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Originally Posted by CAPackFan95:

I think there is a lot of over confidence in this thread.   Dallas is for real.  They are a 4 tool team.  They can run the ball, pass the ball, control the ball, and they have a great OL.  Can you picture Murray flying out of the backfield on a wheel route covered by Hawk or Jones?  Jason Witten scares me to death.  And, I haven't even mentioned Dez Bryant.  Plaxico Burress?  Julio Jones?  Nothing compared to Dez.  Dez is a great route runner, gets open, and is a beast to bring down.    I don't think we will be able to stop Dallas, especially when it counts.   


Defensively, they can get some pressure as they showed last week.  Now, add in the article praising the OL (which will go to their heads no doubt) with Rodgers hobbled and this isn't an ideal situation at all.


Too much Murray, too much Dez, too much Witten, not enough Rodgers, and I don't think it will be close.


Dallas 38

Green Bay 24

They're near the bottom in sacks in the league, their middle is more open than ours and Romo will play like he did in the first half last week, not the second.

Originally Posted by BrainDed:
Originally Posted by Hungry5:

Who is Vegas?




Vegas is a collection of people who try to set a line that entices an equal amount of money wagered on each side of it.   


If the line moves one way or the other it's because they failed in their initial attempt at equality and need to cover their ass by attracting wagers to the other side.


The line isn't what Vegas thinks the outcome will be, its what they think the gambling public thinks it will be.

All well-known and true.  And yet the final score mirrors the line more often than not.


In this case, Rodgers 100% at home makes a -7 line an attractive bet for the Packers.  Rodgers not practicing day after day, and probably going to be restricted?  Not so much.


It's all riding on the calf muscles of one man, which is exactly right.   Packer fans know it, bettors know it, and the money ain't going that way for a good goddam reason.


 Which is basically what Chilijon originally posted ("Vegas doesn't like AR's calf news...")

Last edited by Pistol GB
Originally Posted by CAPackFan95:


Too much Murray, too much Dez, too much Witten, not enough Rodgers, and I don't think it will be close.


Dallas 38

Green Bay 24

The great unknown.


What's also great is, the chip on AR's shoulder.  Based on his radio comments, I honestly believe he is relishing this handicap as a new challenge to ace, yet-another "in-your-face" to the world.


Tell you what, I'm not betting against him.


Pack 33

Cowgirls 27

I think the Cowboys match up quite well with the Packers offensively. Their o-line can keep pressure off of Romo and open up lanes for Murray. However, without Doug Free, I think Peppers will be able to disrupt plays and I think the Packers underrated secondary will blanket the Cowboys DB's. I think the Packers will absolutely annihilate the Cowboys weak-ass defense.


I'm supposed to sit here and believe the Cowboys are for real because they eeked past the Lions at home and won one of the worst divisions in all of football? pff.


**** the Cowboys. **** Jerry Jones. and **** Texas. 


34-21 Packers. 

Last edited by bubbleboy789
If Rodgers really does have a torn calf muscle 2 weeks recovery won't be enough time for him to get back into football shape.  I had a similar injury suffered in basketball and it took me about a month to fully recover. 

The good news for GB is Rodgers is such a good QB in the pocket that I am not sure a 75% #12 isn't better than 3/4 of the QBs in the league.  His decision making and arm are just fine and I am not impressed with the Dallas defense one bit.

If the Packers are able to run the ball and don't make stupid mistakes and miscues on special teams they should win by 10-14 points.  

People talk about the cold weather but the forecast Sunday is for 18-20 degrees and very little wind.   Given what we in NE WI have been dealing with this week (-30 wind chills) a 20 degree day isn't bad at all.  I think the bigger challenge for the Cowboys is how they adjust to the field conditions.   It seems at this time of the year there are spots that can get a little slick and the Packers know this and can prepare.  It's tough for visiting teams to know and by the time they adjust it's halftime.

Thinking 28-17 Packers right now.  If Rodgers can't play or finish it's a pick 'em game

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