Hungry5 posted:Wilde, Silverstein, and Imig all talked to multiple players and ALL replied that the racial slant was total BS. No one gave a no comment, or I won't discuss what happened, etc... flat out denials from all.
Wilde also said yesterday, it's plausible these same players are denying it not because it didn't happen, but because they don't need a beat writer/reporter
writing a story going into week 1 about a player incident, much less a racial one.
It doesn't surprise me players would flat out deny it. It would make Sitton, a popular locker room guy from what we know, look like an ass***** but also cause major drama NO team needs at the start of the season.
Just say for giggles, something occurred between Sitton and another player. And maybe 2 guys witness it beyond those involved. It would hardly take a geenyous for MM to figure out who leaked it. Wilde and others know this. So if I'm one of the players who witnessed it, and I know they'll figure out its me who leaked it, ya I am flat out denying it as well.