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I have a feeling this might end up being one of those games you expect the Packers to lose in a shootout and somehow the defense overcomes their coaching. There hasn't been a game like that maybe since the Rams game, or at least a half+ of the Detroit and Chefs games. I'm taking a blowout when it's not expected.

GB 31 - Sperms 13

@Boris posted:

I have one more for you 😁

Payback for that 1989 shit! Minnesota

I remember driving up to GB with my Dad and buddy for  the Packers/Broncos game that day hoping to score some tix. Even got a room at the Days Inn. Ended up many people thought it would be Fart's last game, so tix prices were really high. Ended up watching GB dismantle Denver in Stadium View then watched AZ break douche bag Paul Allen and all Vikings fan's hearts, sending GB to the playoffs as division winners. That was a special evening. Glad I got that hotel room

@Boris posted:

I got Vikings 43, Pack 40.

MLF lamenting the fact the offense missed a block and dropped a pass otherwise they would've given the defense enough rest plus scored 47 for the win.

Accompanied by 3 missed extra points by Anders.

I remember driving up to GB with my Dad and buddy for  the Packers/Broncos game that day hoping to score some tix. Even got a room at the Days Inn. Ended up many people thought it would be Fart's last game, so tix prices were really high. Ended up watching GB dismantle Denver in Stadium View then watched AZ break douche bag Paul Allen and all Vikings fan's hearts, sending GB to the playoffs as division winners. That was a special evening. Glad I got that hotel room

Huh, I don't remember that being a hot ticket. Then again, I wasn't selling mine. Probably the most odd game I ever went to but a hell of a lot of fun. No way to know what was going on in the other games back in the stone ages but the people sitting in the club seats were turning the TV's around so that people in the bowl could see what was going on. New spread around the bowl REALLY fast.

I was surprised too by how much people were asking for tix before the game. Funny side story was that my Dad (who is obviously not as hard core as others) drank too much watching the GB game and went back to the hotel to sleep it off. He was woken up by the loud cheers of the entire surrounding area when Poole caught that ball He goes "what the hell happened?" when we saw him.

@Floridarob posted:

I can remember Favre talking about that game saying when he heard the crowd screaming when Poole caught it he did not know what it was but knew it was a good thing.

Yeah, it was funny as hell. I remember the offense was on the field and nothing was happening, maybe coming back from a TV timeout. Nothing happening, the game was a blowout and already decided. Then the crowd goes nuts. Absolutely nuts.

Favre and others looking around and shrugging then they finally figured it out and joined in the celebration.

That 1st Vikings game the Pack had was so bad, I wasn’t even upset.  The Vikes were just so much better, I just sort of began to dismiss the Packers from doing anything substantial this year.

While I don’t think the Vikes could have ever won the Super Bowl this year, I could have seen them maybe making it to NFC Championship game if Cousins and some other key guys had stayed healthy.  

I think the Pack’s offense has improved quite a bit and defense has gotten at least slightly worse since that time.  I think with no Cousins we can hang with these guys.  He really looked great against us last time and we probably would have faired no better this time, but we’re getting a huge break by not having to face him.

I’d like to think Love and the offense can keep this respectable unlike last time, but if the Vikes force a turnover or 2 it could get ugly.

@PackerHawk posted:

Huh, I don't remember that being a hot ticket. Then again, I wasn't selling mine. Probably the most odd game I ever went to but a hell of a lot of fun. No way to know what was going on in the other games back in the stone ages but the people sitting in the club seats were turning the TV's around so that people in the bowl could see what was going on. New spread around the bowl REALLY fast.

I was at that game too.  They purposely didn't put the score for that game on the scoreboards as they sometimes do as not to influence the Packer game.  We had a guy sitting behind us who was listening to the other game on the radio and was constantly giving us updates.

The reaction from the crowd when the Cards won was one of the most incredible things I've witnessed.  It was a lull in the action, followed by a slow build up, then moderate cheering followed by the loudest roar I've heard.  The players were like "WTF?" until they also figured it out and then started jumping up and down on the sidelines.  Given this was during a TV timeout (if I remember, there was no play going on), it was even more magical.

Can't decide what was a better moment of a game I've been to, that one or when Yancy Thigpen dropped a wide open TD to give us the win and send us to the playoffs.  Probably the later, cuz I saw Favre puke up blood on the field and come back the next play to throw a TD.

Vikings are -2 and -130 on the M/L

Here's the investment.

If Packers win, I lock in my year long bet of OVER 7.5 wins. If Vikings win, I could bet them on the M/L and Packers STILL win the year bet by beating Bears next week.

I think I just talked myself into betting the Vikings on Sunday.

FYI.....I've already scored on Giants and Bucs wins so I'm wayyy ahead.

Musgrave also practicing today.

Last edited by packerboi

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