Tschmack posted:I’ve always felt Leinies Red was their best option. So many other good choices like Capital Amber, Johnny Blood Red, Alaskan Amber, etc. Love me some amber.
This is THE stuff to make root beer floats with!
Ambers & Reds....good, malty beers.
Recently I've been steering clear of the hoppy IPA's
G. Heileman's Original "Old Style" Lager that was brewed in La Crosse up until they closed up in 1995(?). The stuff they can now is an embarrassment to the legacy of the real Old Style. Anyways, I have run a liquor store out here in Colorado in the heart of craft beer country. To this day I have yet to find a lager that looks, effervesces and tastes as delicious as the Old Style brewed and packaged in La Crosse. I can name a few others IPAs like Two-Hearted, Pliny the Elder, Lagunitas Maximus, Crux Half-Hitch. But gimme an ice cold "Old" Style and I will be happy until my glass is empty.
GBP1 posted:G. Heileman's Original "Old Style" Lager that was brewed in La Crosse up until they closed up in 1995(?). The stuff they can now is an embarrassment to the legacy of the real Old Style. Anyways, I have run a liquor store out here in Colorado in the heart of craft beer country. To this day I have yet to find a lager that looks, effervesces and tastes as delicious as the Old Style brewed and packaged in La Crosse. I can name a few others IPAs like Two-Hearted, Pliny the Elder, Lagunitas Maximus, Crux Half-Hitch. But gimme an ice cold "Old" Style and I will be happy until my glass is empty.
Thank you GBP1......here’s a lot to read about Old Style.....
Ugh no thanks. OS is like the nectar of the gods for FIBS. It’s a big reason I don’t drink that stuff.
Kind of like PBR out west with all of the annoying granola eating, hemp growing, trucker hat wearing, long scraggly beard hipsters.
My buds and I would get "kraeuzened" with Old Style, on a regular basis before Heileman shut down operations. It was our beer of choice at any event. Beat the crap out of Schlitz, PBR, Strohs, Miller, bitter Bud and Old Milwaukee. Back then, there were no microbrews and access to other beers from around the country was very limited in scope. You'd never see Anchor Steam or Sierra Nevada brews in my area. Once in a while you could get Olympia beer. But why drink that? It was rare to see Coors unless someone brought some back from a trip they took to Colorado. You still cannot get Yeungling's here. No one around the country can get any of the New Glarus beers since they only sell them in Wisconsin.
My parents moved away from Wisconsin after my last year of HS and my brother's freshman year at UW Oshkosh. I visited him a few times. Pretty much everyone there drank Point Beer.
I bought this book some years back when I was home in La Crosse. Great resource.
Another tidbit, the BEST...Absolute BEST...beer I ever enjoyed was when I worked as summer part-timer for GHB ('75 & '76) in La Crosse. On breaks we could drink all the free beer we wanted (not just Old Style as they packaged about 20 brands of beer in the La Crosse location). After work too, we had some late nights drinking after second shifts were done. There were more than a few times when we left the brewery as the morning sun lightened the eastern sky.
But the best beer was fresh Old Style right off the filler in the can before it was lidded. The "filler" guy would wind down the filler just moments before break-time. He would bring in about 10 uncapped Old Styles and we would fight over who got one. 32 icy cold degrees, unpasteurized and creamy foam with plenty of carbonation. Gosh almighty, that Old Style was darn delicious.
The good old "daze" really were good back then.
mrtundra posted:.... Once in a while you could get Olympia beer. But why drink that?
Great post GBP1. When at college at UW-RF we would bet guys they couldn't drink a 6 pack, then take them to LaCrosse and show them the Old Style 6 pack. Easy bet to win. Stopped many times on our way home from RF and have a few free samples.
When local weather goobers cannot warn 'heavy wet shit.'
AZPackerBacker posted:You probably won't like it...
ammo posted:Great post GBP1. When at college at UW-RF we would bet guys they couldn't drink a 6 pack, then take them to LaCrosse and show them the Old Style 6 pack. Easy bet to win. Stopped many times on our way home from RF and have a few free samples.
Hey ammo, that huge 6 pack could use some updating......it’s just a wrap now. It used to be a painted symbol of Old Style, now it’s looking pretty sad. Wish they’d repaint it or put on a new wrap.
oshbaul posted:When local weather goobers cannot warn 'heavy wet shit.'
Just took one of those
City Brewing could afford a new facelift on the giant six-pack. My understanding is they are doing well by contract brewing.
mrtundra posted:My buds and I would get "kraeuzened" with Old Style, on a regular basis before Heileman shut down operations. It was our beer of choice at any event. Beat the crap out of Schlitz, PBR, Strohs, Miller, bitter Bud and Old Milwaukee. Back then, there were no microbrews and access to other beers from around the country was very limited in scope. You'd never see Anchor Steam or Sierra Nevada brews in my area. Once in a while you could get Olympia beer. But why drink that? It was rare to see Coors unless someone brought some back from a trip they took to Colorado. You still cannot get Yeungling's here. No one around the country can get any of the New Glarus beers since they only sell them in Wisconsin.
Growing up in Wisconsin I never drand much Old Style just never had much of a taste for it. And I didn't want to drink beer that FIBS love so much.
So back in the 80's my dad drove a beer truck and when there was beer left over that they couldn't sell it would end up in our garage or my uncle's garage. So my buddies and I would spend many nights drinking PBR, Hamms, Red White and Blue, Special Export, Strohs, Blatz, and Rhinelander. Blatz was my favorite rot gut beer back then and I would still drink one if I could get my hands on it.