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Was it in 2007 that TOG was nursing an injury and there was much speculation that the NFLN has proprietary info on his status so they could determine a "switch" or not?
Originally Posted by heyward:
Originally Posted by GBP1:

I have been expecting the NFL to switch the GB vs ATL game, but so far nothing.  If they do so, they have to announce the move two weeks prior.  If they don't, then that indicates to me they fully expect Rodgers to be playing in this game.

The switch is coming. Can't imagine NBC sticking with that game.


6 - 8 weeks healing time for whom?  AR or us fans?


Truth is, we are all hurting.  How about that for "expert" analysis?  What I wonder is, of those guys that have returned from injury, how many of them are really healed.  For example EDS hurts his knee a couple weeks ago, and goes out of the Lions game with a knee injury.  What condition was he in during that span when he was playing?  Josh Sitton was playing with a bad back earlier in the year.  James Jones came back but was not exactly healthy (as stated in a article) until maybe last week - judging by his play.  I wonder how many more of those who have answered the bell are ABLE to play like they were formerly capable of? 



Interesting tweets, I would not be surprised if Rodgers was shut down for the season. I think there has been hints coming from the Packers, Rodgers, and the media close to the Packers that he would not return as soon as fans hoped he would.
The issue with Rodgers is the strength of his shoulder bone. The bone maybe healed but the mend my not be strong.

The other issue is the offensive line, if they have to continue to play Newhouse the Packer QB will be hit often and hard. There is a story in the gazette


about the line. If EDS is out for awhile instead of the Packers playing Newhouse we may see Sherrod. The offensive line mess may take sometime to shake out.

It is a medical decision when Rodgers plays again, and the Packer medical staff is not talking.


 A story that Rodgers might be shut down for the season. Almost the same as CApackfan posting.


Another longer story


Last edited by turnip blood
Originally Posted by Shoeless Joe:
Originally Posted by Hungry5:
Let the Tanking begin.

Lay downey for Clowney?

And how would that be possible? Clowney is 1 or 1A, out of the Packers reach even if they do not win another game. They could beat the Falcons who are themselves tanking and that's six wins. No chance at Clowney.


Overall then the draft looks like top 15 if they beat the Falcons and win one more as well, perhaps the Bears game. Maybe squeeze into the top 10 with just one more win?

Originally Posted by excalibur:
Originally Posted by PackerRuss:

I'll never understand tanking for a better pick.  I can't imagine the players or the organization thinks like that.   

Colts did it for Luck.

I get it, I just dont understand it.  Luck has worked out so far,  but you never know,  maybe he turns out to be more like Ryan Leaf than Manning.  I would think being competitive in the NFL would not allow this type of thinking.  

Originally Posted by PackerRuss:
Originally Posted by excalibur:
Originally Posted by PackerRuss:

I'll never understand tanking for a better pick.  I can't imagine the players or the organization thinks like that.   

Colts did it for Luck.

I get it, I just dont understand it.  Luck has worked out so far,  but you never know,  maybe he turns out to be more like Ryan Leaf than Manning.  I would think being competitive in the NFL would not allow this type of thinking.  

I would think being competitive in the NFL would mean the D playing a helluva lot better than they have been in the past few games


When you look at teams like the Hags, 9ers, Lions, and KC one of the things they all have in common is that they have benefited from high draft slots year after year. Even an average GM starts hitting on players when your picking the top 10 again and again round after round. It's just harder to miss when your picking guys that not only should be solid starters but also franchise players at their position.


The last time GB got a high slotted draft, they found Raji, CMIII, and TJ Lang. The year after that in 2010 they win the SB.


If Rodgers is out, as I said in another thread it's entirely possible they don't win another game. And in a heavy QB draft, chances would be extremely good GB could get for example a premiere safety in round 1 and high quality athletic TE as a new toy for Rodgers in round 2.


The league is built against dynasties and seeing the same teams rising to the top year in and year out. That GB has had the success we've had for decades is truly amazing.


A high draft, a cleaning of the cupboards (Williams, AJ Hawk, Jennings,)  and a new energetic young DC? Things could turn around quickly in 2014.



I just hope that the medical staff has AR12 using a bone stimulator.  My patients with "normal" insurance yeah we have to wait 90 days before it can be apporved unless you pay out of pocket.  Now I'm hoping a big NFL frachise can afford the bone stimulator to get this thing healed as quickly as possible.


Also it has been my experience that typically a break will heal just a tad stronger but the muscles around the break yes they can atrophy and need to be rehabed back up.

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