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Originally posted by Blair Kiel:
Originally posted by Kuttencheeze:
Well, I correctly predicted last week's game, .

I call bullschyt.

You lost your prediction "rights" by whining like a stuck pig after every bad play in the game threads---except last week when you didn't show your sad face---thanks for making the game thread a little less miserable.


Take PDX with you next time.
Waiting to see if a moderator deletes KC's prediction post.

Doubt it.
Originally posted by ammo:
Originally posted by Coach:
There's a pretty good chance I will.

I've never met Murphy, and I would like to.

Say HI to him from me, from one good Irishman to another!!
I played basketball with Mark Murphy once (when he was AD of Colgate University).

He's good! The guy who once played linebacker for the Redskins was a hoot! Did NOT want to get in his way.
Originally posted by Blair Kiel:
Originally posted by Kuttencheeze:
Well, I correctly predicted last week's game, .

I call bullschyt.

You lost your prediction "rights" by whining like a stuck pig after every bad play in the game threads---except last week when you didn't show your sad face---thanks for making the game thread a little less miserable.


Take PDX with you next time.

Originally posted by ammo:
Originally posted by Coach:
There's a pretty good chance I will.

I've never met Murphy, and I would like to.

Say HI to him from me, from one good Irishman to another!!

Will do.

There are good ships, and there are wood ships,
The ships that sail the sea.
But the best ships are friendships,
And may they always be.
This game, like all the Packer games this season, will come down to whether the Packers make that mistake in the game that costs them points or gives some to them. Looking back over the last several weeks, it's the common denominator:

- against Philly last week, a drop by James Jones allows Philly to remain in the game. The drop had a carryover effect, as the next Packer possession ends in a sack/fumble by Rodgers.

- against the Bears, a drop by Jennings on a sure TD allows the Bears to stay in a game they had no business staying in.

- against the Giants, the Packers allow an early 14-0 lead to evaproate in the 2nd quarter on a pair of long TD passes. James Jones drops a sure TD bomb in the process.

- against the Patriots, the Packers allow a 70 yard KO return by a OL to erase their first half lead, and ultimately costing them the game.This play also had a carry-over effect- the next Packer possession ends in a pick-6 form NE, giving them a lead in a game where the Packers had completely dominated them.

- against the Lions, an early drop of a sure TD bomb by Jennings prevents a score and gives life to a Lions team bent on the upset. The missed TD opportunity cost them the game.

You can go through every game and see that "whoops" moment that cost them something. When you are literally a play or two from winning every game you lost the whole season, you better know that now that you're in the playoffs, you have no room for error. It still didn't prevent them from damn near letting a game they dominated to slip once again from their fingertips last week. I am sure the veterans like Woodson, and Driver- these guys know this year they really have at a SB Championship. When you are so good that you are able to sustain the injuries and still only be a few plays every loss from winning against the best, you know you have a shot at winning it all. This Packers team has enough to win it all. Now. They just have to go out and get it. Take it.

So does the Packers D, with a now healthy CMIII (he wasn't against the Falcons last time around) have the ability to wreak havoc on Matty "Ice"? You betcha... it'll be the difference in the game. The Packers proved that they can play with the Falcons in a ball-control game. They showed that even when they're not 100%, they can go into their building and play them even. Now they're 100%, they're a better team, and they'll prove it. They just gotta make the plays when they come to them. I think they will, this time.

Packers 27
Falcons 17
*** Conspiracy Theorist Alert ***

Every time I see that NFL Play 60 commercial with Falcons guys on a bus with a cool tune playing in the background, I think the NFL wanted this team to go to the Super Bowl this year. The refs will probably lean the Falcons way on the close calls.

You are not alone! I get the same creepy feeling...
Originally posted by Hauser:
I think he's going to watch the game at home. He said tickets were like $130 for nosebleed

And apparently there are loads of tickets still available.


Could be a lot of empty seats on Saturday. With a predicted high of 46 degrees most Atlantans will probably want to stay indoors huddled around their electric space heaters.

Originally posted by Coach:
I predict Arthur Blank having absolutely no rhythm at all will doom them in the playoffs, but I'm willing to wait and see how it plays out.

I laugh at this part every time I see that commercial.

I can't really buy any conspiracy theories in this game. Like the one thread on the first page...the NFL would love to have Packers/Bears in the NFCC game. Packers/Bears game 1 and Steelers/Pats game 2 are the dream matchups.
Originally posted by Tdog:
*** Conspiracy Theorist Alert ***

Every time I see that NFL Play 60 commercial with Falcons guys on a bus with a cool tune playing in the background, I think the NFL wanted this team to go to the Super Bowl this year. The refs will probably lean the Falcons way on the close calls.

You are not alone! I get the same creepy feeling...

Could not agree more. I suspect the loss of Vick may have reduced that desire. No rating boost from Vick coming back to Atlanta.

In a world all about the money and ratings Chicago/Green Bay is now the hot ticket.
Originally posted by Blair Kiel:
Originally posted by Kuttencheeze:
Well, I correctly predicted last week's game, .

I call bullschyt.

You lost your prediction "rights" by whining like a stuck pig after every bad play in the game threads---except last week when you didn't show your sad face---thanks for making the game thread a little less miserable.


Take PDX with you next time.

Oh really, after every bad play? Let's see, from what I remember I made one somewhat negative comment about the half they played against the Bears - the first half. And they didn't play a great first half, so I fail to see how it was "whining." If you like cheering bad plays, you're entitled to, but last I knew a forum was for discussion and opinions. We all go through ups and downs during the course of a game, because for most of us fans - some to a greater degree than other - it is emotional and the game thread reflects that.

The comment you singled me out for was amongst a sea of people making negative comments. And because you have something against me personally you follow me around starting a bunch of bullschit like you just did again, so I think you should move your snide personal attacks and comments against me to the PM where they belong. Otherwise, STFU, stop starting schit, and keep it to football discussions. You want to disagree with me fine, but it doesn't call for a personal attacks. And don't act surprised when you get what you give in return. Don't start none, won't be none.
I agree with others that a healthy CMIII and Starks may have been the difference in the first game that we lost by only 3. I believe they will be a difference in this game as well. Not only that, but maybe the Falcons get a little overconfident because of their home record. And, we're playoff-hardened and in a groove. The Falcons are going to shake off some cobwebs from being off a week. If we can jump on them early, they're not the type of offense that's going to come from behind very easily.
Originally posted by Tdog:
*** Conspiracy Theorist Alert ***

Every time I see that NFL Play 60 commercial with Falcons guys on a bus with a cool tune playing in the background, I think the NFL wanted this team to go to the Super Bowl this year. The refs will probably lean the Falcons way on the close calls.

You are not alone! I get the same creepy feeling...

Come on guys... sheesh.

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