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Yes, another Brees vs Rodgers thread. I know, I know...but this will be fun.

Drew Brees threw the ball a whopping 657 times in the 2011 regular season. We all know he broke Dan Marino's 27 year old record of 5,084 passing yards.

We also know that Aaron Rodgers didn't throw nearly as many passes as Drew did during the season. But, if we include his last games from the 2010 season (including postseason, where the opponents are all playoff teams), we can get a pretty good picture of how Aaron performed when throwing the ball the same number of times.

First, look at Drew's #'s.

5,476 yards passing on 468-657 (71.2%). 46 TD passes, 14 INT. A 110.6 rating.

Now, Aaron's numbers (not quite perfect, as Aaron ends up with 5 more attempts. These numbers will include the 15 games from 2011, all 4 postseason games, and week 16 against the Bears).

5,966 yards passing on 452-662 (68.3%). 55 TD, 9 INT. 118.6 rating.

So, when Aaron has the same amount of throws as Drew Brees, adding in games against the Bears (two times), the #1 seed Atlanta Falcons, the Philadelphia Eagles, and the AFC Champion Pittsburgh Steelers....and Rodgers bests Drew Brees' numbers by a wide margin.
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Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by lambeausouth:
With such well thought out contributions, it's amazing to me that you're about to reach 30,000 posts.

Sorry mate, but I'm a realist. Brees in 2011.

Ok, I'll bite. What, in your opinion, make Brees the MVP over Rodgers?

Rodgers had the better record, 14-1 vs 13-3. He also beat Brees head to head.
Rodgers had a lower interception rate, and a higher TD rate (both highest in the NFL).
Rodgers established a new single season QB rating mark.
Brees had a 2% higher completion rate, and threw for more yards, setting a new record. He also threw the ball 155 more times.
Brees set an NFL record with most 300 + yard games in a season. Rodgers set an NFL record with most 100 + QB rating games in a season.
Sorry- Brees running up numbers against inferior teams down the stretch shouldn't skew voters. It SHOULDN'T, anyway. How many games was Brees in the 4th Q of a decided blowout game and he was still out there chucking it around? Meanwhile, Rodgers played 3 Qs in 2 games and didn't even play in another.

Bress has had a spectacular year in a season that passing offenses went buckwild over defenses. But how is it that suddenly Rodgers' accomplishments this season, winning 14-15 games he started, and playing with the worst defense in the NFL and having to out-score teams weekly, isn't part of the equation? Despite many factors working against them, the Packers still won all but one game. Rodgers has been the most outstanding player in the NFL, despite the gaudy numbers thrown up by Brees.

It won't be an easy choice, but Rodgers should still be the MVP.
I'm of the belief now that Brees will win it. Mainly because nobody can remember what happened last week nevermind last month. They'll point to Flynn's monster game to justify it. Obviously the Saints wanted that MVP. They'll deny that's what they were doing the last couple weeks, flinging it up 20+ points in the 4th quarter, but that appears to be exactly what they were doing.

Heck, last Sunday Rodgers threw for almost 300 yards and 5 TDs (sitting out almost the entire 4th q) and it was barely talked about because the next night Brees set the record. Nobody recalls the 400 yard, 6 TD (2 were rushing) game against Denver.

Just think, losses to 2 of the worst teams in the league are what kept New Orleans from a bye - @ ST Louis and @ Tampa Bay. The Chiefs loss wasn't great, but obviously they were a lot better team with Crennel and Orton. They finished 2-1 and only lost to Oakland in overtime, thanks to a blocked field goal.

Oh well...when the award is handed out Brees will be talking offseason workouts while Rodgers is doing interviews in Indy.
Originally posted by lambeausouth:
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by lambeausouth:
With such well thought out contributions, it's amazing to me that you're about to reach 30,000 posts.

Sorry mate, but I'm a realist. Brees in 2011.

Ok, I'll bite. What, in your opinion, make Brees the MVP over Rodgers?

Rodgers had the better record, 14-1 vs 13-3. He also beat Brees head to head.

Teams make the record, not QBs. Look at what Flynn did yesterday.
Rodgers had a lower interception rate, and a higher TD rate (both highest in the NFL).

Brees broke how many NFL records? Wanna count? Sick!
Rodgers established a new single season QB rating mark.

QB rating is stupid
Brees had a 2% higher completion rate, and threw for more yards, setting a new record. He also threw the ball 155 more times.

Brees had to throw the ball more times to win for the Saints. He was more valuable to his team.
Brees set an NFL record with most 300 + yard games in a season. Rodgers set an NFL record with most 100 + QB rating games in a season.

QB rating is stupid

Brees in 2011. Sorry, just a realist, not a homer like you. Listened to a ll bunch of AP votes today. Brees has this sown up. SORRY!
Originally posted by lambeausouth:
Brees played 8 of his last 9 games in a dome. Comfy 70 degrees, no wind.

Rodgers, who had a 72.3% completion percentage after week 11, dropped to 68% when he went to New Jersey, played two games at home, and to Kansas City, where the temp was 50, 42, 47 and 37 at gametime.

Can't tell me that Brees doesn't have a huge advantage there.
Rodgers also played without Jennings and Starks for a fair number of games (look at the Saint's RB help) and against KC, played without an offensive line.

I think if a voter is thoughtful about this, it isn't even a debate. There is no sharing, there is no vote for Brees, it is not even close.
Originally posted by Music City:
Sorry- Brees running up numbers against inferior teams down the stretch shouldn't skew voters. It SHOULDN'T, anyway. How many games was Brees in the 4th Q of a decided blowout game and he was still out there chucking it around? Meanwhile, Rodgers played 3 Qs in 2 games and didn't even play in another.

So, rather than use totals from last season, why not simply add Flynn's totals to Rodgers totals to get a better approximation of his season total?

Rodgers + Flynn

5,161 yards passing on 376-551 (68.2%). 51 TD, 8 INT. 122.8 rating.


5,476 yards passing on 468-657 (71.2%). 46 TD passes, 14 INT. 110.6 rating.

So Brees gets the yardage and % records and Rodgers gets the TD and rating record.

Originally posted by The GBP Rules:
Here's another interesting stat. I looked at RB receptions. Typically dumpoffs and easily completed passes. Packers RBs combined for 73 receptions. Sproles alone had 86. Sproles and Thomas combined for 136.

You make a good point. Arod needs to throw more often to his RBs. Brees is so much better at it.
Originally posted by AZPackerBacker:
Phaedrus, why not? The games where Rodgers was pulled were blowouts and the playcalling would have been more conservative. The Lions game would have been just as wild with Rodgers, maybe with a better percentage and no int but I think it would be pretty close.
I just don't think there can be any justification for taking the numbers of someone OTHER than the person one is talking about and adding them to his performance.
Originally posted by oldnavy:
I think Flynn showed yesterday that the Packers would still be a playoff contender without AR. You take Brees away from NO and they contend high draft position.

Why don't we get to make that argument for Brees just because we haven't seen it? And it wasn't some street FA fill in like Josh McCown. What if Flynn is currently one of the 10 most talented QBs in the NFL?

Here's Peter King with a great breakdown on why his vote is going to Rodgers.

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