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Originally Posted by cuqui:

Whoa. Sepp stepping down!  (Excerpts below from press conference, ongoing, as reported by the Guardian.)

Sepp Blatter will call extraordinary meeting for a new election to replace him!

Sepp Blatter: β€œMy mandate does not appear to be supported by everybody. This is why I will call an extraordinary meeting.”


Sepp Blatter is to resign. He continues: β€œI will organise extraordinary congress for a replacement for me as president. I will not stand. I am now free from the constraints of an election. I will be in a position to focus on profound reforms. For many years we have called for reforms. But these are not sufficient.” Yes, Sepp Blatter really is going to resign as Fifa president. It’s true.

Wow, just wow! He is in deep legal doodoo.

Plausible Satori...I believe this dude had to know something was coming, but I do think he found out late, and planned this whole thing for a while.


He has a crony in mind to succeed him, and if he bowed out of the election last week, there wasn't enough time to get his crony up for the election to secure enough votes (read, re-up bribes to Asia and Africa) to beat Prince Ali.


His successor will be hand-picked to keep this garbage truck rolling. On the surface it's enough to give every Limey (and Goalline) wood for a fortnight...but I am skeptical real change will happen quickly.

I wonder who/what got to him.  I doubt the threat of an indictment changed this guy's mind.  He seemed pretty self-convinced that he did nothing wrong... kind of like a guilty person that knows they are guilty but wants to convince everyone of the opposite.


I wonder if it was due to threats to his family ect. by gamblers and high profile politicians world-wide that do not want to be implicated in bribery, corruption, and potentially worse (4000 expected to die in putting up the stadiums in Qatar).  I would think he would be much more scared of these people than the legal system which he could muck up for years and probably die before a verdict ever came in.



From the Boris-link:


"Sepp Blatter, who was re-elected last week for a fifth term as president of world soccer’s governing body, said Tuesday that he would resign his position as law enforcement officials confirmed that he was a focus of a federal corruption investigation."


Amazing how defiance becomes compliance as the noose gets tighter. Sepp knew his co-conspirators would sell him down the river for a Ham (& Swiss) sandwich.


I wonder if they'll re-vote the Qatar WC now

If the plug gets pulled on Quatar after this has taken place, then Sepp, and every one of his cronies, needs to do hard time in a Federal pound me in the ass prison. 


Quatar never should have received a WC. But at this point I hope some responsible adults step in and make sure things get done right, workers are treated fairly, and that WC costs Quatar billions more than they bargained bribed for. 



Originally Posted by The Ref fka Blair Kiel:
Originally Posted by Satori:



I wonder if they'll re-vote the Qatar WC now

USA here we come! 

Chill your follicles.


There is no way 'Merica gets WC 2022 even if a re-vote. People are complaining already this was a USA vendetta. But there are other alternatives to Shatar. England, Germany, Spain are all better than Hell's Litter Box. 

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