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Biggest - was the Green Package ticket holders. This looked like a Packers road game. There were so many Giants fans there it was pathetic. You could also tell the were a lot of Packers first time fans there.
Originally posted by IL_Pack_Fan:
It sounds like there was more supply than usual for this game, so perhaps John Q. Ticketholder played a part. But I think brokers hold or control a larger share of the stadium than people realize.

Where do you think the brokers get their tickets? 88% of "Green" package folks took their tickets (and obviously many immediately turned around and sold them to brokers). I would suspect very few "Gold" package folks resell their tickets because they so rarely have a chance to even get play-off tickets.

This is why I wish they would alternate who gets priority for playoff tickets. Every other year the Packers qualify for the playoffs let the "Gold" folks have first shot. If the year your group gets first pick and they don't get any home games, well, that's the way it goes. But at least you'd know that you'd have tickets if they did manage to play at home.

Seems more equitable to me. And it might make the "Green" folks value their playoff tickets more and not dump them to brokers.
This is why I wish they would alternate who gets priority for playoff tickets. Every other year the Packers qualify for the playoffs let the "Gold" folks have first shot. If the year your group gets first pick and they don't get any home games, well, that's the way it goes. But at least you'd know that you'd have tickets if they did manage to play at home.

This should probably go in a season ticket thread, but I'm too lazy to start one.....

As a Gold Package owner, I’m a little annoyed at the second-class treatment, but I understand as well.

Maybe they could split the games into two-Four game packages, vs 6 and 2.

Existing Green Package owners have the option of buying both packages and going from 6-8 games, but would need to pay the transfer or up-front fees for the 2 additional games.

I would anticipate that because of this, some Greenies would opt for just one 4-game package, which would open up options for the Gold Package owners to have a 4-game package vs 2.

I guess the whole thing depends on how many Gold Package owners there are and how may Green Package owners would drop down to 4 games from the 6 they get now…….

It would eventually get everyone on the same plan though and may even speed up the lifetime waiting list we have now. I think eventually many might be happy with a 4-game package.

I'm sure the accounting dept would love this..........

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