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Originally posted by BackThePack:
Originally posted by PackFoo:

Man, could you imagine the rat's nest this guy calls his pubes?(quoted for bong) I loathe you.

I think the better question is why or how you could come up with that? mfhide no way somebody does a double quote here, that would be stupid.

He just does not seem to be himself lately! Perhaps its the holiday stressors. Perhaps its the midlife crisis blues. Perhaps he is worried about TT. I am concerned though! Any thoughts folks?
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Originally posted by Randy Moss:
Originally posted by BackThePack:
Originally posted by PackFoo:

Man, could you imagine the rat's nest this guy calls his pubes?(quoted for bong) I loathe you.

I think the better question is why or how you could come up with that? mfhideno way somebody does a double quote here, that would be stupid.

He just does not seem to be himself lately! Perhaps its the holiday stressors. Perhaps its the midlife crisis blues. Perhaps he is worried about TT. I am concerned though! Any thoughts folks? SOB

Reading problems?
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Originally posted by Randy Moss:
Originally posted by BackThePack:
Originally posted by PackFoo:

Man, could you imagine the rat's nest this guy calls his pubes?(quoted for bong) I loathe you.

I think the better question is why or how you could come up with that? mfhide no way somebody does a double quote here, that would be stupid.

He just does not seem to be himself lately! Perhaps its the holiday stressors. Perhaps its the midlife crisis blues. Perhaps he is worried about TT. I am concerned though! Any thoughts folks? NFW, You guys are just trying to piss me off now.

I've had the hiccups for 4 months.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:
Originally posted by Randy Moss:
He just does not seem to be himself lately! Perhaps its the holiday stressors. Perhaps its the midlife crisis blues. Perhaps he is worried about TT. I am concerned though! Any thoughts folks?

Are you trying to say it is the kinder, gentler Henry?
Deep down inside I think Henry has a soft spot for TT and #4. I also beleive hank tries to put up a wall around himself. I am not a therapist but this could harbor a LOT of anxiety and deep down choked up feelings. Perhaps a major seratonin imbalance. Lets all work together and get Hank back on track. Thanks
Originally posted by Randy Moss:
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:
Originally posted by Randy Moss:
He just does not seem to be himself lately! Perhaps its the holiday stressors. Perhaps its the midlife crisis blues. Perhaps he is worried about TT. I am concerned though! Any thoughts folks?

Are you trying to say it is the kinder, gentler Henry?
Deep down inside I think Henry has a soft spot for TT and #4. I also beleive hank tries to put up a wall around himself. I am not a therapist but this could harbor a LOT of anxiety and deep down choked up feelings. Perhaps a major seratonin imbalance. Lets all work together and get Hank back on track. Thanks

I do what every healthy individual does . . . I keep the pain deep, deep down inside so it has several layers of dysfunction to filter through before coming out as scathing sarcasm.

How much did this cost me?
Hank! I am very pleased to hear you make a first step towards your recovery. Admitting your shortcomings and taking on your demonds is not easy. Remember one day at a time. Deal with today and tackle tomorrow tomorrow. I am here for you. Hopefully others will be behind you during your time of need. All you have is today. Except the things you cannot change.
Originally posted by Randy Moss:
Hank! I am very pleased to hear you make a first step towards your recovery. Admitting your shortcomings and taking on your demonds is not easy. Remember one day at a time. Deal with today and tackle tomorrow tomorrow. I am here for you. Hopefully others will be behind you during your time of need. All you have is today. Except the things you cannot change.

Is this who he is taking on?

Originally posted by Randy Moss:
Hank! I am very pleased to hear you make a first step towards your recovery. Admitting your shortcomings and taking on your demonds is not easy. Remember one day at a time. Deal with today and tackle tomorrow tomorrow. I am here for you. Hopefully others will be behind you during your time of need. All you have is today. Except the things you cannot change.

Should I masturbate more?

Are you taking this seriously or not HANK! For a split second we were starting to think you were on the path of recovery. Making jokes about your illness is fine if you take your illness seriously. That is healthy. Masturbation is healthy but that is a private matter that should be shared with yourself. Nobody else.