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Originally Posted by Satori:
Originally Posted by Henry:

You can call him a question mark as a 3rd rounder .....


He's a question mark in August of 2014 but that's not cause for alarm


Your buddy Big Ern was undrafted because he did not possess some/any traits of a very good OL. He's a dime a dozen. He eventually became serviceable, but that's proof that the draft guys got one right - you don't invest a draft pick in a guy with a low ceiling.

You invest them in guys with a high one and Thornton's ceiling is much higher than fans surmise in August of 2014.

Big guys who can move are harder to find than lardasses who just can't.

Thornton can move and that's one of the reasons team(s) liked him. 



This is my concern.  When you look at a guy because he has the right dimensions and a supposed quick twitch but generally plays like he's completely lost, which seems to be the take on his college days as well, you might as well be investing in a workout warrior with a 3rd round pick at a position needing an infusion.  


People comparing Jennings and Collins is ridiculous.  All those guys did is have incredibly solid college careers.  Thornton is the eternal flame of "potential".

Last edited by Henry
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:
Originally Posted by Goalline:
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:


"I think we can all agree that draft and developing has worked well for the Packers, and for the most part, many positions have benefited from the strategy. "


Agree. A now healthy Sherrod, Datone Jones and maybe even Perry will be a great test for the system. Since they all warranted 1st round picks there should be plenty of potential that could be developed there. And at this point I don't know anybody who expects anything out of these 3, which is a sad statement, so there is a chance for the D&D system to show its stuff. 

Just because Sherrod is healthy doesn't mean he's going to be the 1st Rounder we expected.  I think we should definitely expect Jones to continue to develop and have a better year than last, and be a force.  I think with Perry it's a crap shoot, the guy has been injured, and just appears to not be "all in".  

Originally Posted by Henry:


People comparing Jennings and Collins is ridiculous.  All those guys did is have incredibly solid college careers.  Thornton is the eternal flame of "potential".

Also I don't know how reaching back for guys drafted almost a decade ago really helps the argument when there is so much unreached potential in more recent history.


Originally Posted by FreeSafety:
Agree. A now healthy Sherrod, Datone Jones and maybe even Perry will be a great test for the system. Since they all warranted 1st round picks there should be plenty of potential that could be developed there. And at this point I don't know anybody who expects anything out of these 3, which is a sad statement, so there is a chance for the D&D system to show its stuff. 

I expect good things out of both Perry and Jones.  If you go back and look at the PS games so far, Jones has been penetrating regularly.  Perry has beaten legitimate tackles into the backfield for sacks/hurries.  Sherrod remains a wildcard, but we all know that has more to do with a shattered leg than anything else. 


So you know at least one guy now who expects something out of at least two of those three guys.  I bet there are more.  

Originally Posted by Henry:.

  This is my concern.  When you look at a guy because he has the right dimensions and a supposed quick twitch but generally plays like he's completely lost, which seems to be the take on his college days as well, you might as well be investing in a workout warrior with a 3rd round pick at a position needing an infusion.  

 Here's an example of what teams liked about Thornton (from AG20 at Football's Future):


"The game that made eyes fly open was the game against Arkansas. Travis Swanson is a damn good center, he went 76th overall to the Lions and that was a fantastic pick for them. Thornton kicked his ass all day long. Swanson went through the entire SEC schedule looking fantastic and simply hit a buzz saw against Southern Mississippi. The guy couldn’t move Thornton, and when Thornton came after him, he was getting walked backwards. To many that film liked minutia, to the trained eye it looked marvelous." 


That's just one man's opinion, but it shows that his ability to play football vs SEC- caliber OL was noteworthy. Its not just measurables or easily- dismissed combine stuff. The kid won vs talented players and that played a part in making the investment in Raji's replacement. Drafting is projecting and apparently they think they can turn him into a player. Some fans disagree


I'm not saying Thornton is or isn't a bust, how can we possibly tell? I don't understand the logic behind saying he is or isn't a bust at this point. Thornton was always considered a raw prospect that would take time to develop, 1 month of camp is supposed to be enough time for development? The lack of patience among intelligent people here is astounding, do you throw away your frozen burrito if it's not fully cooked after 30 seconds in the  microwave?

Originally Posted by PackerRuss:

Just because Sherrod is healthy doesn't mean he's going to be the 1st Rounder we expected. 

Now wait a minute.


The almighty GB scouting staff determined he was worth a 1st round pick. He is now healthy again and working with the almighty GB development staff. They alone turned AR and Nick Collins into stars. Why should we not expect the same from Sherrod?

Last edited by FreeSafety
Originally Posted by FreeSafety:
Originally Posted by PackerRuss:

Just because Sherrod is healthy doesn't mean he's going to be the 1st Rounder we expected. 

Now wait a minute.


The almighty GB scouting staff determined he was worth a 1st round pick. He is now healthy again and working with the almighty GB development staff. They alone turned AR and Nick Collins into stars. Why should we not expect the same from Sherrod?

I see what you did there....  



Originally Posted by Satori:

 Here's an example of what teams liked about Thornton (from AG20 at Football's Future):


"The game that made eyes fly open was the game against Arkansas. Travis Swanson is a damn good center, he went 76th overall to the Lions and that was a fantastic pick for them. Thornton kicked his ass all day long. Swanson went through the entire SEC schedule looking fantastic and simply hit a buzz saw against Southern Mississippi. The guy couldn’t move Thornton, and when Thornton came after him, he was getting walked backwards. To many that film liked minutia, to the trained eye it looked marvelous." 


That's just one man's opinion, but it shows that his ability to play football vs SEC- caliber OL was noteworthy. Its not just measurables or easily- dismissed combine stuff. The kid won vs talented players and that played a part in making the investment in Raji's replacement. Drafting is projecting and apparently they think they can turn him into a player. Some fans disagree



The point being that he is wildly inconsistent.  Straight up, I'm all for giving the kid time to develop and get used to the NFL game but when the MO on this guy is inconsistency with "flashes" of dominance you have to ask why this was a prudent 3rd rounder?  Point is he likely was picked there because a Big Hoss even with potential to be a pass rusher is hard to find. I get that.  He's lost in the headlights and stuck in what is his MO from college.  I am all for the Packers coaching staff to whip him into shape but we have to accept it may just as well be attempting to polish a turd.


If they shape him into a road apple sculpture, fine.

Last edited by Henry
Originally Posted by Henry:


The point being that he is wildly inconsistent.


If they shape him into a road apple sculpture, fine.

Agreed, we just don't know yet and that's been the over-riding comment I've tried to make to others in this thread. IF he was consistently able to win, he'd have gone in the 1st


The Packers certainly aren't infallible, but they are a heck of a lot better than the GM juniors making final declarations a few months into his pro career.

There's enough to work with; let them do their jobs and we'll see what happens

Back in January at the NFLPA Collegiate Bowl Thornton showed why Thompson was intrigued. Thornton frequently took on double-teams, showing strength to anchor as well as the burst and quick hands to swim over the top when only dealing with one blocker. This flash resulted in an impressive sack of Hawaii's QB Sean Schroeder. Thornton was the most impressive from an impressive showing from most of the DL in that game.


Inconsistency isn't forever.



Last edited by H5
Originally Posted by Henry:

Yes.   Let me know how his play states otherwise.  (In response to Dedbrains)

I think he is a major project as well.  My point was I don't think TT knew how much of a project he was, as suggested by others, when he drafted him in the 3rd round. 


By the way, the creativity and wit exhibited here with changing names is off the charts!  It's almost as impressive as a MLB manager changing everyones name to end in ey.  Brauney, Segey, Ramey... How do they do it?!?!

Last edited by BrainDed

I think that's the problem with his streakiness.  He looks completely dominate but then disappears in college.  Now he has to adjust the NFL game.  There are certain positions and types of players that are at a premium so the gambling risk gets steeper.  What I really think is TT and the scouting team really are leaning more on potential than actual results at that point when it comes to some of these wide load dlinemen.


While Thorton may be weak, TT found and scooped up Pennel.  We see it continually that TT plays the numbers game as well as anyone.  Nobody but persnickety fans will give two schits about Pennel being drafted if he pans out.


Normally, I don't put too much into where a guy was drafted but this guy just looks lost.  He may be the proverbial "struck by lightening" (I hope) type of player but it's pretty damn rough seeing the results even for a rookie. 

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