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Plain and simple.


Not only no, but **** NO.

What in the hell are all these people thinking?!?!?!

Yeah, some of you idgits are included. Have you seen the highlight reel of the superbowl run? This man knows his job, his routes, and what to do to win!

He is integral for what we need to accomplish this year. Franchise him next year if nothing can be worked out... at worst. At best, realize a sign/trade then.

GJ is already making over 9M, a franshise tag is not much more beyond that...

To trade him this year for future "who the hell knows if this guy will turn out" picks when you are working on another SB run is just asnine.

IMHO, you do this, the team implodes, and another 'fart in the wind' conversation begins.

Originally posted by Hungry5:
Originally posted by turnip blood:
If I am a GM on a young bad team why would I want to trade for Jennings? Veteran leadership...
If I am a GM on a good team that needs a Wide a 2nd for Jennings maybe a good deal. If a good team were to come calling I'd ask for a 1st, that 2nd would be presumably on the lower half of the round.

If I am the GM for the Packers why wouild I trade Jennings now:
1) get a 2nd next year ? Don't like that value
2) cap space ? not needed now and I think they could absorb him at the franchise $$ next year
3) I like my young wides better then Jennings ? unlikely - he's not old
4) They think for some reason Jennings production will fall off this season ? bad blood in the locker room perhaps. prod slipping, no. locker room issue - laughable IMO

Just to make it clear Hungry5 answer to my question is pretty close to what I was thinking.
Except for a young team I do not buy the veteran leadership arguement I would want keep all my draft picks and get veteran leadership throught free agency.
Originally posted by Cavetoad:
Plain and simple.


Not only no, but **** NO.

What in the hell are all these people thinking?!?!?!

Yeah, some of you idgits are included. Have you seen the highlight reel of the superbowl run? This man knows his job, his routes, and what to do to win!

He is integral for what we need to accomplish this year. Franchise him next year if nothing can be worked out... at worst. At best, realize a sign/trade then.

GJ is already making over 9M, a franshise tag is not much more beyond that...

To trade him this year for future "who the hell knows if this guy will turn out" picks when you are working on another SB run is just asnine.

IMHO, you do this, the team implodes, and another 'fart in the wind' conversation begins.


Better send a note to the Packers FUGGING quick. I wouldn't do it for a second either.

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