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In complete isolation, that ball placement has been done by countless QB's , best to worst in the league.  WR's get paid to make those catches.  I don't see what the kerfuffle is for.

Big picture - everyone including the man himself knows his accuracy has to improve.  The important thing to take away from Sunday (because it's the most up to date information we have) is that Love can make throws that only top QB's can make.  His ceiling is high.  He just needs to raise his floor. Swing passes, screens, wheel routes to 88.  He hits those regularly and his comp% goes up by 5-10%.

The deep balls are icing.

Last edited by DH13
@PackerRick posted:

I didn't take it as praise. I took it to mean if Rodgers threw that ball nobody would take exception to it.

If it was during 12's first year as a starter I'm near certain everyone's opinions would be pretty much the same on that play. If anything there would be bitter Favre dead enders with more bias against 12 and more consternation because back then (and probably still) 12 wouldn't be mature enough to hold himself accountable and own an under throw like 10 did .

I don't think anyone posting here has anything personal against 10. Far as I can tell he's as nice a kid as has ever worn the green and gold. Outside the lines and as far as we can see into the locker room no one has had a bad word to say about him in almost four seasons.

His evaluation here is going to be based on what we see on the field. Sometimes that's going to be different than what you see. Sometimes you're going to think that's unfair and sometimes you're going to be right, but responding to any and every critique doesn't leave any room for an opinion other than Jordan Love can do no wrong. If you want your opinion respected kindly leave a little room for other people to have their differing opinions.

Last edited by titmfatied

I don't understand what your point is. Someone said if Rodgers threw that pass to Adams everybody would be going gaga, it wasn't me. I took that to mean nobody would say a word about that pass if it was Rodgers throwing the ball. What else can that mean and how is that not giving anybody room for a differing opinion? I didn't even make that comment. Besides, how can anybody bitch about a throw that only the WR can catch that went for a TD? That DB never came close to locating that ball.

By defending Love in situations like that doesn't mean I feel Love can do no wrong. I've said he needs to clean up his footwork but he has all the intangibles to be a good QB. I've also said many times that if the Packers are at the top of the draft and in a position to take a franchise QB they should because those opportunities don't come along very often.

Last edited by PackerRick

I rewatched the game tonight because tomorrow isn't coming soon enough. Love is pretty good when his receivers are frozen in place. Love struggles when attempting to hit anyone in stride. And often, Love is late. He's done enough work with the bucket. He needs a moving target this offseason. Also, it's nice to see Dillon getting a few yards now and again. Doubs, Reed, and Wicks are doing fantastic. Watson can block and will be something if he can catch the ball with both feet on the ground.

@PackerRick posted:

Besides, how can anybody bitch about a throw that only the WR can catch that went for a TD? That DB never came close to locating that ball.

It's not bitching about the outcome to say the pass could have been better. If that situation occurs 1,000 times over the course of Jordan Love's career we ideally want the ball deeper each and every time to give the Packers the best chance at the best outcome.

Professional athletes improve at the highest level on process over results. It's not ever enough just to score a touchdown, it's how can they improve on the intricate details of the play to have a more reliable outcome in the future.

If 10 puts that pass in the same underthrown spot the next 1,000 times that situation happens they score a TD at a much lower rate than if he obsesses over improving his accuracy and throws the ball a few yards deeper and it hits 87 in stride with the CB having a 0% chance at the ball.

Not fixing those details is what bites a team in the ass on the biggest stages the game has to offer and celebrating without seeking improvement is a recipe for disaster. That 10 didn't pat himself on the back for the TD and critiqued his throw is a massive positive.

Last edited by titmfatied

12 wasnโ€™t immune to making a bad throw or bad decision.  We saw that in the last couple of NFCCG.

Still, Rodgers will likely go down in history as being one of the most surgical and precise passers in league history.   It tends to be hyperbole, but heโ€™s made some throws that only he (12) could make.  The next time Love does that will be the first time.

By the way, no one expects Love to need to play like 12.   Thatโ€™s an unrealistic expectation.  But he has to get better - meaning more consistency and accuracy on a lot of his throws.   Maybe he will, maybe he wonโ€™t, but itโ€™ll be fun to see where this debate ends up as the season marches on.

Last edited by Tschmack

If 12 made throws only 12 could make, doesn't that mean nobody else could make them?  So if 10 makes a throw, it still wouldn't equal a 12 throw cause only 12 could make it? 

So it 10 makes a throw only 10 could make, the argument would be 12 couldn't make that throw?

How about the 15 guy in KC?  Does he make throws only 15 can make and 12 can't replicate or vice versa?

Just having some fun. 

@PackerRick posted:

I don't understand what your point is. {Snip} I didn't even make that comment.

Pretty much all you needed to say..... ๐Ÿคญ

@titmfatied posted:

We'll have to leave it at that. Have a nice Thanksgiving.

Pretty much all ....ummm you get it.๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜€

Glad you guys are blowing off some steam before the tension filled family gatherings ๐Ÿ˜

Final thought.....

@H5 posted:

The answer to your question lies within the riddle.


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