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fightphoe93 posted:

Read on another board (not Packerschatters) that had the "source of a source" mention that Sitton had been in a bad locker room altercation that was kind of the final straw for him.  The altercation on its' own, wasn't necessarily the reason for the termination, but he had been on thin ice already (for all the reasons we know publicly, contract/health/age) and the altercation was enough to make the Packers decide to move on. 

I'll emphasize, the altercation mentioned in the rumor was not just a typical one, but worse in today's politically correct climate which was why it was hushed up a bit.  It's just a rumor, but I would not be shocked if there is some truth to it, and if it's true, I cannot blame TT/MM for making the decision. 





Whoa boy, Micah called him snowball again, didn't he?


"I too hope people give Lane Taylor's "play" a fair shake this season.

And in 2016, that "play" should be judged in comparison to the play of the player he replaced -- Josh Sitton. Taylor's "play" should not be judged on a curve just because he is an undrafted, free agent who has shown little promise in his 3+ years on the team.

However, my fear is that certain people will go to great lengths to explain away Taylor's deficiencies.

Should be interesting."

Taylor shouldn't be held subject to any scrutiny due to any personnel decisions made by mgmt. He should be expected to step in and do the job asked of him. Not any different than next man up because of injury. Tt and especially mm do a very good job conveying what is expected of their guys and the expectations are challenging. There's no reason to look toward somehow holding this player responsible because he isn't another player. Ppl did that and were proven sorely mistaken, to the tune of a sb victory with the new guy. 

Last edited by artis
titmfatied posted:

09/05/16: Bill Michaels discussing Sitton move 

At the end Bill Michaels says one of his most trusted Packers sources said the rumors of racial stuff going on in the locker room did not happen. Michaels said his source had no dog in the fight. 

Seemed to be good enough for Michaels to put it to rest after talking about the rumor during the course of the hour. 

The whole racial element was sheer bull**** from the start.  The way **** gets generated and spreads out of control in the age of dip**** social media is unreal.  

Those people need to be punched in the bert.

Per Jason Wilde, the alleged rumor about a racial incident was between Sitton and Lacy and/or HHCD. However, Rob Demovosky reached out to these players who denied any incident occurred and one of them (Wilde would not say who) further stated that IF such an incident occurred, we (fans and media) would have heard about it because that player would have "beaten the **** out of him".

Per Wilde, his belief is that GB grew tired of Sittons act. But at the same time he admitted it could be that the above players aren't telling the whole story as well.

Podcast here:

IIRC wasn't it HHCD and BJ Raji who got into a shoving match last year @Carolina?

Discussed in the HHCD thread in the great article H5 posted today

... Not everything has gone smoothly for Clinton-Dix. He points to what became a seminal moment last year in his professional growth β€” a self-described β€œhorrible” performance in a 37-29 midseason loss to Carolina. Miscommunication and defensive miscues led to Clinton-Dix arguing out of frustration with defensive teammates Julius Peppers and B.J. Raji on the sideline.

β€œAfter that, something just clicked in my head,” Clinton-Dix said. β€œI thought, β€˜What I just did, I gotta back it up. I gotta make sure what I say I stay strong on it and continue to set an example.’”

Clinton-Dix responded the following game against Detroit with a career-high 11 tackles along with an interception and pass defended.

β€œThat’s where I took off from,” he said.

Last edited by ilcuqui
cuqui posted:

Discussed in the HHCD thread in the great article H5 posted today

... Not everything has gone smoothly for Clinton-Dix. He points to what became a seminal moment last year in his professional growth β€” a self-described β€œhorrible” performance in a 37-29 midseason loss to Carolina. Miscommunication and defensive miscues led to Clinton-Dix arguing out of frustration with defensive teammates Julius Peppers and B.J. Raji on the sideline.

β€œAfter that, something just clicked in my head,” Clinton-Dix said. β€œI thought, β€˜What I just did, I gotta back it up. I gotta make sure what I say I stay strong on it and continue to set an example.’”

Clinton-Dix responded the following game against Detroit with a career-high 11 tackles along with an interception and pass defended.

β€œThat’s where I took off from,” he said.

Raji and Peppers are racists

I am glad he is gone.  He lost my support last year after he made at least 4-5 stupid penalties.  The biggest being the intentional face mask grab and pull against a Bronco defender on the Packers first possession which negated a big gain for a first down on a pass out to the flat for about 20 yards.  Replays showed Sitton grabbed the mask and gave it an extra tug or two.  Then he snidely smirked when the flag was thrown.  

GBP1 posted:

I am glad he is gone.  He lost my support last year after he made at least 4-5 stupid penalties.  The biggest being the intentional face mask grab and pull against a Bronco defender on the Packers first possession which negated a big gain for a first down on a pass out to the flat for about 20 yards.  Replays showed Sitton grabbed the mask and gave it an extra tug or two.  Then he snidely smirked when the flag was thrown.  

For all the things said in this thread, this is the most moronic statement. That's a feat and you pulled it off.  I see you threw in some of your customary 1 second sideline shot perspective.      

Koopla Krash posted:

I know it's completely meaningless...but I was at the Browns preseason game and there were a couple plays that Sitton missed his block and I thought WTF?

I'm with Grave Digger - maybe Sitton's skills have diminished to the point where the difference to Taylor just isn't that great?

Let me be clear though, I don't think it's just Sitton's skills have diminished all togehter. I'm betting he still has at least 1 really good year in him, maybe more. I just think the thought process is that the gap in talent between Sitton and Taylor/Tretter/Linsley whoever wasn't great enough to justify the 5 million salary difference. Veteran starters aren't just going through camp to prove they are better than rookies or rising young players, I think coaches pretty much know what they're getting with vets, they also have to constantly justify their high salary in comparison to their younger competition.

Grave Digger posted:
Koopla Krash posted:

I know it's completely meaningless...but I was at the Browns preseason game and there were a couple plays that Sitton missed his block and I thought WTF?

I'm with Grave Digger - maybe Sitton's skills have diminished to the point where the difference to Taylor just isn't that great?

Let me be clear though, I don't think it's just Sitton's skills have diminished all togehter. I'm betting he still has at least 1 really good year in him, maybe more. I just think the thought process is that the gap in talent between Sitton and Taylor/Tretter/Linsley whoever wasn't great enough to justify the 5 million salary difference. Veteran starters aren't just going through camp to prove they are better than rookies or rising young players, I think coaches pretty much know what they're getting with vets, they also have to constantly justify their high salary in comparison to their younger competition.

No, I'm with you too on preseason football and possibly vets not busting their tail like young guys might.  I have end zone seats and while is sucks to see how many yards are gained per play, it is a great view for seeing the running lanes open up and receivers getting separation in routes.  Sitton simply gakked a couple run blocks and made me scratch my head a little.

"If something had happened the fans would have known about it because I would have beaten the s**t out of him"

You don't make that comment about another player in an NFL locker room to a beat reporter unless something has been simmering. Especially considering the player has NO idea what the racial slur Wilde referred to was or how inflammatory it may have been....unless Wilde knows what was said and isn't saying or the player knows what went down and isn't saying. There is absolutely something here IMO. 

And I agree, Very likely Lang can't wait to go somewhere else.  

Wilde, Silverstein, and Imig all talked to multiple players and ALL replied that the racial slant was total BS. No one gave a no comment, or I won't discuss what happened, etc... flat out denials from all.

Per my source (William of Ockham), the Packers decided to go into the season with Taylor as the starter instead of Sitton because of play on the field (games and practice), everything else doesn't matter.

Beyond  the reasons of speed, effort, buying into what your selling/coaching, and also coming cheap, I do wonder whether another part of the reason TT keeps his roster so young is because these young pups haven't been around long enough for MM's message to grow stale.

If you look at the players that have rattled the cage of MM/TT, it's been guys who have been here many years. Sitton. Lang (to some degree). Rodgers (who's irreplaceable and they know it). Before that Woodson and Jennings. Which then leads us back to Bill Walsh's philosophy that a long tenured coach will eventually lead to players tuning you out and after awhile, it's time for a change.

I get that the NFL was far different when Walsh was around but successful teams like GB, Seattle, and NE seem keep their rosters young/hungry in an effort to prevent shi* from getting old and guys beginning to question "the message".

Again, wasn't Sitton the one who spearheaded the effort to blackball that beat reporter for putting out a negative article on Letroy Guion? Doesn't seem like the move of a hardcore racist or even someone who is a bad teammate. If there were lockerroom issues, my guess would be it centered around the offensive struggles last year...whether that means Sitton was unhappy with the play calling or Lacy's dangerous fat levels or Adams' body language or Janis not getting a chance or just Dom Capers in general or going for 2 or all of the above, I don't know. 

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