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I don't think I know more than the organization.  I merely have an opinion on a football board that I can back up.  

Let me ask you this.  Say the Packers don't have Rodgers and never did.  They have Alex Smith like MM would've wanted if he were in Green Bay.  Who honestly believes MM would be a huge success?   Sorry, I think he would've went the way of Philbin, etc. after what I saw last year.

Think about this.  He pretty much had Capers levered loose and don't tell me he didn't.  Does anyone seriously think Pettine would be here if Murphy doesn't disassemble the entire organization? 

And I don't care if you think I'm spoiled, I would've said the same thing myself.  But last year was an eye opener like I haven't seen in many years of being a fan.  It didn't just strike me as a bad year, it was the first time in my Packer fandom (yes, even the 80's) that was gobsmackingly unacceptable and horribly apparent just how much Rodgers was this entire team.  I've never thought like that before.  Even beyond a football point of view I was dumbfounded.

Maybe keeping MM in his lane while others do the clean up will work.  If MM actually got more juice out of this situation well **** me. 

So don't worry about calling me an asshole.  I still love you. 

MM without a shirt.  HAAAWWT!! 

I always try to remind myself that only circa 7% of the teams in the NFL actually make it to the SB each year (2 from 32).

i try not to get hung up on past what ifs.

i also think they were primed for their 5th Lombardi that year.

I also think it was a lot more than MM's fault.

Hawk blowing a fake fg that we all saw in grade school to Bostick trying to be a hero. Both out of MMs control.

Maybe even Peppers telling someone to get down?

My opinion?

Peppers ****** himself out of a SB.

he ****** us fans out of a SB. I do not blame MM for that game

PackLandVA posted:
Satan Test posted:

Can't disagree but it's hard to win a ring.

Just ask Minnesota


Umm, not to nitpick, but Minnesota has no idea how hard it is to win a championship ring.  Because they've never won one.

That's akin tome saying it's difficult to drop a deuce in the International Space Station.  Uh, never be up there.

I want to know what you're doing to actively achieve this goal. 

GrainBelt66 posted:


I also think it was a lot more than MM's fault.

Hawk blowing a fake fg that we all saw in grade school to Bostick trying to be a hero. Both out of MMs control.


Since it was MM's choice to hire and then retain one of the worst ST assistants in the league, Slocum, it is ultimately his fault.    

It's not as if it was news to anyone who paid attention that Slocum was bad.  It was a point of contention for years leading up to that debacle.  

Pakrz posted:

I cringe when I think that GB will have nearly 3 decades of continuous HOF play at the most important position on a football team and potentially only have 2 rings to show for it.  That would be a massive organizational failure. 

The two main reasons why are Mike Holmgren leaving for Seattle and TT having some awful drafts this decade.

I blame Mike Holmgren's (and maybe Ron Wolf's) ego for a significant part of that. With Holmgren, Favre was a top 5 QB of all time in 1995-1997. Favre started to fall off in 1998 when he (and everyone else) sensed that Mike was looking for mansions in Seattle at the end of the season. Favre was basically uncoachable in 1999-2006 because he clearly didn't respect Rhodes or Sherman. If Holmgren is his coach (and is fully engaged) from 1998-2005, there is at least another ring. And we need to give MM some credit for coaching ability - he did get Favre to play much better in 2007.

The blame for not getting more rings in the Rodgers era won't be clear until someone writes the definitive book on the Packers of this era. Was TT to blame for not getting better talent after 2010 or was MM/Capers to blame for not developing the talent? The offensive talent for the most part has remained decent. The defensive talent looked like it fell off a cliff. If you make a subjective attempt to rate the defensive talent TT brought in from 2005-2016 (2017 is too early to tell yet), the vast majority of the best players came pre-2010.

I'd argue it's more TT than MM. The real killers were the 2011 and the 2015 drafts. 18 draft picks and only one good player. The 2012-14 drafts were average to above average in aggregate - they got some good to great players (Davante Adams, Dix, Linsley, Bakh, Micah Hyde, Hayward, Tretter, Lacy). But it's hard to recover from 2 drafts as atrocious as 2011 and 2015. The 2015 draft are guys that should be among your best players right now and on the last year of their rookie contracts. There really isn't a isn't a guy there (even when healthy) that you couldn't easily replace with veteran on close to the minimum salary. With the exception of Cobb, the same holds true for 2011.



1. Sherrod

2. Cobb  - the one great pick

3. Alex Green

4. Davon House - decent pick

5. DJ WIlliams

6. Schlauderaff

6. DJ Smith

6. Ricky Elmore

7. Ryan Taylor

7. Lawrence Guy



1. Randall

2. Rollins

3. Ty Montgomery

4. Ryan

5. Hundley

6. Ripkowski

6. Ringo

6. Backman





Last edited by MichiganPacker

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