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Hungry5 posted:

Wilde, Silverstein, and Imig all talked to multiple players and ALL replied that the racial slant was total BS. No one gave a no comment, or I won't discuss what happened, etc... flat out denials from all.

Wilde also said yesterday, it's plausible these same players are denying it not because it didn't happen, but because they don't need a beat writer/reporter

writing a story going into week 1 about a player incident, much less a racial one.

It doesn't surprise me players would flat out deny it. It would make Sitton, a popular locker room guy from what we know, look like an ass***** but also cause major drama NO team needs at the start of the season.

Just say for giggles, something occurred between Sitton and another player. And maybe 2 guys witness it beyond those involved. It would hardly take a geenyous for MM to figure out who leaked it. Wilde and others know this. So if I'm one of the players who witnessed it, and I know they'll figure out its me who leaked it, ya I am flat out denying it as well.

packerboi posted:

Beyond  the reasons of speed, effort, buying into what your selling/coaching, and also coming cheap, I do wonder whether another part of the reason TT keeps his roster so young is because these young pups haven't been around long enough for MM's message to grow stale.

If you look at the players that have rattled the cage of MM/TT, it's been guys who have been here many years. Sitton. Lang (to some degree). Rodgers (who's irreplaceable and they know it). Before that Woodson and Jennings. Which then leads us back to Bill Walsh's philosophy that a long tenured coach will eventually lead to players tuning you out and after awhile, it's time for a change.

I get that the NFL was far different when Walsh was around but successful teams like GB, Seattle, and NE seem keep their rosters young/hungry in an effort to prevent shi* from getting old and guys beginning to question "the message".

Considering the magnitude of past playoff failures there is a bit of the stale lingering on this team.  Still, you see MM trying to get an infusion of good young coaches.  The pick up of crazy name TE coach and Getsy were good pick ups IMO.

Henry posted:
GBP1 posted:

I am glad he is gone.  He lost my support last year after he made at least 4-5 stupid penalties.  The biggest being the intentional face mask grab and pull against a Bronco defender on the Packers first possession which negated a big gain for a first down on a pass out to the flat for about 20 yards.  Replays showed Sitton grabbed the mask and gave it an extra tug or two.  Then he snidely smirked when the flag was thrown.  

For all the things said in this thread, this is the most moronic statement. That's a feat and you pulled it off.  I see you threw in some of your customary 1 second sideline shot perspective.      

I usually find Hank's takes to be reasonable and well thought out, but he could not be more wrong here.  I've found the video, and Sitton's reaction is clearly "smirky."  Maybe if Hank went to the tape before calling someone out, the tone of this board would improve.  

See for yourself.


Warning- Not a satire site

His abrasive attitude and potentially being a cancer in the locker room likely put the Packers over the edge and caused them to cut the aging veteran, saving roughly $6.55 million against the salary cap.

"Potentially"  One of my favorite words in journalism.

When this all comes to an end, Josh will have been a Grand Wizard in the KKK and be an advocate for boiling his brats after poking them with a fork.  

Grave Digger posted:

Again, wasn't Sitton the one who spearheaded the effort to blackball that beat reporter for putting out a negative article on Letroy Guion? Doesn't seem like the move of a hardcore racist or even someone who is a bad teammate. If there were lockerroom issues, my guess would be it centered around the offensive struggles last year...whether that means Sitton was unhappy with the play calling or Lacy's dangerous fat levels or Adams' body language or Janis not getting a chance or just Dom Capers in general or going for 2 or all of the above, I don't know. 

You don't need to be a hardcore racist to let a accidental N bomb fly. If you grow up around racists. it gets ingrained in your vocabulary.  In the heat of the moment, a word can fly out that you don't intend,

It's like the word fag.   I'm not anti gay, but since I was a kid I've learned that to insult someone you call them a fag.   In the heat of the moment, I might call someone a faggot with no intention of being disrespectful to gays.  Myy brain can't help it, it knows that word is an insult and spurts it out before I can be rational.

So maybe he did let an N bomb fly, but IMO it doesn't mean he is a hardcore racist.

Fedya posted:

Wilde sounds disappointed the players aren't giving him a good story, and is trying to make them look bad as payback.

El-Ka-Bong posted:

Warning- Not a satire site

His abrasive attitude and potentially being a cancer in the locker room likely put the Packers over the edge and caused them to cut the aging veteran, saving roughly $6.55 million against the salary cap.

"Potentially"  One of my favorite words in journalism.

When this all comes to an end, Josh will have been a Grand Wizard in the KKK and be an advocate for boiling his brats after poking them with a fork.  

I keep forgetting Black people can't be racist, and where exactly can we find that in the Marxist playbook?

BrainDed posted:

You don't need to be a hardcore racist to let a accidental N bomb fly. If you grow up around racists. it gets ingrained in your vocabulary.  In the heat of the moment, a word can fly out that you don't intend,

It's like the word fag.   I'm not anti gay, but since I was a kid I've learned that to insult someone you call them a fag.   In the heat of the moment, I might call someone a faggot with no intention of being disrespectful to gays.  Myy brain can't help it, it knows that word is an insult and spurts it out before I can be rational.

So maybe he did let an N bomb fly, but IMO it doesn't mean he is a hardcore racist.

Ingrained prejudices.  We all have them, all races and creeds, in one shape or another.   The trick is to correct it when you become aware of it.   The stuff I know is straight up abusive like "faggot" I've changed as I grew up with the same mentality.   Basically, if said word historical was used while someone is being killed, maimed, hung, abused, denied civil and human rights, etc. I remove it from my vocabulary.

Caveat: except when making a point or the word is being bandied about/used as a shield by the masses who don't know WTF they are talking about.  Yeah, talking about you social media.

If something occurred, the flag thing makes a lot of sense.  Someone states they supported Kaepernick could lead to something getting out of control.  Sitton may have gotten "final nailed".

Last edited by Henry
titmfatied posted:

The speculation is more that an argument may have erupted over respect for the flag, not race.  I'm sure there's guys in the locker room of all races that have family members in the military.  We'll likely never know the full story if there's one at all.  

I can see this being the reason for a locker room dust up. But, would that kind of argument be enough to cut a player?

Last edited by H5
packerboi posted:

Wilde also said yesterday, it's plausible these same players are denying it not because it didn't happen, but because they don't need a beat writer/reporter

writing a story going into week 1 about a player incident, much less a racial one.

Well, then he did a near 180ยฐ on that stance today because what I heard this morning was he did not think all the players would flat out lie. Tauscher agreed that if something happened someone would allude to it with a no comment or similar side-stepping statement versus the emphatic nothing happened responses the reporters had received.

El-Ka-Bong posted:

Warning- Not a satire site

His abrasive attitude and potentially being a cancer in the locker room likely put the Packers over the edge and caused them to cut the aging veteran, saving roughly $6.55 million against the salary cap.

"Potentially"  One of my favorite words in journalism.

When this all comes to an end, Josh will have been a Grand Wizard in the KKK and be an advocate for boiling his brats after poking them with a fork.  

B-b-boiling WHAT?

Henry posted:
BrainDed posted:

You don't need to be a hardcore racist to let a accidental N bomb fly. If you grow up around racists. it gets ingrained in your vocabulary.  In the heat of the moment, a word can fly out that you don't intend,

It's like the word fag.   I'm not anti gay, but since I was a kid I've learned that to insult someone you call them a fag.   In the heat of the moment, I might call someone a faggot with no intention of being disrespectful to gays.  Myy brain can't help it, it knows that word is an insult and spurts it out before I can be rational.

So maybe he did let an N bomb fly, but IMO it doesn't mean he is a hardcore racist.

Ingrained prejudices.  We all have them, all races and creeds, in one shape or another.   The trick is to correct it when you become aware of it.   The stuff I know is straight up abusive like "faggot" I've changed as I grew up with the same mentality.   Basically, if said word historical was used while someone is being killed, maimed, hung, abused, denied civil and human rights, etc. I remove it from my vocabulary.

Caveat: except when making a point or the word is being bandied about/used as a shield by the masses who don't know WTF they are talking about.  Yeah, talking about you social media.

If something occurred, the flag thing makes a lot of sense.  Someone states they supported Kaepernick could lead to something getting out of control.  Sitton may have gotten "final nailed".

Honky please!

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