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Wtf does Sean Jones have to do with anything any more? He hasn't been a member of the organization since '96, and aside from Favre, who else he even knew would have been around Sitton? When Sitton was drafted, Jones was still under indictment for mortgage fraud iirc.

Last edited by Herschel

Is it really a stretch to think Sitton is an asshole? He seems funny, he's a great player and has been a great Packer, but I doubt Sean Jones is really off base. He's a professional athlete, almost all of these guys are cocky assholes. If it's truly lockerroom issues then I would think he has some bad preparation habits that McCarthy/Campen didn't want rubbing off on their new OL. Its not unrealistic to think that he's an experienced veteran who probably doesn't need a ton of deep preparation like the young guys. If he's setting a bad example then I would want that gone as well. That doesn't mean Sitton is a bad guy or a bad player, maybe just not a great example at this point in his career. That's just speculation though based on rumors of lockerroom issue.

Last edited by Grave Digger

Going deep penetration speculation now with an unhappy dry rub ending. 

Last game of 2015. Sitton was moved outside and Lane got the start at LG. Josh got the start at LT because Barclay was an oiled turnstile at LT the week before at AZ. Damn near got Aaron killed  

Josh put up a fight but he got worked. Must have been tough for a pro's pro to get worked like that and listen to Minny chat him up for 60 minutes about life out on the edge. Meanwhile Lane played really well that game. 

Could I see Josh bitching up Mike and Ted for having an empty OL pantry after being humiliated at LT? Yep. And I'd agree with him. Prideful guy that maybe was tired of watching Clay get his body beat to **** inside. Playing guys where they didn't really belong. As an aside. This is what winning teams have done since the beginning of football. Whatever it takes....

I think 2015 was an unmitigated cluster **** on many, many levels. Maybe there was some carryover. 


I have been reading this thread with amusement with all of the different "reasons" that we released Sitton when we did.  Given that all we have is rumor, speculation and hearsay I'd like to add my take from a completely direction.  

We know that TT was not going to redo his and TJs contract until the younger OL's were done.  So Ted talks to both TJ and Josh and tells Josh that given his age and injury history that he will no be resigned at the end of the year.  But because he has been such a great player for GB and the risk of injury this season and the improvement of the younger OLs, they will cut him on the last cut down day.  That way Josh is able to get his "last good payday".  Ted knows he will lose a draft pick but it will buy him a lot of good will in the locker room.  It is basically what Brett wanted to do in 2008 but given his attitude he didn't warrant the same consideration.  Now Ted, MM and the players know if the true reason got out the fans would go crazy because Ted did something that was good for the player and not for the team.  The players were informed of the plan and were sworn to secrecy so Ted can take the heat for the cut.  Act shocked and surprised so we don't know what really happened.

I realize that the chances of this being even close to what happened is next to nothing.  But there are a couple of indicators that could make this true.  Sitton has not trashed the Packers in the press, said he liked Chicago because it was still close to his home in Green Bay.  Other than TJ and Bulaga weren't happy but didn't say much.  And it does benefit GB by allowing one of their players get the maximum payday he could.  

Again this is not very likely but it is a better situation all the way around then most of the other theories expressed. 

MichiganPacker posted:

I find it sadly ironic that Josh Sitton's last play as a Packer was when they decided to kick the extra point in the playoff game last year instead of go for 2. We're at 20 pages for this, what did the "go for 2" thread get to?


22 pages.  And it was still getting posts 6 months after it started.  This thread will be getting posts much longer than that unless it gets locked. 

Last edited by ammo
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