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(2/18/2012 10:56:00 AM) - Al

I never knew "chink" was a racial slur. Of course, never lived in an area where there are many Chinese. Lived around many Asian-Americans in Eau Claire, St. Paul, and Wausau, never heard of it.

Notice that no one except me noticed Lin's turnovers until the Knicks lost a game. It's astounding how casual the old media and fans have become.
so all this time you were acting smart?

to answer Her's question, without al we wouldn't have nuggets like this.

(3/06/2012 11:21:00 AM) - Al

Tebow draws 20K at Vegas church.

Most of flyover country is just begging for a hero, someone that loves their country, shares their faith, and does not apologize for being fortunate enough to be a citizen of the greatest nation in the history of the world.
(3/07/2012 12:39:00 PM) - Al

The Mariners have release former Brewers catching prospect Angel Salome, who pretty much destroyed his own career.--BP

I will note that Salome has a condition similar to Greinke's. Salome was fine...until he wasn't.

lots of good stuff from al here. All we can assume here is that Greinke will ask to switch to shortstop or be moved to the AL to DH. The similarities are striking, the writing is on the wall.
(3/10/2012 07:38:00 PM) - Al

Daylight savings time is not just brilliant, but it's functional. Not only does no one care if it's light at 5AM, we all want it light at 9PM. I've long said they should leave it an hour ahead all year, and still bump it ahead an hour, making the approximate hours of daylight 6AM-10PM...about 10:30 at the latest. I think it's be great playing Little League games in daylight at 9:30, and kids having the ability to play basketball, tennis, and bicycle in safer conditions. So few people are up in that 5-6AM hour, it barely matters.

Penn is a very smart guy, but he forgets most people have to work and they can't just live by the sun. Even the brilliant Ben Stein was guilty of not "getting it" this AM, when he said something to the effect of "Gas prices are a minor thing." As Charles Payne pointed out, even if you make $1000 a week, and have to spend $100 to commute, that's 10% of your gross salary...a huge expense for most.

"I think it was my last season of playing softball, I was at SS in a coed game, and made, if I say so myself, a near perfect diving stop on a grounder in the hole. I scrambled to my knees, and went to throw to 2B...and the girl playing 2B had never moved, still at her position halfway between 1B and 2B. No problem, I thought, I'll throw to 1B...the 1B was walking toward 2B, pointing, telling the girl to cover. I looked back to 2B, and it looked like the girl and the runner were to arrive there about the same time. After double or triple pumping, I tried to decide where to throw the ball, as the 2B was cuter than she was talented. Somehow, I managed to fire the ball into her glove, and despite the velocity of the throw pushing the glove a couple feet off to the side, it somehow managed to stick. Given the obstacles, it was one of the better plays I ever made, though it looked routine once I had the grounder in my glove."


Al's a really resourceful guy.

Not to mention "clutch".

And humble.
(4/17/2012 10:48:00 PM) - Al

One thing to remember, Izturis has a higher career OBP than Gonzalez. Those that bemoaned Cesar's weak bat in the lineup for a few days forget that the most important offensive tool is not getting out.

Chicks may love the long ball, but OBP scores you runs. It also wears out the SP and gets you into the bullpen quicker, against the weakest pitchers on the team.

Cesar's career OBP- .295
Alex's career OBP- .291

Oh, it is higher, but essentially the get on base at the same rate.

Cesar's career OPS- .617
Alex's career OPS- .690

Here is the fun part. The get on base at essentially the same pace, but Alex does a whole lot more with that getting on base than Cesar. Chicks should love the long ball when you get on base at the same pace, the HR scores a run, where the single requires at least one more hit to score you. Bemoaning Cesar's weak bat makes sense because it is a much weaker bat than Alex. No one forgot that getting on base was important, everyone else just realized there was a bigger picture.

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