is pretty clear that he is a stooge.
Via "Bill Simmons Mailbag" article at Grantland

I am in shock right now. Without a doubt the sickest bad beat in my gambling career which is saying a lot. All I know is that Ref #28 is the one who made the bogus phantom Pass Interference call on Sam Shields on Seattle's second to last drive for 32 yard. He is also the one who failed to see Golden Tate's blatant shove in the back on the final play, and of course he is the one who called the touchdown. It is absolutely impossible for me to stop wondering if that guy was in some way not financially compensated or bribed to affect this game for the Seahawks. I am begging you as a prominent media figure to please bring up this particular individual, Ref #28 somehow on your site and possibly raise some groundswell for an official investigation. This is the biggest injustice possibly in the recent history of sports and sports gambling and it would be a travesty if this guy gets away with it. Please at least mention this in passing somehow in some format somewhere on Grantland. What an absolute joke, again I am in complete shock right now …
—Eugene Matusevitch, Bethesda

the article is actually worth a read. some pretty hilarious stuff in there.
I get it now!!!

Based on the NFL's ruling the simutanous catch was ruled because Jennings caught the ball and Tate caught Jennings, and since Tate was on the ground with Jennings on top of him he maintained control of Jennings and the ball therefore it's a touchdown Seattle. I get it!!

Originally posted by TimthePackerFan:
I get it now!!!

Based on the NFL's ruling the simutanous catch was ruled because Jennings caught the ball and Tate caught Jennings, and since Tate was on the ground with Jennings on top of him he maintained control of Jennings and the ball therefore it's a touchdown Seattle. I get it!!

Yep-- golden Tate caught that ball and two years ago Calvin Johnson did not.
We all have been watching these games and have seen the refs look as if they sometimes they have no clue. Examples.....they call out wrong numbers repeatedly, often after making a call they point to the wrong team as the one who was penalized and point to the wrong end of the field when making calls.

My wife is not a fan, does not watch games and understands nothing about football. She did make a interesting point yesterday tho. When seeing the play via replay last nite she said touchdown. I said how can you say that? She replied, the Packer player clearly caught the ball for a touchdown!

Could she be onto something? Could it be that the ref got mixed-up as to which team had the ball, which team was trying to score?

I know it sounds crazy but after seeing all the bad calls and confused refs for 3 weeks nothing would surpise me.
Originally posted by trump:
Originally posted by Boris:
Unless they reverse the ruling, I'm not watching the Packer game either.

I hope hey destroy the Saints but I'm not watching it

If I stand alone, I stand alone.

I gotta watch the Pack ... but I usually watch football all day, that I will not do.

I know the Packers players won't quit and I love watching them as the leaves fall ... I just gotta watch'em.

1 caveat to this:

If the Packers come out on Sunday and protest, kneel down or do whatever and it might jeopardize the win ... I'm with them if they feel that badly about the process and the Mafiated NFL.
Packers will not be fined for negative tweets

was again display utter contempt for consistency.
so criticizing the officials is OK now for NFL employees. that's what I would take away from that.
Could it be that the ref got mixed-up as to which team had the ball, which team was trying to score?

That explaination is the closest to making sense I've heard. By the time he realized his mistake, he was in too deep. Maybe I'm giving him too much benefit of the doubt. Yeah probably.
Could she be onto something? Could it be that the ref got mixed-up as to which team had the ball, which team was trying to score?

That was the first thing I said. The ref signalling touchdown thought #43 on Green Bay was on offense
Originally posted by Boris:
Could she be onto something? Could it be that the ref got mixed-up as to which team had the ball, which team was trying to score?

That was the first thing I said. The ref signalling touchdown thought #43 on Green Bay was on offense

Very possible... never been there before and he got caught up in the moment and pissed his pants.

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