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I think Campen should be held responsible for the disgraceful play of the o-line.
It is his resposibility to make sure the players are ready to play regardless of injuries. Really, the only player out is Bulaga and he was underachieving before the injury. I feel all of the players on the o-line are underachieving and that is on Campen.

TT did a lousy job putting the o-line together. I have to really try hard to remember an o-line this bad in Packer history.
Originally posted by Pakrz:
They just broke down the series on BSPN where GB finished it off with the TD to Nelson.

5 lineman. 1 tight end. 1 quarterback. 1 fullback. 1 running back. 2 wide receivers.

Well I'll be damned. Amazing what can happen when you block for the quarterback.

Can't remember so I'm just guessing we never used that formation again the rest of the game per usual. Too clever by half.

And why stop at 3 linemen and 7 receivers, Pakz? 2 and 8 must give MM wet dreams.
Originally posted by Boston Jim:
I think Campen should be held responsible for the disgraceful play of the o-line.
It is his resposibility to make sure the players are ready to play regardless of injuries. Really, the only player out is Bulaga and he was underachieving before the injury. I feel all of the players on the o-line are underachieving and that is on Campen.

TT did a lousy job putting the o-line together. I have to really try hard to remember an o-line this bad in Packer history.

Originally posted by Floridarob:
They Were singing EDS praises too last week and he looked like the guy that Seattle and the Packers cut. It looks like Ted is going to have to spend all his draft picks on the offensive line this year to get some depth. Saturday is done, Lang needs to be inside, Sitton has not played as well as he did last year, Newhouse is way too inconsistent. Packers have a Lombarghini at QB but the offensive line is a bunch of used Dodge Darts....

TT needs to spend his entire 2013 draft on OL and RB or else there are trains, planes and automobiles leaving GB everyday and he needs to be on one of them.
Originally posted by IL_Pack_Fan:
I believe that was also the last single-high look they got all night, but the point is still a valid one.

The Giants DC Perry Fewell isn't stupid enough to go back to a single-high and watch his DB's (which suck BTW) get toasted by Rodgers & his WR's.

Rush 4 Drop 7....Rodgers talks about seeing this defense much more often than not. He knows how to beat it, it takes patience, something (it seems) Rodgers & MM have lost when facing the defense.
Why do some many fans think firing coaches or cutting players in the middle of the season will solve problems?
A lot of the Packers O-line problems steam from Ted using the Draft to fix the Defense.
On the current o-line there is only one quality lineman (RG) in the position he currently is playing. Newhouse I do not know about, playing next to EDS at guard must makes his job doubly hard. Saturday is done, EDS is not a starting quality guard, and Lang is out of place. The rest of the Packers o-line men are not as good as who they have out their now.
It looks to me that the Packers only option is to muddle through the rest of the season with the players and coaches they have.
The Packers line can not be fixed this year but they do not need much to get a lot better. When Bulaga is back Lang goes back to LG and EDS moves to center. Then the Packers have 5 reasonable starters. Then TT can start adding players thought free agency and the draft.
Originally posted by Orlando Wolf:
The fact of the matter is sometimes it is coaching and not personnel. You think the Packers win a Super Bowl with Bob Sanders still directing the defense?

Why fire a coach once the season starts. The time to consider replacing a coach is after a season is over. In the case of the Packers this year they simply do not have the talent on the line right now. There could also be a coaching problem, MM must do some evaluation to make that determination.
I think firing Campen will be a reoccurring issue fans for the rest of the season I believe the O-Line is so bad right now that it will cause the Packers to loss several games and miss the playoffs, hope I am wrong but that is what I think.
I never liked Campen as a player and I have no reason to support him as a coach-but he's not really the problem.

They could probably do better with Bob Bostad of UW now Tampa Bay, but I really don't know whose available.

This one's on Ted for all the good he's done, he needed to do better than a handful of FA offensive linemen and an injured 7th rounder last April.

However, ASAP (probably not this season) I would get the hell out of the zone blocking system as it's been explained to us.

Get some OL who can run and pass block. It's not easy- but it's hardly impossible. Our five best OL could probably do it.

You need to run the ball directly at these great pass rushers. It gets them back on their heels and TIRED from the pounding. It saves the OL from always being on the defensive (pardon the expression).

Not big on the WCO-even McCarthy's version, but he's a passing game whiz, for sure.

The prime directive should be do whatever it takes to protect Rodgers - a once in-a-lifetime QB(maybe twice, Brett).

They've got to practice running the ball and get better at it.

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