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I agree the disparity in treatment between Jolly and Vick is unfair.

Here's what I think it comes down to: one person should not have all the power.

Not really buying the Mike Vick = money for the NFL. Pro Football is the most popular sport in America, with or without Mike Vick. Goddell is and has been most concerned about cleaning up the NFL's public image throughout the duration of both of their cases, and he took a huge chance giving Vick a second chance, for obvious reasons (I mean, we're talking about Snoopy here). It wasn't money that allowed Vick his second chance. If anything, letting Vick back could have hurt marketing, not helped it.

So why the second chance for Vick? IMO the answer is that it was just that, a second chance, whereas Jolly was already on probation with the League when he re-offended the last time (in addition to criminal probation). So when Jolly was put on League probation--when he was given his second chance--Goddell probably told him right to his face, "you do it again and you're gone for good."

So it was easy giving Vick another chance, it wasn't personal for Goddell. With Jolly, it likely is personal.

Which like Troy said is bullcrap: to the outside observer, torturing innocent animals for gambling and amusement is a lot less forgiveable than personal substance abuse. Jolly is getting unequal treatment because all the power is with one man, which if you think about it, has never been a good thing in any endeavor throughout history.

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