Like some, I don't have any particular favorite for the Halas and the Hunt.
I'd also like to see some fresh teams in the Owl, just for something different, if nothing else.
The Commodes are having a magical season, they are definitely a Cinderella team, and a feel-good story. I'm not going to jump on their bandwagon, but I'd rather see them win than not.
The Eagles have a bit of history with the Packers, but I can't get past my hatred of everything Philadelphia (except cheesesteaks!) to give them any respect. I just know I'm tired of losing to them (1-4 over the last 5, including both games this year). So, I want to see somebody beat them, and Washington has a chance to do that.
The Chefs make me recall the dynasty teams of the 1970's--1990's era.
I get tired of seeing them win year after year, yet it's hard to work up a real hatred of them. They're a good team with a great coach. Sometimes more lucky than good, but they win. A lot.
The ref advantage, real or perceived, is irritating, but it's not like the team is doing anything to cause it. They just benefit from it....
I actually like Bills fans more than I do the team, and I'd like to see them enjoy a SB win. An added benefit would be shaking that monkey off their back after 30+ years of futility. Besides, I want to see a victory parade in heavy snow!
I actually think both games should be close. I don't expect any wild, high-scoring games like we saw last week. Of course, all offenses are capable of doing that, but I'm thinking all teams will have just enough defense to keep that from happening.