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Originally Posted by Grave Digger:
The difference is exactly what I was talking about, who comes in for those other 500 snaps when Matthews is out? Mediocrity. When Justin Smith takes a breather, Glen Dorsey comes in and there is minimal drop off in production. When Michael Bennett needs a break, Cliff Avril comes in and it's all good. When Brett Keisel is injured, Cam Heyward plays and there's no drop off. When Clay Matthews comes out then Andy Mulumba comes in and there is significant drop off. Doesn't matter if we have 7 first round picks in there, those guys are only playing 500-700 snaps each a season which leaves a lot of time where you need quality back ups. The times we get gashed badly are when there is some rookie or some mediocre back up in there.


How is this possible when TT is the best GM in the NFL. He has won executive of the year you know. He finds quality players in the lower rounds that other teams miss. 


Our backups should be the best in the NFL right?

Last edited by FreeSafety
Originally Posted by Grave Digger:

Wilson started only 2 games that season and not the SB. Zombo started 8 games that season but was replaced by Walden who started through the playoffs.

Walden missed the Super Bowl. I remember before the game hoping that both would be ready to go, and then being let down because Walden couldn't play. That stiff pulled the wool over my eyes and had me think he was a quality player.

Last edited by Pack-Man
Originally Posted by DH13:

The other thing that favors a first year DC and new scheme is the element of surprise or the unknown.  Sure Ryan has coached his 3-4 before and the players have played D before but those two elements together make something new.  Let's see how well NO's D does next year when everyone has 16 games of tendencies to identify and attack.

Well, I know what happens in year 3, 4, and 5 of Dom Capers when everyone has his tendencies...  And, really, that's the only thing I care about.

Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

How is this possible when TT is the best GM in the NFL.

Is your point that Ted isn't the best GM, or that he is actually a bad GM? 


I still like Ted as my GM, but he's clearly made mistakes about the players he has brought into Green Bay. 

I don't think many (any?) think he's a bad GM, just that he's not the golden god of football some make him out to be.

DH13 - We won't have to wait until next year on the Saints D, they play tomorrow


Should be a great match-up with Chip Kelly's offense

And I'll be cheering for the Saints too, I'd love to send them back to Seattle next week so Rob Ryan's defense can shut them down. I'd love to see those Seattle a-holes knocked down a notch or two


The Packers defense held the Seahawks to 14 points in their house 

The Saints defense held the Seahawks offense to 27 points in their house


Maybe Capers can offer him a few tips before he gets fired 

TT is a very good GM that looks great because AR turned out to be maybe the best player in the NFL and can flat out win games.


Just like MM's overhyped QB school looks like a myth when you get past AR. Heck GB turned out more NFL ready QBs during the Favre than they have during the TT and MM QB school era.

Last edited by FreeSafety
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

TT is a very good GM that looks great because AR turned out to be maybe the best player in the NFL and can flat out win games.


Just like MM's overhyped QB school looks like a myth when you get past AR. Heck GB turned out more NFL ready QBs during the Favre than they have during the TT and MM QB school era.

They were also drafting a QB every other year.  

Originally Posted by PackerRuss:
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

TT is a very good GM that looks great because AR turned out to be maybe the best player in the NFL and can flat out win games.


Just like MM's overhyped QB school looks like a myth when you get past AR. Heck GB turned out more NFL ready QBs during the Favre than they have during the TT and MM QB school era.

They were also drafting a QB every other year.  

TT has drafted 3 QBs in the past 6 years.

What I don't want to see this week is Capers come up with something new like many have suggested IF it's going to have guys running all over the place not knowing what to do or where to be. I don't have any confidence in him being innovative and getting everyone on the same page in one week.


What I want to see this week is a defense that is assignment-sure, unpredictable in its playcalling, puts pressure on Kaeperdink, and aggressively and physically attacks the other team: a proactionary defense. 


What I will most likely see is more of what I have seen over the past 17 weeks: a reactionary defense that is unsure of itself, gives the QB plenty of time to throw, and is hoping to drag guys down rather than hitting them hard. 


I think Harbaugh will take the mindset of being super-physical with us to get and keep his guys warmed up, and to make it so our D doesn't want to tackle their hard-running players. The cold works both ways. I have more faith in MM pounding the ball at the Niners than I have of our defense doing the nasty hitting. 

Originally Posted by Satori:


imo The answer is players -  not scheme or coaching

When playmakers are on the bench, defense suffers. Film at 11


DL playmaker = Jolly on the bench

LB playmaker = Matthews on the bench, Perry too

DB playmaker = Hayward on the bench


But when a 3-4 team without both of its starting OLBs suffers....  the fans blame it on the coaching ?


Go Packers


This is one bubble we as fans need to burst. The meme of ZOMG!! Clay is out and the defense suffers horribly.


Well here's the reality:


In the 10 games CMIII has missed in 2012 and now 2013, wanna take a guess at the Packers record?




This year alone? GB is 4-1 without him and yes, that includes wins without AR playing.


And in the streak where CMIII was out with the 1st thumb fracture, that also co-insides with when Capers moved Hawk on inside blitzes, moved Perry to the right side more, and brought Brad Jones in on stunt blitzes that were very successful. It's also the same period of time fans marveled at how well AJ Hawk was playing.


But we're supposed to swallow the meme' that says no, no it's all players not scheme not coaching?


Seems to me that even going back to 2012 when CMIII was out, that's when Capers finally got creative and switched things around to are you ready?:


Fit the scheme to best maximize his personnel.


Now Im not discounting CMIII's impact when he's healthy and when he's playing. But these same coaches including Capers also then give free passes out when the players around him playing at half speed knowing that CMIII's motor is running and he can do most of the work.


That's not lack of players. That's not "enough talent is around us". That's coaching not putting a boot in players like Raji's ass and having the balls to bench him. It's not recognizing that these players are fully capable of playing lights out defense (see weeks 1-4 in run D and again in weeks when CMIII was out).


This Run D tanked when Jolly was fully healthy. The rest of the DL was healthy. In fact so healthy CJ Wilson couldn't even get to the field. They tanked. Period.


So let's not hide by imaginary injuries that weren't there or pretend that players like CMIII is Aaron Rodgers. He's not.





Last edited by packerboi




D. Jones



5 first round picks in the front seven.


5 out of 7.


How many teams have that?


Can't stop the run.


Can't rush the passer.


This is exactly the problem. Either TT can't evaluate defensive talent, or Capers can't coach it.


I say pull a "Rocky" and come out in a 4-3 base. There'd be no film on that for years, and the Niners wouldn't know what to do.


Last edited by lovepack

My 2 cents -


It's probably a combination of talent and coaching.   With coaching, it's directly proportional to what talent they have available- if you assume the quality of coaching is about the same.   However, the talent is either going to make or break you.


When you go back to the 2010 team, specifically the winning streak that resulted in a Superbowl title, you had these guys playing at a very high level on D-  Collins, Jolly, CMIII, Jenkins, Raji, Tramon, C-Wood, Bishop, and Shields. 


Fast forward to this season.  There's no Collins, Bishop, C-Wood, or Jenkins, and none of their replacements are playing at a level that's even close to where those guys were at back then.   Of the remaining five players (Jolly, CMIII, Raji, Shields, Tramon) only Shields is probably playing around the same level as they did during the Superbowl run.


So if you do the quick math, one out of nine players is really meeting or exceeding expectations, and we wonder why the D is struggling?   In particular, the losses of Collins and C-Wood were huge because Collins erased any big plays over the top and C-Wood was a QB on the field and dominated near the LOS.   IMO, they've never recovered from those two holes vacated on the roster. 


I think they have some options at CB but they have zero options at safety.   The shoddy safety play has killed them for the last three years. 





According to McGinn's attitude, this will be a blowout for SF. He could very well be right. Yes, we lack some playmakers but I'm more worried about the lack of discipline and positioning by our defense. If you don't have playmakers, you help overcome that with discipline, positioning, and effort. Our defense has guys who run all over like 8-year-olds, give up their position quickly and easily, and who don't give 100 percent (hello, Raji).


At this point in the year, we shouldn't be having this lack of position and discipline. That's on the coaches, all of them. Effort? If you need someone else to get you motivated especially at this time of year, you're in the wrong line of work. 


I love Daniels' motor and attitude, and want them to use him more. I get that he might wear down, but at least he gives an effort and has an attitude. I'm worried about Lattimore who has good potential but lacks discipline, especially to hold the edge on Kaeperdink. I'm waiting for D. Jones to come out of hiding. Hawk needs to play like his name. Perry needs to stay in the game, and Neal needs to step it up (and I get that they have some injuries holding them back, but it's the playoffs!). Someone, anyone!, needs to cover Boldin, and that someone needs to have an attitude; however, I'm not sure we have that guy.


All our defensive coaches, and their players, should be playing for their jobs today.

SF is probably the worst draw for the Packers in the NFC in terms of matchups, and as a result I think SF probably beats GB 8 or 9 out of 10 times.   However, it's a single elimination tournament at this point and in those scenarios we've seen time and time again over the last several years where a team can rise up and win these type of games.   Heck, we saw it just yesterday with New Orleans.   All I kept hearing was the Saints were terrible on the road, they had no chance, blah blah blah but they played pretty well and won.  They might still get blown out next week by Seattle but the name of the game is win or go home and that's how the Packers have to approach today's game.   A win today would help make amends for what's been a frustrating season all around. 


Do I have faith in the Packers D?   Not really, but if they can get a couple of turnovers and the special teams don't crap the bed I really think they have a chance to steal one.   However, it's going to take a top notch effort today for that to happen and while it may not seem likely here's hoping that the Packers play well today and prove all the critics wrong.



Linebackers, linebackers, linebackers... I understand all the complaining about no pass rush from DL and poor coverage by safeties, but in a 3/4 defense the linebackers must provide a lot of the rush and also cover the middle. Our linebackers can't pass rush and in the open field can't react to a RB or receiver making a cut. Neal, Perry, Malumba are strong but not as strong as the linemen they have to beat. Neither is Mathews but he is quick enough, agile and athletic enough to get around those big linemen. While Jones and Lattimore have a little speed they can't cover or pass rush. Hawk is what he is, slow, weak (there's a play last week where a lineman pushes him back ten yards, with one hand). One justification for playing Hawk is he calls the plays. Well, isn't that  one of the big complaints here, that players are out of position letting receivers run free? Another justification for Hawk is that he gives up his body so others can make the play. Sure, that's what we want in a middle linebacker, a guy who keeps falling at the feet of linemen so that "others" can make a play. Isn't that what Nitschke used to do? More than anything we need a downhill middle linebacker that makes plays at the line and in the middle of the field.


Our DL and CB's aren't that bad. Safety play should be better, but in drafting I'd concentrate on OL and IL. We need a complete overhaul there.


But we will win today!!! Hawk with a pick six. Malumba with 3 sacks!

Last edited by Hud
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:



Just like MM's overhyped QB school looks like a myth when you get past AR. Heck GB turned out more NFL ready QBs during the Favre than they have during the TT and MM QB school era.

This is ****ing idiotic.  MM is responsible for Aaron Brooks productive seasons in New Orleans, Rich Gannon's turnaround as well and Rodgers development.  Those feats alone are remarkable.  While he may have some holes in his game his ability to develop QBs, much like Holmgren previously, is impressive.  


Serious derp comment.

Last edited by Henry

From Pro Football Focus:

The Green Bay run defense started off the first six games very well, but they have since fallen off the map. As a team, their cumulative run defense grade ranks 29th in the league. Their problems start up front. B.J. Raji finished off last year in dominant fashion and finished the year with the seventh-highest grade out of all 3-4 defensive ends. In 2013, he ranks 43rd out of 45 with a -13.6 grade, and his -9.5 grade against the run is ranked dead last. Throw in the regression of the aging Ryan Pickett and the struggles of C.J. Wilson and the only solid run defender the Packers have up front is Mike Daniels. The inside linebackers have been equally as bad for the Packers defense. A.J. Hawk is ranked 52nd out of 55 inside backers and Brad Jones isn’t far behind (ranked 36th out of 55). No matter who the Packers put at linebacker, they seem to get stuck on blocks or end up taking themselves out of plays with poor instincts and positioning. The Packers will have to play some of their best run defense to even have a chance in this ball game.

This quote is specific about today's game but you can see how bad Raji, Hawk and Jones were this year (based on PFF's grading).  This defense sucks.  With the exception of CMIII, Burnett, Shields, Daniels and the 1st and 2nd round picks the last 2 years, no change would surprise me.  That includes the entire defensive coaching staff.  

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