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And dumbass Rodgers just chucked it with 3 timeouts left.

I'd actually rather have him throw that in the field of play even if it's an interception. The correct read is probably just to throw it away and punt, but they didn't get the ball back anyway. It wouldn't have mattered if they picked up the additional 10-15 yards after a punt instead of the interception.

The Lions completely outschemed the Packers on that play call. Just like they outschemed them on many calls in both games.

They would have punted on 4th and 10. There was no option on that route combination for a check down. MLF called a play anticipating coverage. Instead, the Lions blitzed the house.

MLF got outsmarted. He needed to realize Campbell would do unconventional things because he had nothing to lose. It never should have gotten to 3rd or 4th and 10. They had to move the sticks and that means 5-10 yard throws. The Lions probably would have given them the underneath stuff  for 30--40 yards of field position. And not having a outlet on the 3rd down was stupid. But that's just some of the problems. This team has no fear of MLF when they do stupid stuff Douglas and Walker did. And Wyatt showed how smart he is too, he just got lucky.

@D J posted:

It was a playoff game in that they win and they are in the postseason. Quite simply all but officially a playoff game.

It may not have been a playoff game in name, but it sure as hell should have been treated like one by every single person involved in the Packers organization.

The fucking equipment manager should have been doing push-ups, and playing โ€œEye of the Tigerโ€ before the game.

This was sudden death. And after winning their last four games, with their season on the line, they came out and laid a giant turd. And this team does this far too often under MLF.

Forget the 39-10 regular season record after three years. Rodgers did that. Rodgers and Adams, with Jones.

Now that Adams is gone, and Rodgers has regressed, whatever the reason might be, weโ€™re seeing MLFโ€™s complete inability to adjust. Worse yet, he appears to have the โ€œloyaltyโ€ gene McCarthy had. He doesnโ€™t have what it takes to make the tough choice when it comes to his coaching staff. So, Berry will be here for the foreseeable future.

Whatโ€™s truly sad? We all saw it coming. Because hitting a 50 yard pass is so much sexier than just moving the chains a number of times.

There was enough time on the clock, with those timeouts, where we could have put the ball into the end zone. But that wouldnโ€™t have added to Rodgersโ€™s legend.

And that's the part that is so frustrating. He's on the downside, yet thinks he's still on the upside and is smarter than everyone else. If he doesn't think so, I hope someone sits him down and plays just these two Lions games to him over and over and over...

Whatโ€™s truly sad? We all saw it coming. Because hitting a 50 yard pass is so much sexier than just moving the chains a number of times.

Too bad that's how the receiving corps was "built". Watson is a home run swing. Doubs, reputation built as a home run swing. Toure? A home run swing. Cobb and Lazard? Middling veterans who can't beat defenders with any consistency. The offensive talent  is built for strikeouts and long shots in the passing game. 

@RochNyFan posted:

It's Deja vous all over again. How can the offense struggle this much against league's bottom ranked D?

Maybe the league rankings were wrong? I was listening to the Packers Radio Network while watching the game on TV. Larry McCarren always brings up the League stats on our opponent. Lions were like 30th in defense, per Larry, so why bring it up? The Lions looked top 10 against the Packers, last night. As I've said here, often, the Lions always play us tough. Stats be damned!

Last edited by mrtundra
@Fandame posted:

And that's the part that is so frustrating. He's on the downside, yet thinks he's still on the upside and is smarter than everyone else. If he doesn't think so, I hope someone sits him down and plays just these two Lions games to him over and over and over...

Just look at those two throws downfield that were picked off by the Lions rookie Safety. It's as if Rodgers did not even see that DB, or dared him to make a play on it, when he threw the ball. He just chucked it up there and prayed a Packer would go get it. The INT pass to Jones was thrown way too deep and late, allowing that Safety to grab it, easily.

Last edited by mrtundra

We are in the Packers' off season, now. 8-9, just like the vikings, last season. That leaves an awful taste in one's mouth, doesn't it?  Now, we get to deal with salary cap issues and the inevitable cuts, restructures, that will come from that. First comes the Draft. What positions do we go after, there? What positions do we get, there? This is the first time in ages, that I can remember, that we get a higher draft pick than the vikings. What/whom do we spend it on? Safety? O Lineman?, RB? WR? TE? There is always something to talk about on X4!

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