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+Burnett is gonna be a football player--I've worried about that at times
Driver goes out on a positive note; Packers will not lose to the Patriots in the superbowl. Raji is outstanding when he has some rest.

- I think part of what happened today is the Packers struggled to grasp a cold football---that aint good. Truth is they were flat today. They had dozens of chances and couldn't do it. it's too bad they squandered such a great opportunity-but it happens..they win that game 8 out of 10 times.
Obviously, the run followed by the hail mary was a killer.

The o-line allowing the Giants to force the Rodger's fumble (and Jennings was WIDE open for the TD) was a killer.

BUT, the irony was that what killed the Packers the most was not the offensive line. It was not the defense. It was the one thing that made the Packers a machine - Rodgers and the skill position players.

It was Rodgers that missed a wide open Jennings for a TD. It was Rodgers that threw one crap of a pass to Finley for a first down. It was Kuhn that fumbled. It was Grant that fumbled. It was all the receivers (with the exception of Donald Driver) that dropped pass after pass after pass.

This game was primarily lost because of the crap performance of all skill position players with the exception of Driver.
Originally posted by packersfan4life:
A lot of people are selling their tickets for top dollar. The last few years I have been seeing more and more of the opposing teams fans. A lot of people are making double and triple on their tickets.

Lori Nickel tweeted this afternoon that tickets to this game were going for face value well before kickoff. Sounds like a lot of those walk-ups were Giants fans.
Originally posted by phaedrus:
Obviously, the run followed by the hail mary was a killer.

The o-line allowing the Giants to force the Rodger's fumble (and Jennings was WIDE open for the TD) was a killer.

BUT, the irony was that what killed the Packers the most was not the offensive line. It was not the defense. It was the one thing that made the Packers a machine - Rodgers and the skill position players.

It was Rodgers that missed a wide open Jennings for a TD. It was Rodgers that threw one crap of a pass to Finley for a first down. It was Kuhn that fumbled. It was Grant that fumbled. It was all the receivers (with the exception of Donald Driver) that dropped pass after pass after pass.

This game was primarily lost because of the crap performance of all skill position players with the exception of Driver.

That run before the hail mary was huge. All they had to do was tackle Bradshaw inbounds and the half would have ended.

+ Driver came up with some super catches.
+ Burnett. Perhaps he gave up some big plays, but at least he made some big plays unlike just about everyone else.
+ Pickett. The only D-Lineman that really brought his A game this season. He has no pass rush skills whatsoever, but he plays darn hard and the Pack plays pretty well against the run when he's in there.
+ Offensive Line. I thought they did a solid job against a strong Giants front. Not a great job, but they were solid.

- All of the RBs. Every single back except Saine had the dropsies today and some of those dropsies were fumbles. Horrendous. For the first time this year, the Pack missed the reliabilty of Brandon Jackson.
- Finley. Before this game, I thought Finley was going to be a key factor either way as he is Rodgers primary safety net. Finley came up small, and even though he is quite talented, he and Rodgers have not been on the same page all year.
- Wide Receivers other than Driver. Terrible game by the whole crew. Nobody gave Rodgers an easy target today.
- The Defense. Giving up 300 yards and 20 points in the first half set a bad tone for this game. They were better in the 2nd half, but it's not hard to be better than the pitiful effort they gave those first 2 quarters.


Rodgers. I can't give Rodgers a positive or a negative. He certainly played his guts out for the first 3 quarters. That said, he looked flustered, his normally pinpoint accuracy was a bit off, and he just couldn't elevate the offense like he normally does.

OL played pretty well. Better than I expected which makes a blowout loss that more surprising.

Defense played well enough for them to win the game.

No special teams meltdowns, although, I was not a fan of the first onsides kick.

The old man DD showing up while our other "elite" WRs did nothing.


Rodgers was off. We are so spoiled with the guy because he's like a machine, but clearly he did not have a good game.

MM did not coach his best game, and I really question if he had these guys mentally prepared. Very odd to see from a MM lead team.

Peprah and Bush were, well, Peprah and Bush in coverage. Ugh.

The drops and fumbles. No team is going to win when you have up to 8 drops and 3 fumbles. GB may not have beaten the Vikings today with that combination.
I have a lot of thoughts after the game but the one that keeps on coming to me is that the playmaker(s) especially AR was not quite on his game. Regardless of the play calls there were plays to be made. If they are made this game is different. The defense played well enough. Their defense did not overwhelm our offense. I think that three weeks off really hurt the continuity of the offense and that if AR had played part of that last and "meaningless" game it might not have happened. I don't remember if they prepared with AR as #1 or Flynn. I would bet both.

It shows that he was the MVP and the MVP did not quite do what he needed to do. Yes he could not make them catch the ball but there were plays that could have been made if the ball had been thrown right. That comeback pass on the left side to Jordy that Ross had a shot at picking was not something he even throws normally. It just shows that he was doing things he did not normally do for whatever reason. Something was not right.

Offense was way out of sync and did not have the killer instinct or the precision that it normally had. Big Negative.
Too relaxed? No, I thought the team looked too tense, hence the dropsies. Rodgers looked tight and tense the whole game. He tried, he really tried, but his body language on the field and off was uptight. When they showed Eli off the field, he just looked relaxed. Rodgers looked like he was fighting the game, and perhaps, his teammates. He ripped balls in there when he didn't have to, he threw to the wrong side and so hard to Jennings that he had no chance to adjust. The ball to Finley, yes, Finley should have continued running hard, but the pass didn't have to be ripped and that far in front; Finley was wide open.

He's human, but I felt like he was too jacked up for this game. His yelling at his receivers and body language toward them didn't speak well to him as a leader yesterday either.

All in all, a crap game by Rodgers and the entire team. The Giants did just enough to beat us, and we did a lot to beat ourselves.
IL Pack Fan - they later showed the replay from the end zone showing the Packers "wall" of defenders. The only problem with the wall is that it was set up 5 yards behind the 1st down marker. I just don't get if you are going to rush 3 how the rest of the defense can line up behind the first down line. Probably one of the easiest throws Manning had all game.
Originally posted by DH13:
Wow. So people really believe that 2 wks off instead of 3, for the 8 guys who sat, would have made that big a difference. Just wow. What about all the guys who performed poorly that didn't have the 3 wks off?

I still have a problem with those guys taking that week off and I'll tell you why ...

What about the other guys that have been busting their arse off all year, they are human, you don't think that they are thinking ... what about me? Why can't I get some extra time off? If AR and the guys knew they were getting off, you know they didn't practice hardly at all that last week and the other guys did.

Now, I know you can say, who cares what they think ... but when you preach "Team", I think you should stick with that all the way thru. This is the big time, paid men, there is going to be some animosity towards "the chosen ones".

You couple that, with Philbin tragedy and the Defense getting "bitched out" by coaches and I can see why there might have been a drop in togetherness and precision.

It might not be the case but IMO these factors were there.
Originally posted by DH13:
The only problem with the wall is that it was set up 5 yards behind the 1st down marker. I just don't get if you are going to rush 3 how the rest of the defense can line up behind the first down line.

They were intent on not letting big plays get over their head. In wk13 they had too many 50+ yard completions. They "over corrected".

Not giving up big plays is nice, but 12- or 14-play drives are back-breakers. Unless they set that wall up two yards short of the first down, they almost guarantee the Giants making it.
Originally posted by CitizenDan:
Originally posted by packersfan4life:
A lot of people are selling their tickets for top dollar. The last few years I have been seeing more and more of the opposing teams fans. A lot of people are making double and triple on their tickets.

Lori Nickel tweeted this afternoon that tickets to this game were going for face value well before kickoff. Sounds like a lot of those walk-ups were Giants fans.

I've only had tickets for 4 seasons but this was by far the most opposing team fans I've ever seen in Lambeau.

Hardly looked like "The greatest fans in the NFL" supporting a 15-1 team at home. The Packer fan image has become a myth.

"Go Giants Go"
"Lets Go Giants"

In the stadium, in the atrium. Surreal.
Agree that Rodgers was at minimum mediocre today. Although there were 6 actual drops by my count and some very bad throws by ARod he ran the ball well. With that being said, I thought he was pocket scared and didn't move around enough to give his receivers time to get open before he took off. Manning does that well and that is why there were so many open receivers.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Originally posted by Fandame:
Too relaxed? No, I thought the team looked too tense, hence the dropsies. Rodgers looked tight and tense the whole game. He tried, he really tried, but his body language on the field and off was uptight. When they showed Eli off the field, he just looked relaxed. Rodgers looked like he was fighting the game, and perhaps, his teammates. He ripped balls in there when he didn't have to, he threw to the wrong side and so hard to Jennings that he had no chance to adjust. The ball to Finley, yes, Finley should have continued running hard, but the pass didn't have to be ripped and that far in front; Finley was wide open.

He's human, but I felt like he was too jacked up for this game. His yelling at his receivers and body language toward them didn't speak well to him as a leader yesterday either.

All in all, a crap game by Rodgers and the entire team. The Giants did just enough to beat us, and we did a lot to beat ourselves.

You are right. I think what I meant was having that much time off for a few players between games Dec 24- Jan 15 they might have gotten to relaxed which helped to remove that precision that was not there on all of the plays.

I don't understand how a team can prepare and perform at a certain level for OVER A YEAR and not appear to be affected by the pressure in a negative way and now in the divisional playoff seem to be overwhelmed by it.
It sounds like there was more supply than usual for this game, so perhaps John Q. Ticketholder played a part. But I think brokers hold or control a larger share of the stadium than people realize. And while most of those tickets tend to end up in the hands of Packer fans, there was more competition from Giants fans. Nation's largest market, a dedicated fanbase and probably double the average disposable income of local Packer fans.
That may be a valid point on the ticket sales. Then I would tend to put blame on the Packer management and ticket sales office for allowing so many out to these brokers. The Bucs stopped this same thing several years ago because the Florida Packers fans would out number Buc fans. Also, where does those 4 thousand lottery tickets go for the brown County residents go? I didn't see where there were any available. Management needs to step up and control the ticket distribution.
There were a lot of Giant fans. Hearing the Cruuuz chant every time he made a play was just gross. They took over the bottom of the stadium as packer fans left in large groups after the Grant fumble. I got tickets for just over face.

The only thing I can think of is people knew it was either:

A) not going to be the last game, maybe if GB only had a #2 seed and only 1 guaranteed game it would be different

B) going to be a horrible, horrible loss

We were talking to some Giants fans before the game. they were saying how the whole trip to GB plus the tickets were still far cheaper than going to a Giants home game.

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