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Acronyms can define a generation and this generation's tough guys are defined by P.E.D.


For older people, LSMFT defined what the tough guys were taking back then...

"no- filter harsh tobacco sticks" aka Lucky Strikes


Times change... and so do the substances, their acronyms and their outcomes




Last edited by Satori
Originally Posted by Fandame:

Bush gets four games for public intoxication and Hardy gets four games for beating up on a woman. Nice priorities and message to players and fans, Goodell. You suck.  

Yep that makes sense it almost seems like he took a page out of the NCAA discipline handbook.  Punish harshly for lesser offenses and slap on the wrist for others that makes no sense. 

Then Hardy after he is reinstated comes out and says "ready to come out guns a blazin!"  Really dum dum?  If I was commissioner I would suspend him one more game for just being stupid.


The fault lies with the Cowboys and NFLPA with Hardy - not Goodell.  Goodell did what he could to get Hardy out but the NFLPA fought to get Hardy back in the league and the Cowboys signed him.  Until teams start getting punished for their player's transgressions, nothing will change.  But I have to assume that the owners will not let Roger do that.  Owners don't want to get fined cash and draft picks and remember, Goodell works for the owners.  


Agree with others on Hardy.  I don't root for injuries but I'd be ok with a blown out knee for Hardy.  

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