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Originally posted by lambeausouth:
Originally posted by packerboi:
Congratulations on getting in very late on the 2012 dumbest post of the year.

I think you just may have it wrapped up.

I'm expressing my opinion, and I'm not the only one that feels this way. And I'm also blowing off some steam in the process.

If you don't like it, you don't need to participate, but save the insults.

Packboi is expressing his opinion, and I'm not sure he's not the only one that feels this way. And he's also blowing off some steam in the process.
Originally posted by Boris:
So the play where Casey Heyward is standing in no mans land allowing Jenkins down the sideline is Capers fault how?

exactly. dom had the perfect defense call on that play. hayward screwed up.

they had AP bottled up in the backfield numerous times but couldn't wrap up .

not to mention Tramon's pathetic ****ing performance today.
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
You know, they stuffed Peterson enough times on first and second downs to force third and longs. It was Ponder that (or the Pack defensive backs) that really beat them.

I agree. How many times did we have them third and long, when AP was completely out of the picture? Are you going to tell me that the guys we have on the field are not at least as good as, if not better than everybody Minnesota has on the field? It's inexcusable to let Ponder beat our defense time and time again. He's not a good quarterback.
Originally posted by lambeausouth:
Yes, the players, too, bear the responsibility, but at some point you have to sit back and say "hey, Dom Capers has been the defensive coordinator for several years now. He provides input as a talent evaluator. He has a say in what players make his squad. And while there has been improvement in some areas, this unit is not where it should be".
They only have so many draft picks, and this team does not waste money on FAs. Even with Matthews taken into consideration, this team may have the worst unit of 3-4 OLBs in the league. They need another good draft and to get guys back from IR.
Originally posted by Rusty:
Packboi is expressing his opinion, and I'm not sure he's not the only one that feels this way. And he's also blowing off some steam in the process.

That's fine. We're all a little steamed right now. No need to be insulting, however. The discussion is not completely without merit. But if the majority of people think I'm wrong, I can accept that. But based on things I am reading in other places, I am not alone.
2nd and 27, just after the Peterson almost fumble and the personal foul penalty, the Pack O was rolling and the D was at least getting in Petersons way #38 Tramon Williams was in the hole and could have at least slowed Peterson up but lo and behold he got out of the way. That was the game right there, if he at least hits him PERHAPS someone else could have tackled him and made it 3rd and long and maybe have held the Vikes to a FG. Terrible, terrible play by Williams.

I thought the Pack was past that after the last couple of weeks...I guess not.
Originally posted by Pack-Man:
You can't win with pieces of **** like Erik Walden, AJ Hawk, Frank Zombo and Dezman Moses. Oh yeah, Tramon Williams played like a giant vagina out there today too. They need a third OLB to rotate in there and compliment Perry and Matthews, and they need another big body that can stuff the run.

Exactly. Those LB's are nothing more than backups (barring significant improvement). Unfortunately, with Bishop and Perry out, backups have to start. I've been pining for a new ILB for awhile, so I really hope to see TT draft one in the first round or two. And OLB is still an issue and while Perry should be back to full strength in the offseason, they need a third player there that can play.

Tramon, Heyward, Shields and Burnett all had horrible games today, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt b/c they've all showed pro owl potential this year. But this better be rock bottom for them b/c getting beat like that by Christian Ponder should be as bad as it gets. But that front 7 has to be fixed.
Originally posted by packerboi:
I like Brad Jones at ILB but GB misses a physical smash mouth motoring ILB like Desmond Bishop.
Maybe Jones can step in and play next to Bishop next year once Hawk is finally ****canned (can't believe he was the 5th overall pick). If that's the way they end up going, they'll still need to find a new prospect somewhere in the top half of the draft. We also can't forget that this team badly needs a new center and possibly a new tackle. It's obscene to see this team's best player take 50 sacks in a season. Getting that number cut in half may be a higher priority than infusing new talent into the front seven.
Wow, I clicked on page 3 of this thinking this was a thread from last year that got bumped. Had no clue it was made today after the game

D was atrocious today, worst they've looked probably all season, but they were doing much better throughout the season. Hoping this was just a little blip on the radar. Terrible performance by that unit, though
2nd and 27, just after the Peterson almost fumble and the personal foul penalty, the Pack O was rolling and the D was at least getting in Petersons way #38 Tramon Williams was in the hole and could have at least slowed Peterson up but lo and behold he got out of the way.

I saw that. He either didn't want to hurt his shoulder or he didn't want to get posterized by AP. Unfortunately he took the coward's way out.
Originally posted by PackLandVA:
Not a fan of Zombo, but I don't think a bunch of rookies is the answer. Moses has a chance to be a decent player. I'm surprised you think he's hit his ceiling after 1 season. Walden is serviceable as a backup. Unfortunately, he has to play too often with some of the injuries.
You're probably right. Moses is probably fine as long as he's deep on the depth chart, Zombo just needs to be gone the minute the season is over. Then let Walden fight for his job in camp against a guy taken in the 3rd-5th round. If Walden wins, you keep the prospect and cut Moses, if Walden loses, you cut him and keep the prospect along with Moses. A new center and a top flight DL are both far higher on the list of priorities to be addressed in the first two rounds.
Originally posted by Pikes Peak:
2nd and 27, just after the Peterson almost fumble and the personal foul penalty, the Pack O was rolling and the D was at least getting in Petersons way #38 Tramon Williams was in the hole and could have at least slowed Peterson up but lo and behold he got out of the way. That was the game right there, if he at least hits him PERHAPS someone else could have tackled him and made it 3rd and long and maybe have held the Vikes to a FG. Terrible, terrible play by Williams.

I thought the Pack was past that after the last couple of weeks...I guess not.
Don't you get it. AP is protected by a force field. Tramon tried to reach him and was repelled by the force field. It was Caper's fault.
Originally posted by lambeausouth:
Capers couldn't scheme his way out of a wet paper bag. Everything we've heard about is defenses regressing is true. This defense can't get a stop against Christian Ponder on 3rd and 11, can't get any pressure on him all day long, can't tackle, can't keep Adrian Peterson from 200 yards. The offense put up 34 points today, and our defense, once again in a big game, pissed down it's pants leg.

I am done with him. Time to get his butt out of Green Bay. Period.

Read the first post and saw all I needed to see. Absolutely idiotic post. Stop taking your Vicodin by the handful.
Originally posted by Mr.Yuck:
Originally posted by lambeausouth:
Capers couldn't scheme his way out of a wet paper bag. Everything we've heard about is defenses regressing is true. This defense can't get a stop against Christian Ponder on 3rd and 11, can't get any pressure on him all day long, can't tackle, can't keep Adrian Peterson from 200 yards. The offense put up 34 points today, and our defense, once again in a big game, pissed down it's pants leg.

I am done with him. Time to get his butt out of Green Bay. Period.

Read the first post and saw all I needed to see. Absolutely idiotic post. Stop taking your Vicodin by the handful.

I'm sorry, was anything I said untrue? The late in the game "automatic prevent defense time", broken/missed tackles, no defenders within 10 yards....that's all blamed on the players. Roll Eyes

The players come and go. The guy that's entrusted to mold the defense into a championship-caliber unit remains, and they're not getting it done. The Vikings are improved, but all he had to do was keep the Vikings from scoring 33 points or fewer, with one good player on their offense, and they couldn't do it.
Originally posted by Goalline:
Originally posted by Pikes Peak:
2nd and 27, just after the Peterson almost fumble and the personal foul penalty, the Pack O was rolling and the D was at least getting in Petersons way #38 Tramon Williams was in the hole and could have at least slowed Peterson up but lo and behold he got out of the way. That was the game right there, if he at least hits him PERHAPS someone else could have tackled him and made it 3rd and long and maybe have held the Vikes to a FG. Terrible, terrible play by Williams.

I thought the Pack was past that after the last couple of weeks...I guess not.
Don't you get it. AP is protected by a force field. Tramon tried to reach him and was repelled by the force field. It was Caper's fault.

It is crazy how AP seems to bounce off of defensive players. It's like he covers himself in a can of WD40 before every game.
Pakrz, the players on the field lost the game. But how many times did we see a guy in the secondary completely whiff on their assignment? Three Packers were running furiously to catch up to a wide open receiver on the 3rd and 11. Packers were running full speed trying to catch up to AP in the end zone on the short TD pass from Ponder. Why are these coverages being missed? Is this on the secondary coach, or the defensive coordinator?

The missed tackles, especially against AP, are a little easier to swallow, because AP is a freak, and runners like him come along once in a generation (Earl Campbell, Bo Jackson). There's no way really to prepare to face off against him, and all you can do is try to lessen his impact. But it's the mental lapses that seem to rear their ugly heads far too often, and they cost us dearly. And when they keep happening, at some point you have to at least consider a change, don't you?
Why are these coverages being missed? Is this on the secondary coach, or the defensive coordinator?

The players. You don't really think Dom Capers, who is a well-respected defensive wizard in the NFL, suddenly forgot how to scheme against a mediocre at best passing offense in his 40 years of coaching do you?

My money is on young defensive backs not being where they were supposed to be. On the 3rd and long at the end of the 4th quarter, even the announcers knew Hayward played the scheme wrong. He released the receiver to play the flat... the problem is the only person in the flat was Hayward. He should have recognized that and turned up the field with the receiver. I'd bet my last cent that Hayward had been coached that over and over and over again. He blew the coverage, which unfortunately tends to happen with rookie football players.
Originally posted by Pakrz:
There were plenty of times where AP was bogged up at the line of scrimmage because Picket and Raji were holding it down up the middle. AP just routinely slipped it outside where Tramon and the rest of the d-backs were playing patty-cake instead of tackle football.

If I'm AP I spend the next five days studying film to figure out exactly where Tramon will be on every play. Then on Saturday I run that way all day.
Well, maybe my ire should be directed a little more at the players, and a little less at Capers. I don't know, the amount of frustration I felt after the final gun sounded today was close to an all-time high. Not 4th and 26, or Favre's pick in OT of the 2007 NFC Championship game level, but not far off.

It just seems to me that these mental lapses keeps happening time and time again. One would think these guys watch a lot of film. So, what's the solution?
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