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@Cheezers posted:

Other than live sporting events ESPN doesn't sniff my channel line up.

It's gone the way of all the cable new shows. Generate anger, outrage, and scream as loud as you can. That's what engages and retains eyeballs.

I used to love watching NFL Mathup with Jaworski and Hoge. The in-depth discussions on scheme and reads was fascinating and it allowed me to understand the game. Listening to Rodgers with McAfee also gives you some insights you don't usually get. But that doesn't drive ad rates. What drives news ad rates is Maddow getting the left-wing riled up and Carlson/Pirro/Hannity getting the right-wing riled up. Stephen A. Smith and Bayless compete to say the most inane things so they get hits on social media.

The NFL analysis is as ridiculous as the NBA analysis (where guys like Kenrick Perkins who has literally said almost nothing interesting ever get airtime) where the talking heads before Game 6 of the Finals were still saying Giannis was not even the best player on his own team after he dropped 40+ twice in 3 games (and immediately before dropping 50).

Was at the game, as previously mentioned.  Sat in the NE corner of the EZ, field level, 21 rows up.  This just happened to be the corner of the EZ that Cobb caught a TD and Rasul "daggered" the game.  Literally right in front of me.  A few observations:

-I haven't seen many Packers' games in person in my life.  A few at Lambeau and a few at TBSS. Walking from the parking lot to the stadium yesterday, it was clear GB would be represented. I expected that.  Once in the stadium, I was a little surprised how many Packers fans were all over the field level ring.  It was crazy green & gold.

-Closer to KO, the Cards fans showed up and got loud.  But it seemed pretty clear to me that much of the noise was added by and induced by the speaker system.  But they're fans were loud.  Don't know how it played on TV, but the Packers fans were LOUDER IMO.  And constant.  And everywhere.  Every level, every concourse, in the shitter, Packer fans represented.  In was unreal.

-On the (second to) last play, the crowd at that end of the field was almost as loud as I've ever heard live at a sporting event (GS by Miggy Montero in G1 of NLCS in 2016 was my greatest sports moment in person). Packers fans screaming, Cards fans screaming. It's certainly understandable how there was communications issues on the AZ offense. And then the eruption at the interception was UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!!!!! PANDEMONIUM.  Pandemonium that completely eclipsed the groans and sighs of Cardinal nation.

It was just an unreal experience and I couldn't be happier that I saw it in person.

@PackerHawk posted:

I'm not sure King has a spot anymore when he comes back. He will get some snaps but tell me why he should play more than Stokes or Douglas?

Yiadom? No reason to keep him if KK gets healthy.  And he can always be sent to PS if not picked up.  And if he does get picked up, there's plenty of other "Yiadoms" wandering around other PS or the street.

Shemar-Charles? Fifth rounder, would imagine the coaches have an idea of where he projects long term and if it would be worth  trying to get to PS.

@PackLandVA posted:

I would say there were a couple thousand in the stands across from the post game show.  Loud and then complete eruption when Jonesy came out of the locker room.  I'd post some photos but I don't know how to do that.

Try the "add attachments" link below the posting box.

Or, if you can host the photos elsewhere, you can use the image widget between the link and video above the posting box.

@PackerHawk posted:

I think the game last night is going to start some buzz about him being COTY.

The only thing that could improve his chances would be losing Rodgers for a few games and winning with Love. So, let's not do that.

Many times COTY reflects the best improvement by a team/hc. Different cases can be made for different guys. But when you add the Rodgers factor, it probably works against him in the voting. Sherman and MM were probably deserving at some point yet neither won it. And Lindy Infante did. Following two 13-3 seasons unfortunately also oddly gives less shine to MLF. It's always been a weird award, but he certainly deserves some type of recognition.

It's gone the way of all the cable new shows. Generate anger, outrage, and scream as loud as you can. That's what engages and retains eyeballs.

I used to love watching NFL Mathup with Jaworski and Hoge. The in-depth discussions on scheme and reads was fascinating and it allowed me to understand the game.

The NFL analysis is as ridiculous as the NBA .

NFLN used to have the Playbook series with Sterling Sharpe and Brian Baldinger and it was excellent.  Best analysis show on Cable.  Then they cut it.  Tells you all you need to know.

Uh, the team that beat the Cardinals last night, idiot. Both starting CB. Our best two outside linebackers (Preston was active, but I don’t remember his playing). Our best two OL (Jenkins wax active, but played no snaps),

Uh, what? Jenkins has played every snap the last three games. Preston was in on 35 snaps which was about 60%, pretty close to his normal workload.

I used to love watching NFL Mathup with Jaworski and Hoge. The in-depth discussions on scheme and reads was fascinating

The NFL analysis is as ridiculous as the NBA analysis (where guys like Kenrick Perkins who has literally said almost nothing interesting ever get airtime) where the talking heads before Game 6 of the Finals were still saying Giannis was not even the best player on his own team after he dropped 40+ twice in 3 games (and immediately before dropping 50).


Not to mention channeling his inner Steph Curry and going 17-19 from the stripe.

Scream your brains out. Say the most outrageous shit and act like it's the "truth" Get clicks. That's how you "win" now.

I've tuned it all out.

Rodgers / McAfee is gold now. The best thing is the rest of the media is so fuckin jealous because McAfee gets all the good shit from Rodgers.

Cardinals suck. Packers Rule. Fuck your survivor pool if you picked the Cardinals



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Last edited by Boris

Did anybody else think or get a feeling that the Cards were playing dirty?
There was a handful of plays where it looked like there was some borderline cheap shots.
Of course, the chickenshit RTP on Phillips was the one that stood out the most.
Murphy had that Unnecessary Roughness penalty late in the 3rd qtr.
Ward's 'tackle' of Hill on the KO return wasn't technically dirty, but it was unnecessary.
The Cardinals, as far as I know, don't have a reputation of being dirty, but I don't think they liked getting pushed around by the offense, and was reacting poorly, to say the least.

@Timmy! posted:

Ward's 'tackle' of Hill on the KO return wasn't technically dirty, but it was unnecessary.

"unnecessary"? in that he led with his head? These guys are taught since pee wee football to "be aggressive", "hit hard", "make the runner pay", etc. but then when they do those things we want to label them ....the defender is running full speed down the field (because that is what he is taught to do), dumb ass Hill runs full speed right at him .... what do you want the guy to do?

@FLPACKER posted:

"unnecessary"? in that he led with his head? These guys are taught since pee wee football to "be aggressive", "hit hard", "make the runner pay", etc. but then when they do those things we want to label themâ€Ķ

Football is a contact sport, but at the highest level it’s a collision sport. That’s not what the game is supposed to be.

The truth is that players who play defense like they are missiles are the problem. In rugby, it’s against the rules to hit a guy without wrapping up, and contact anywhere near the head is a penalty. This really is the model the NFL should using. It won’t eliminate injuries- nothing will, it’s a tough sport. But these high speed collisions are avoidable. It shouldn’t be a part of the game.

@FLPACKER posted:

"unnecessary"? in that he led with his head? These guys are taught since pee wee football to "be aggressive", "hit hard", "make the runner pay", etc. but then when they do those things we want to label them ....the defender is running full speed down the field (because that is what he is taught to do), dumb ass Hill runs full speed right at him .... what do you want the guy to do?

100%. Hill ran full speed into the guy, he didn't even try to cut to the middle. The Cardinal player goes low as the league wants you to, so you aren't targeting the head.

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