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@H5 posted:


Now over $3.5mm

Many, MANY, $5 - $10 donations from all over.

The look, the joy, that will be on Hamlin's face when he hears how much has been raised... I can't imagine how he will feel.

Fools on Twitter who are anti/vaxxers are blaming the jab. Sad.

One guy said he had an 11 year old cousin who was hit by a pitch in little league back in 1972 and he died at home plate. Nurses were weighing in with cases they saw, admitting it’s a rare condition.

I don’t like Skip Bayless but it seems like people only reacting to 1st part of tweet. if you read the last sentence he is saying that suddenly football/playoffs seem Irrelevant. Somebody pointed this out on twitter and got blasted.

@realskipbayless No doubt the NFL is considering postponing the rest of this game - but how? This late in the season, a game of this magnitude is crucial to the regular-season outcome ... which suddenly seems so irrelevant.

Poorly worded by Bayless for sure but not worthy of the reaction it got. He sounds tone deaf and was attacked. Flame away.  I consider him a button pushing sensationalist and usually just ignore him.

In any case I’m praying for full recovery of Damar Hamlin. 🙏

Was going to comment on Skip last night, but didn't think it warranted the distraction.  I understand the reaction and maybe it is taken a bit out of context, but I have been subjected to that Turd since he was in Dallas and then in Chicago and couldn't understand how he continued to get bigger and bigger gigs.  I can't think of a journalist/commentator/douche bag I have less respect for. If you ever waste your time listening to him you realize that he has never said an intelligent thing in his life.  So seeing him get some hate actually gave me a little satisfaction during a somber time.

@GreenBayLA posted:

I don’t like Skip Bayless but it seems like people only reacting to 1st part of tweet. if you read the last sentence he is saying that suddenly football/playoffs seem Irrelevant. Somebody pointed this out on twitter and got blasted.

@realskipbayless No doubt the NFL is considering postponing the rest of this game - but how? This late in the season, a game of this magnitude is crucial to the regular-season outcome ... which suddenly seems so irrelevant.

Poorly worded by Bayless for sure but not worthy of the reaction it got. He sounds tone deaf and was attacked. Flame away.  I consider him a button pushing sensationalist and usually just ignore him.

In any case I’m praying for full recovery of Damar Hamlin. 🙏

Bayless's whole existence is predicated on echo chamber bs. Tabloid journalism for the sake of ratings. He knows how to stir up whichever side is chosen to stir up in any given week. And people fall for it in droves.

That being said, the people that are so quick to jump on literally anything being said during such an emotional moment need to check themselves as well. Feeding into that mindset is what continues the downward cycle of ignorance we see in this country. You don't have to like the guy to recognize he worded something poorly and leave it at that. The drastic overreaction to things like this is what perpetuates more and more garbage. And the fact that people went out of their way to ignore "which suddenly seems so irrelevant" only proves that they live for this type of gotcha moment. There's a kid fighting for his life. That's where the attention needs to be.

@mrtundra posted:

I got up this morning and searched for news on Hamlin's condition. News reports say he remains in critical condition at the Cincy Hospital they took him to. IMO, that EMT crew saved his life, with the CPR they performed on him. They restored his heartbeat, on the field. Prayers to him for a full recovery and to his family to ease their angst and pain.

I can't help thinking about how tragic the outcome would have been if they had stopped trying after 6, 7 or 8 minutes. They are heroes for their quick reactions and their perserverance.

Last edited by Gsands

I did on page 2


"It remains the greatest tragedy to have ever occurred during an NFL game. Forty years ago today on October 24, 1971, at Tiger Stadium Detroit Lion wide receiver Chuck Hughes died on the field of a fatal heart attack with just over a minute to play in a game that would be won by the Bears 28-23.Oct 24, 2011"

Per source.

Just spoke with Damar Hamlin’s uncle. Damar was originally on 100% oxygen and is now down to 50%. Says the family is hanging in there. He thanked Bills fans, and Bengals fans and asked for continued prayers

The Green Bay Packers echo the sentiments expressed by our players last night and today. Our thoughts are with Damar Hamlin, his family, the Buffalo Bills and Cincinnati Bengals organizations.

The compassion shown by the Bills, the Bengals and the staff in the stadium, as well as the respectfulness of the fans, demonstrates the strength of the NFL community and the power of sports to bring people together. We are proud to be a part of this community. We also commend the swift and professional response from the emergency medical personnel in Cincinnati.

We continue to send our support and best wishes to Damar and all of his loved ones.

What a shocking, tragic event. I didn't have the game on and started getting texts about what was going on. Hoping the kid pulls through this. Bills Mafia is a pretty amazing force of nature. When they get activated they go above and beyond every time.

Major, major kudos to the EMT that did an amazing job here. I can't imagine doing that in isolation much less in front of two full NFL teams and 80,000 people in the stands and millions watching on TV.

@R MaN posted:

Per source.

Just spoke with Damar Hamlin’s uncle. Damar was originally on 100% oxygen and is now down to 50%. Says the family is hanging in there. He thanked Bills fans, and Bengals fans and asked for continued prayers

He said that they had to resuscitate Hamlin again when he got to the hospital. Also said they are sedating him to give him a "better chance of healing".

It was a cool scene when they showed a bunch of Bengals fans had stopped and grabbed some candles and were outside the hospital holding an old-school vigil  after the postponement. The heck with playoff positioning, the heck with a game, it was about life.

@YATittle posted:

Fools on Twitter who are anti/vaxxers are blaming the jab. Sad.

One guy said he had an 11 year old cousin who was hit by a pitch in little league back in 1972 and he died at home plate. Nurses were weighing in with cases they saw, admitting it’s a rare condition.

Happened to Chris Pronger when the Blues were playing Detroit in the playoffs.  Took a slapshot to the chest, took a few steps and dropped.  Remarkably, he was back in the lineup two days later.;

Interesting conversation with Dominique Foxworth .  NFL players get 5 years of health care coverage when they finish playing - then they’re on their own.  They must play 3 years and 3 games to get vested retirement.  Hamlin will not have any retirement (he’s in his 2nd year) and no “long term health care” for an incident that may impact his lifetime (if he makes it through this critical stage).

Last night I heard that Hamlin is on a ventilator, as he cannot breathe on his own, yet. Regarding the healthcare issues and knowing how the League fought concussion protocol reforms, in the Courts, I'm wondering if a catastrophic injury, such as the one Hamlin is dealing with, will make any changes in how the League insures their players? I think the reports of the League officials who wanted the game to resume play, after Hamlin was taken to the hospital, says a lot about the League.  

Last edited by mrtundra

This is pretty well put. Even TLDR yet I did.  Emergency services everywhere are struggling. for help. Whether it’s the volunteer ambulance, workers or paid first responders.  

Darwin's Editorial
There seems to be worldwide agreement that it is absolutely impossible to carry on with business "as usual" after witnessing an aggressive resuscitation that includes intubation and chest compressions. This, coming in the wake of the tragic events at a recent NFL football game.

Yet, those of us in healthcare and especially Emergency Healthcare have performed those tasks literally hundreds of times and within minutes of its completion, successful or not, we immediately move on to the next room, the next sprained ankle, earache or back injury.

We all train and practice over and over, every conceivable scenario so that when the time comes, we are ready and will know exactly what to do AND when to do it. We all know that the CPR you see on TV programs is completely unrealistic and toned-down version of how resuscitation is actually done.

Real life CPR done by well trained professionals is truly a BRUTAL assault on a dead body by multiple people trained to be clear minded, precise and goal oriented in the application of the assault. The goal is to breathe life back into that lifeless body. It involves high energy electrical shocks, aggressive immediate vascular access, that can include drilling into a superficial bone and placing a large metal needle into the marrow. It also includes chest compressions that routinely break ribs, separate cartilage and crack breast bones. It involves visualization of the windpipe through the mouth to place a tube into the lungs to deliver oxygen and prevent the inevitable vomit from contaminating the lungs. If absolutely necessary, it involves cutting open a hole in the neck to access the airway and block the puke.

Please do not assume that when the Paramedics, EMT's, nurses, doctors, Respiratory Therapists and technicians immediately move on to the next case, that they were unaffected. Trust me, they WERE affected.

Kudos to the professionals who did their job so well on national TV. Kudos also to all those who do it every day in the ER, the back of the ambulance, along the side of the road, and in the checkout line at Walmart.

I'm sorry that the whole world had to witness a REAL, and I should add, SUCCESSFUL resuscitation.

But I hope those who could not possibly return to business as usual on Monday night understand that for many of us, there is simply no option but to immediately carry on with the job at hand. If we appear in that moment to be void of empathy or compassion, it's not that we are unaffected. We are using engrained defense mechanisms and maxing out our coping skills. We don't need you to completely understand, but we may need you to just cut us some slack.

Dr. Darwin Schossow
EMS Medical Director
Pocahontas Community Hospital
Pocahontas, Iowa

Turned on the game just after Hamlin left the field without knowing what happened. As soon as I saw the replay (had to find on my phone), I thought of his heart stopping and Commotio Cordis. It's just unreal. I was watching when Chris Pronger, the hockey player, went down after being hit in the chest with a puck. I was also watching when Christian Erickson went down on the soccer pitch, and thinking, "I'm watching a guy die on the field right now." And many years ago we had a high school basketball player who went down during a game, and luckily, with an AED, he survived. Our coach said the kid was fine and then he was dead until being brought back. Scary, scary, scary. I certainly hope Hamlin's outcome is as good as our student's was...

@YATittle posted:

This is about the best news they could have hoped for and it happened within that pivotal 72-hour window. It hit me really hard watching everything live because I've been on the other side of this type of situation, but am beyond happy that things are trending in the right direction for him. Really tough not to hold back tears on this one.

Last edited by NumberThree
@NumberThree posted:

This is about the best news they could have hoped for and it happened within that pivotal 72-hour window. It hit me really hard watching everything live because I've been on the other side of this type of situation, but am beyond happy that things are trending in the right direction for him. Really tough not to hold back tears on this one.

Just seeing the looks on all those players’ faces on Monday Night, I admit I had some tears welling up.  

Today I teared up a little bit in a good way, hearing that Hamlin wrote “Did we win?” on a piece of paper when he awoke today made me both laugh and tear up a little bit at the same time.  Sounds like he has a long ways to go but that things are looking up.

NFL will not resume the Bills/Bengals game.  The NFL is unsure as to how to deal with the records dealing with the missed game. One proposal is explained in the link.  really would not affect the Packers but the Seahawks and Lions could benefit along with Pittsburg.

@Gsands posted:

Damar woke up and wrote: "who won the game?" The doctors told him he won the game of life.

Yea , you had to love what the drs said. "Not only were the lights on but someone was actually home". Great news...

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