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Given what is doing with live streaming of all preseason games it's only a matter of time before they offer an alternative to DirecTV Ticket 


Pay per view is coming and it won't involve dealing with those dicks at the satellite crap network.   



Followed the advice from you guys. Called last Sunday and bitched about new subscribers getting a good deal. 4 transfers later: Free NFL Package, new Genie receiver, and $20 off per month for the next year.

the NFL is not going to renew that deal with DirecTV and why would they?


the pay per view options are unlimited and with the NFL Network in full effect and mobile technology what it is DirecTV is dead as dead 



Originally Posted by Tschmack:

Given what is doing with live streaming of all preseason games it's only a matter of time before they offer an alternative to DirecTV Ticket 


Pay per view is coming and it won't involve dealing with those dicks at the satellite crap network.   



They already offer all the regular season games to people outside of the United States, Mexico and some Caribbean countries. If you live in the Netherlands, it's free. Thanks to a little bit of trickery, I'm getting all the games for free this year. It's not quite as good as the picture you get with NFL Sunday Ticket, but it was a good tradeoff even when I paid $160 for it last year. DirecTV is the worst company I've ever done business with. Go to: to learn how to get all the games for $4.95 a month. It's probably just a matter of time until the NFL starts trying to shut this down, but it'll just develop into a whack-a-mole game (new methods will pop up) for them.

I just hook up a computer to my TV whenever the Packers aren't on local TV. I think I had to do it 6 times last year, the rest I was able to get via my cable package. Game Pass also has the Red Zone channel, but I just paid my cable provider to get it from them for the slightly better picture and so I wouldn't have to bother dragging in a computer the other 11 weeks of the season. Another nice feature are the smartphone apps. If you have an iPhone or most Android phones, you can watch games on it. I frequently had the Bears or Vikings on my phone while I had the Packers or the RedZone channel on my TV.

Made my call to them yesterday. Been a DirecTV customer for 15 years. I asked them what I needed to do to reduce the NFL Sunday Ticket fee and that I want the mobile/tablet option to watch it anywhere.  They reviewed my account and told me that 2013 Ticket has already been reduced to $0. I asked them to make sure and they said that I would get the Ticket and Mobile/Ticket Option for free.


I have no idea how that happened but I am not complaining.  

NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube?


"Today, according to sources, Google CEO Larry Page, along with YouTube content boss Robert Kyncl, met with a delegation from the NFL led by commissioner Roger Goodell. And the Sunday Ticket package was among the topics of discussion, according to people familiar with the meeting."

I'm still pissed about the blackouts. They've done some things to improve it but we should be able to watch any game we want, anywhere we want regardless if it's sold out or not, since it's a service we pay for. It's not free over the air TV plus it still has commercials.


They keep trying to figure out a way to squeeze more money out of us but we keep fighting back. Stay resistant!! 

I would be nervous if various subscription packages were only available online.  Video quality AND connection quality would not be up to quality level of satellite or cable, at least for me. 

Until Google takes the next step and buys out a cable/TV provider purely to make use of its infrastructure...


Google search is not going to be as dominant as it has been forever.  They need to diversify, and that's what they've been doing.  This is just another attempt at doing so.


The day DirecTV loses the ticket is the day it takes its first step towards extinction.  The only people I know who have it are those who get it for NFL football and/or those who live so far out in the boondocks that they can't get any other type of cable.

Originally Posted by Boris:

That's right. A lot of people will cancel their DTV subs if Sunday Ticket goes bye bye.


They're stupid to not try to renew with the NFL

Here's the thing, if the NFL wants to be at the forefront of "growing" the game, then working with Google/Youtube will be where they will need to be.  The vision of the future of NFL watching, and business plan will not be tied to DirectTV.  I agree DTV would be stupid giving up the "property" at some point the NFL's asking price will be too much. It's the NFL's decision as to which "pill" to take.  


From the article:  I ran this theory by Craig Moffett, the level-headed telco/TV analyst, and he wasn’t excited about it. He figures the league wants to keep Sunday Ticket as a niche offering, because individual teams want to lock down their local audiences.


I'm a Yooper in NY.  Don't watch the Bills, Jets or Giants.  I watch the Packers, if possible.  If not, I listen to the Packers.  Or I don't watch football.  Fans will watch their favorite team first & foremost.  Then they may or may not watch the local team.

I called last night and asked about the status of my contract which I knew was up and mentioned that I was thinking of canceling because the only reason I have DirecTV is for Sunday Ticket.  Other than that, they don't offer anything that other services' don't have.


I said that if they would give me free Sunday Ticket then I'd stay on as a customer.  I was immediately transferred to someone else and they gave it to me free if I stayed on for one more year.  It was pretty easy and there was no other haggling.


I figure I'll do it again next year when my agreement is up.

called DirecTV because Im out of contract. They offered $30 off a month, free Genie upgrade , free premium channels for 3 months and 50% off Sunday Ticket. Said no thanks due to the Sunday Ticket cost and processed a cancellation request for next week. Was transferred to supervisor to get me to stay, wouldnt budge on ST. Thanked them for the service but kept my cancellation date.


They called me back 3 min later after magically finding a way to get me free Sunday Ticket and I accepted. If youve had free NFL games in the past they are really playing hardball. I called their bluff and they blinked. Never usually this tough I guess they are tightening up on free ST. Great CSR though.... Go Pack!

I ended up with it essentially free but it took some convoluted steps. I'm in year two of my original contract after getting it free last year so I didn't have the threat of disconnecting service entirely and going else where. We do have the premium channels (HBO/Showtime/Starz/Cinemax/Encore package) so I used those. While they couldn't give me free ST according to three reps, the third (retention) rep worked the numbers so I get free Showtime& Starz for three months, a resubscription credit, ST Max package at 50% off, etc. and my bill goes down $.03/month.

Looks like DTV isn't going to renew with the NFL.


Which is most likely why they keep trying to milk as much as possible out of the last 2 years of their deal.


Once DTV gives up exclusive rights to ST, their subs will go down tremendously


Link from March 9th

well, Im assuming if they dont have to pay billions to the NFL they

will be able to offer much cheaper service.  Theyd have to

to be able to keep subscribers.


I just hope its not exclusive to one provider

Called today...had to ask her to check with manager. They were hard selling me on NFL Ticket Max for $250 (down from $300) go for me...not worth it because I don't care about Red Zone Channel or watching on my computer.


They hem and haw...leave me on hold for 15 min...come back, NFL Ticket regular, $186 (opposed to the $225 they were initially offering me) plus for being a loyal customer $20 a month off my bill for 12 months.

Neither the wife and I nor our older son have DTV. Well, recently he purchased the Madden25 for $100 for his XBox (some deal online) and received ST via a code with the game. He sent me the id/pswd so I  will use it to see most of Russel Wilson's game because they are not on at the same time as GB....I will slip our son half his expense for this luxury of ours.

The Madden 25 deal is a pretty good one. The Sunday Ticket actually worked, you get RedZone channel and the shortcuts as well. Even if you don't play video games, it's probably a good deal at $100, you can probably dump the actual game for $20-$30 pretty easily.

Little earlier than usual.   Made the call.  Got free Sunday ticket and some other leg humper perks.   Free Show, HBO and SKinamax for 3 months.


$10 off per month for a year.


Dream from heaven. 


Originally Posted by PackFoo:

Called today...had to ask her to check with manager. They were hard selling me on NFL Ticket Max for $250 (down from $300) go for me...not worth it because I don't care about Red Zone Channel or watching on my computer.



I was able to talk them into giving me access to the HD Shortcuts ( which is part of the Max package) for no added cost. I didn't want the computer or phone access so they said OK. The Shortcuts are the 30 minute version of each game and those quick games are what gets me through the long slow summer...its every single play in 30 minutes; no commercials.


IC - you are the Masterbater !

Last edited by Satori

I don't have DirectTV, but I've been using foreign proxies to access the NFL Game Pass web site for the past couple years at no cost.  Not as convenient as the DirectTV package on game day, but being able to review the games and see the coaches film is nice.

Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

Oh and all that while still having a year to go on current contract.



Ive always got free ST as Ive renewed a 1yr deal every august it was easy.

but now I have another year as it was the best deal i could get last summer.

How did you pull that off under contract?

Got the right salesperson.  They keep notes on you and what they give you.   


The guy I had told me it appears we give you Sunday Ticket every year for free.   I said no that is not entirely true.  I paid for half price on it one year since 09.....He laughed and said...well.... let me see what I can do.


Told him SUnday ticket was my number one reason for continuing with DTV.  Without free ticket not worth it for me to stick around regardless of under contract.


Took about 10 minutes total phone time.   He hooked me up and also dropped $10 more per month for a year off my bill to put me in line with what new subscribers pay.


We moved June of last year.   Got the Genie and some other upgrades which bumped me up to another 2 year contract. 


Regardless of "contract"   I have always been able to wheel and deal with them. 


Saved $240 price of ticket and got another $120 off bill for the year and $360 for ten minutes of work...puts me in keel and derpchitgacos tax bracket.





Just made my annual call to DirecTV.  I've been a subscriber since 1998.


Signed up for the NFL Sunday Ticket Max.  We have two boys away at college so I like the internet access to the games for them.  One can watch on the computer and one on our Slingbox if necessary.  However, I would imagine most games will be available on their local Fox/NBC/CBS from Des Moines or ESPN.  They attend Iowa State.


Base cost is $329.  Got discounts of $10 for 6 months off that price.  Also gave $20 for 12 months off my monthly package price.  Lastly, gave $5 for 6 months off my sports package cost.  $329 - $330 in credits = free + $1.  I'm pretty sure I could have bargained for more, but I was satisfied with this offer and it took zero negotiating.  Also, probably could have received the $20/month and $5/month discounts without the NFL Sunday Ticket, but again, I'm happy with what was offered.





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