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@Johnson posted:

rules analyst Gene Steratore is as bad as the officials---to say that contested pass was an interception is laughable. His feet are down first, but he doesn't complete the reception --or make the dreaded 'football move'---just a stupid thing to say..and ..speaking of stupid rules items-the holding call on Jenkins in crunch time  on the QB draw was asinine... let that go the same way you let the offensive pass interference go on the Broncos last TD and Green Bay has a clear shot of winning and Love is the hero.

Love may not be Johnny U but he doesn't suck. He made a bad throw on 3rd and 20 protected by a mediocre line

Here is the official rules on a catch/interception in the NFL

a. secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball touching the ground; and

b. touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his body other than his hands; and

c. after (a) and (b) have been fulfilled, performs any act common to the game (e.g., tuck the ball away, extend it forward, take an additional step, turn upfield, or avoid or ward off an opponent), or he maintains control of the ball long enough to do so.

My guy, that was one of many throws that were behind or under thrown.   It’s why is near or at the bottom of the league in completion %.  

Justin Fields has a higher completion percentage.   His accuracy and propensity for turnovers were the worry.   Here we are after 3 years of prep.

@Goalline posted:

Some of his missed passes were atrocious and throwing that ball up for grabs with a strong legged young kicker in his back pocket was extremely stupid.

It’s the missed throws that are most concerning.  He’s consistently inconsistent.  

One other scary trait for Love, the guy always slides head first when he’s running past the line of scrimmage which is a good way for a QB to get hurt.  He hasn’t been hurt doing it yet, but I almost think it’s inevitable if he keeps it up.

@fightphoe93 posted:

It’s the missed throws that are most concerning.  He’s consistently inconsistent.  

One other scary trait for Love, the guy always slides head first when he’s running past the line of scrimmage which is a good way for a QB to get hurt.  He hasn’t been hurt doing it yet, but I almost think it’s inevitable if he keeps it up.

Who really cares about his running style if he has zero accuracy and makes poor decisions with his passes?

@Goalline posted:

Some of his missed passes were atrocious and throwing that ball up for grabs with a strong legged young kicker in his back pocket was extremely stupid.

It would take a 15 yard completion to set up a 55 yard attempt. That is the same kicker that missed a chippie before the half which gave Denver the field position to get a FG. That's a 6 point swing.

I'm not all out defending Love but there are plenty of people to blame. On the critical holding penalty Love actually gained 7 yards and set up a 54 yard FG attempt. The next play is 3rd and 3 so even if they don't get a 1st down Love gave them a chance to win.

The biggest disappointment was Love seemingly regressing even more. The fact they lost, eh, whatever, but the way they lost was rather pathetic. His mechanics look okay, but the results are not.

I was also hoping to see an offensive line shuffle. Stick a fork in Bakhtiari, it happens, and Nijman isn't the future, fine, but Rasheed Walker is giving off major WIll Whiteaker vibes. It's his second year and he played at a major college, but he seems like a raw rookie who doesn't have the feet for his position. I would have liked to see either Jenkins out at Left Tackle with Runyan back to LG, Tom at C and Myers at RG or Tom moved over.

Normally continuity is big on the offensive line, but this squad is not good. Tom is likely a keeper, but he's probably lacking size for RT.

Fredokunst looks to have really screwed the pooch last year. Instead of trading up for Watson, he could have stayed put and not only gotten the more consistent and durable Alec Pierce, but also Bryan Cook who is a starting safety for the Chiefs. And when he took Sean Rhyan, Kerby Joseph was still on the board. So instead of an occasional game with some drops from Watson, a shit show at safety and a complete non-factor in Rhyan, they could have a Jordy-type receiver with Cook and Joseph as a safety tandem.

@Herschel posted:

Fredokunst looks to have really screwed the pooch last year. Instead of trading up for Watson, he could have stayed put and not only gotten the more consistent and durable Alec Pierce, but also Bryan Cook who is a starting safety for the Chiefs.

How about trading Watson for Jonathan Taylor? That would look good even if they didn't sign Taylor. Watson isn't going to be in GB very long.

@D J posted:

How many career starts? And some of you throwing the guy under the bus. And playing with a mess at OL.  FFS.

I don't think I'm throwing him under the bus. I'm just calling it as I see it. A baseline for an NFL QB is accuracy and I think I've seen enough to believe he hasn't developed it to the required level despite having a highly capable QB coach to work with. He's got a long hill to climb to convince me otherwise. Would be thrilled if he did for what it's worth.

Love has more than a third of a season after three years of development under his belt.  At some point it's OK to start evaluating, imo.  If this is his standard for the rest of the year with no improvement they have to consider whether an offseason upgrade is possible just like any other position. Nice kid. Tough business, too.

@Pakrz posted:

PackerRick desperately trying to convince everybody that Love isn't a major part of the problem.  Oline this, receivers that, MLF this....  STFU Dumdum.

I always get a kick out of it when you call anybody a dumdum. I, of course, remember you from way back (Pakrz, Pakrzz, Pakrzzz, etc) from the AOL days. and remember you bitching about drafting Rodgers, Adams, James Jones, and Brandon Jackson. I'll give you Jackson but the rest show how little you know about football. You wanted every S that ever played at ND drafted as well. But I understood your dislike for the Rodgers pick, you had your head so far up Favre's ass you could see his tonsils. How is your idol working out for you now? LOL. Now pop another top and continue your drunken stuper.

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