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Mike McCarthy Press Conf. Transcript - Jan. 29

(How was practice today?)
Good practice today. Finished about eight minutes ahead of schedule, so that gives you a little indication of the tempo. Thought the red-zone work was good. Blitz work was very good. Got a couple looks on film that we need to talk about. It was good work.

(How about your quarterback the last couple days? How does Aaron Rodgers look?)
Looks very good. The offense is in sync. I thought definitely the four days off would really help the players, or practicing on the fourth day, however you want to look at it. So I feel good where we are, but we still have some work to do. We’re going to probably have I want to say about 90, 95 percent of our install in before we leave. We’re going to save some for the work in Dallas. Feel good about where we are so far in our preparation.

(Do you save something just to freshen up the practice a little bit when you get down there, just to give them something new? Is that part of it?)
It’s more of a mindset, because I think it’s important for our football team not to feel that they’re on a sprint all the way up until the game. It’s a process. We talk about trusting your process, as far as our preparation leading up to the time for performance, and with the Super Bowl schedule, you have more preparation time. By no means do I want our football team to feel that we’re sprinting into this game, because I don’t have any doubt that our energy level, the excitement and drive and everything will be there. I don’t want to leave anything on the practice field. I think it’s important, particularly in our situation because we’re a tempo offense and a tempo philosophy as far as the way we want to play, I don’t want to do too much on the practice field.

(What has getting a healthy Cullen Jenkins back meant to the defense?)
I think his play the last couple weeks speaks for itself. I think Cullen is definitely a penetrator in our defensive scheme. He has the ability to beat the one-on-one block. He’s our best pass rusher, as far as a down lineman. Very productive player, and when he’s healthy, he’s as good as it gets. So it’s great to have him back.

(How did Frank Zombo bounce back from his first workout yesterday?)
Frank looks good. He’s getting better. He had more extended work today. I really want to see how his body responds to three days of work. Wednesday’s padded practice will be a big day for Frank down in Dallas.

(When the ’96 and ’97 teams went to the Super Bowl, they had an older defensive coordinator who became a pretty beloved figure with his players. I know they’re different personalities, but do you see Dom getting that same feeling from his guys, that they love playing for him and feel that way about him the way that group felt about Fritz?)
I can’t compare the relationship, obviously, but I do know that everybody respects Dom Capers as a person and as a professional. He’s done an excellent job obviously in his time here. He’s done a great job bringing together a staff, which to me is the most important responsibility of a coordinator, and he has excellent relationships with his players. That’s probably a better question for the locker room, but if you’re asking my opinion, definitely, he’s very well-respected here.

(Any special guest speakers last week or this coming week?)
We have no guest speakers this week so far.

(What about the officiating crew? What do you know about this crew and will you go over their tendencies like you normally would?)
[It’s not announced yet. Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.] It’s an all-star crew, so we’re not going to do a statistical breakdown on every official, because it doesn’t really … we’ll do more on the head referee based on his tendencies, but it’s a little different breakdown the last two weeks, because you’re dealing with all-star crews.

(What have you seen from Darren Perry as a coach working with him and what kind of future do you think he has?)
Darren Perry is an excellent football coach. I think Darren along with a number of other assistants on our staff, they have a very bright future. As far as those futures, I know they’re bright, but everybody is focused on the game in front of us, and I know there may potentially be some opportunities.

(Where is Atari Bigby physically, and how much do you wrestle with upsetting what you’ve got with Charlie Peprah and the continuity vs. using him on defense?)
Atari looks good. He’s practiced very well, particularly the last three weeks, so he’s ready to go if the opportunity knocks. But Charlie Peprah is the starter and has been for a long time, and that won’t change for this game against Pittsburgh.

(Can you talk about Heath Miller and just the way you guys have played tight ends lately?)
I tell you, Heath Miller is a very good football player. I have always been impressed with him from afar. Anytime you have a chance to play against a player in live action and see him up close, I really walked off the field, … I knew his measureables and remember when he came out of Virginia, … but he’s a lot bigger, more physical player than I realized, especially after the game in Pittsburgh last year. He does an excellent job, very smart. I think he’s really an excellent example of their football team. They have a lot of veteran players that are just very good players at their particular positions, have a complete understanding of their scheme, playmaking ability within their role. I have a lot of respect for Heath Miller.

(You guys have kept opposing tight ends in check lately. What do you attribute that to?)
Hopefully that’s the case next week. He is definitely one of their playmakers. He is definitely a guy that can beat you.

(How do you bring down Ben Roethlisberger?)
Tackle him between the knees and the chest. He is a big man. I think he is a special player, the way he extends plays. The length of the play with Ben is always longer. The way their passing game is designed, his ability to step up in the rush and do the things he does. He can make any throw on the field, evident in our game last year and another thing that you learn when you see players live. He has the arm to step up, roll to his right, and still make the 60-plus throw. That’s definitely one of our objectives is to make sure when we have the opportunity to get him on the ground.

(Does his footwork give him the ability to be shifty without necessarily being a scrambler?)
He’s a good athlete. I just recall when he came out of college, if you go back to his college tape, he had runs of 50, 60 yards in games. When you see a man of that dimension able to finish scramble runs, I don’t care what level it is on, I’ve always considered him a good athlete. More importantly, he’s a big man. I don’t know exactly what he weighs but he is someone that we need to do a better job this time around learning off last year’s experience, we need to get him on the ground.

(With Pouncey battling the injury, how important is the center position and what kind of season has Scott Wells had?)
I have always believed when you build the offense, you start with the middle because those are the individuals that have the most responsibility in your decision-making process. That’s how we do it and that’s how I have always done it. The center, the quarterback and then the backs as far as their adjustment responsibility and then you go to the tight end. So really the closer you are to the ball, the more responsibility you usually have in an offensive scheme. So I think that in itself tells you how important the position is. Scott, this is two years in a row I’ve stood up and talked about Scott Wells. I think he clearly has played the best football of my time here, starting last year and this year. I think he is playing at a very high level, has total command of our offense. He is a big part of our ability to play at the speed that we play at and make the adjustments that we do.

(Have you thought at all about what winning a Super Bowl would mean to you?)
I think anyone that coaches in this business has an understanding what it will do for your football team, for your organization and for every individual. That’s all part of the drive, that’s all part of the motivation. When everybody wants the same thing and is willing to make the sacrifices to achieve that, good things happen for everybody involved. I think that is the obvious.

(Can you imagine a McCarthy Way or a McCarthy Avenue?)
I wouldn’t turn it down, I’ll say that. But I know that is something that is very special and unique in our community. I have driven down Holmgren Way plenty of times.

(In your last 24-48 hours before you leave for Dallas, what will your point of emphasis be for your team?)
I really view our preparation as two phases and we’ll complete the first phase tomorrow. Our training environment here is unique to the Green Bay Packers, no different than Pittsburgh’s is unique to them. We want to make sure that we leave here feeling good about what we have accomplished during the week. I know for a fact the way we have performed the last five weeks has a lot to do with the way we have prepared, so I do want to finish this preparation. Then we’ll shift gears on Monday, frankly. Our schedule is going to be modified once we get to Dallas. I’ll go through that and make it loud and clear, the adjustments that we need to make once we get down there and the things we are going to accomplish while we are down there. I’ll do that in Monday’s team meeting.

(Will you be on grass down at SMU?)
No, my understanding is FieldTurf.

(And it is outdoors?)
They have grass practice fields. We’re going to go in the stadium.

(It’s an outdoor stadium?)
Correct. We have the use of an indoor facility at a high school if we need it.

(Does the league assign it or is that Ted going back to his old stomping grounds?)
No, I think the league assigned us there. That’s a good question for Ted.
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Aaron Rodgers: Want to be in the team picture? Stick with the team

Posted by Michael David Smith on January 29, 2011, 4:17 PM EST
Aaron Rodgers was asked today what he makes of the story (which Packers coach Mike McCarthy called a “total overreaction“), and his answer was chronicled on Twitter by Jason Wilde of

“I was on IR back in 2006,” Rodgers said. “I chose to stick around and finish out the season with my guys and be here every game. Some of those guys didn’t. And so, we love them, we care about them, we don’t wish injury on anybody, but this is a group of guys that’s really come together and has been great to work with. It’s been great to work with guys we brought in. Some of the guys who were injured, you know, they are still part of this team, but some of them didn’t choose to stick around.” continue
Via Twitter:

A lot of guys held their tongues publicly when 12 was trying to be a hero last year. "@j_christo: Pointless to speak truth?"
When he was complicit in all the sacks last year RT @MinnieSconnie: When was Rodgers trying to be a hero? (sincere question)
For the record, I would have had no problem if Rodgers said this during the hoopla. But to say it days after the fact is in poor taste.
Never said sacks were primarily his fault. But he was part of the problem even though some still won't admit it.

Well looks like people have something to say about where some people choose to do there rehab.. Try rehabing with 16 others then 53 more

Doubt you get the full attention needed.. It's easy to speak about others when you are not in their position.. Talk about "union" ha

In case anyone's unclear; when Nick says try rehabbing with 16 others than 53 more he's referring to all the other players who are getting treatment in Green Bay. It's been noted that there are only three trainers to handle everyone. Nick sees lack of time with a trainer as the reason he doesn't rehab in GB thus the "doubt you get the full attention needed". It's a fair point but it doesn't need to be tweeted.
Murphy has high praise for Ted Thompson
Green Bay Press Gazette

Posted by Mike Vandermause January 29th, 2011, 2:54 pm
“Obviously it takes time to get to know people,” said Murphy. “I have a great working relationship with Ted. I have a lot of confidence in him. It’s not just that we’ve had success. I appreciate the way he works and the way he handles himself.” continue

Past the click Mike Vandermause has more quotes from Murphy regarding TT.
Originally posted by CAPackfan:
Ugh, Barnett just keeps making things worse by responding

Edit: he just erased the tweets now

I think Nicky is having a hard time understanding that AR-12 has become the leader of this team. I think he always figured he was being he has been a starter longer, but AR has grabbed that position by the throat and will never let go.
... and the other dummy chimes in

Goodbye twitter... It was fun while it lasted.. But we need to focus on important things..

Before I delete this page just wanted to say I was never trying to be a distration... I am packer have been one for 8 going on 9 years

I love this team this city.. All I wanted to be is included as a teammate nothing more.. Looks like it has back fired on me.. I guess

That was asking too much... Sorry if I offended anyone.. That was not my intention.. Never that
Goodbye to you too, Nick. It was fun while you were on the Packers. Time for him to take his act somewhere else.
Barnett pretty much guaranteed his exit from GB with the continued idiocy on Twitter. He was on the fence to begin with and he keeps popping off.

PS Barnett is probably one of the most overrated players in GBP history.

Someone needs to step in with Finley and set him straight otherwise he may be on his way out as well.
Rodgers: IR guys 'didn't choose to stick around'

by Jason Wilde
While it’s unclear how many games each of those players attended, Tauscher, Grant and Neal were around the most, based on how often they were seen on the sideline at games and in the locker room. Burnett was also spotted frequently. Tauscher and Grant also attended road games, and Grant said the only reason he missed the Atlanta playoff game was because he was sick and didn’t want to infect the team

Among the players who weren’t seen around the facility or at games very often were Poppinga, Chillar, Havner, Harrell and Barnett and Finley. Finley Tweeted openly about being in Scottsdale, Ariz., at his offseason home for most of his rehab. continue
Is Barnett a bad influence on Finley? The picture thing will blow over, and perhaps Barnett gets jettisoned, but I think we're going to get a lot more drama in the future between Finley and the team.
Finley's always been a bit of a loose cannon. I don't know if he's a guy who has always had a privileged life and is used to everyone hyping him up or not, but he's had a "me first" attitude almost from day one, and that's probably a reason he hasn't gotten a big payday yet. He doesn't seem like someone who would beat their wife or kill someone in a DUI, he's just a bit of a drama queen. He's like the Kyle Busch of the NFL.
Originally posted by CAPackfan:
Ugh, Barnett just keeps making things worse by responding

Edit: he just erased the tweets now
Barnett is sounding like a complete tool.

There are two main points in my opinion. 1)Whether or not what he says is legitimate and 2)Whether or not it should be said.

My guess is #1) is legitimate and I have no doubt it should not be said anyway.

It almost sounds like he is screaming for Exit Stage Left.

Give it to him if he keeps this up.
I would think that these idiots ought to review the Chronicles of Brent to see how things play out when a player f**ks with TT and MM. He was a HOFer who owned that city and got booted out on his ass. How long would it take to do the same things to these guys? I'm guessing about as long as it takes to file the paperwork.

Good to see POS Be-tard jumping in to stir up crap. I guess he's not busy sucking in Boston.
Twitter wrecks Egypt, now the Packers.

So much for a boring Saturday on the old tweeter

For those blaming me for this: Shut. Up. All I did was relay Rodgers' quotes, here and on @ESPNMilwaukee. @NickBarnett, etc. are grown-ups.

Didn't J.Garcia ask it?

Jessie asked if Rodgers felt bad for IR guys missing SBXLV. He answered how he answered.

Well, there is that. I'm one up on @Hasselbeck, I guess. RT @RichWardJr: At least no one has threatened to "bash your face in" yet.

I was there when Jessie Garcia asked her question, and I assure you it was not asked in a way to stir controversy,

"Aaron, do you feel for the IR guys, and I’m not talking about the photo thing, do you feel bad that they aren’t able to take part in this?"
You keep Finley. He's not too bright but he is extremely talented and also still young. I think he'll figure it out. It's not like he is the one saying the stuff first, it's usually Barnett getting on his soapbox and then Finley agreeing from the background. You eliminate Barnett and I doubt we have Finley really going to twitter doing crap like this. Most of his tweets are just random crap involving him and his wife, etc
Originally posted by CAPackfan:
You keep Finley. He's not too bright but he is extremely talented and also still young. I think he'll figure it out. It's not like he is the one saying the stuff first, it's usually Barnett getting on his soapbox and then Finley agreeing from the background. You eliminate Barnett and I doubt we have Finley really going to twitter doing crap like this. Most of his tweets are just random crap involving him and his wife, etc
Agreed. Things like talent level, potential, and age need to be factored into the equation.

Talent Level: Finley >>>>> Barnett
Potential: Finley >>>>>> Barnett
Age: Finley >>>>> Barnett
Originally posted by titmfatied:

For those blaming me for this: Shut. Up. All I did was relay Rodgers' quotes, here and on @ESPNMilwaukee. @NickBarnett, etc. are grown-ups.

So this Wilde guy is a journalist? This is almost worse than Barnett and Finley.

Apparently this is "Tantrum Saturday"!!

Anyone else want to throw a tantrum today? This is your chance!
Even before all this, I thought it was likely Finley would get traded this off-season. He is a great talent but was never a great fit for the team. The injury may limit his trade value, but 2011 is the last year of his contract and there is no way they will try to re-sign him.
Originally posted by 18c3v:
Even before all this, I thought it was likely Finley would get traded this off-season. He is a great talent but was never a great fit for the team. The injury may limit his trade value, but 2011 is the last year of his contract and there is no way they will try to re-sign him.
Finley is a STUD (unless it turns out he is injury prone).

That must and will be factored in. As an example, they have been showing reruns of last year's regular season game against the Steelers. Take a look at the Finley's TD grab. Just a beast out there.
Barnett is an idiot. I'm guessing that we probably won't see him in green & gold again. And I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Finly needs a solid veteran to mentor him. I thought that was Lee. Perhaps his time away from 1265 has hurt his maturation. He's been too busy thinking about how great he is. He needs to be more grounded.

That said, I'm not sure I understand why Rodgers felt it was necessary to revisit this. I don't have a problem with Rodgers' position, although if the Packers training staff cannot handle a group of this size, I don't blame them for going elsewhere. However, Rodgers could have kept his opinion to himself, or at least kept it internal. The team put this headache to rest by including all of the players in the pictures, and now it has been resurrected. I don't see the benefit to addressing it again. "The team handled the situation and we've moved on" would have been sufficient in my book.
Originally posted by 18c3v:
Even before all this, I thought it was likely Finley would get traded this off-season. He is a great talent but was never a great fit for the team. The injury may limit his trade value, but 2011 is the last year of his contract and there is no way they will try to re-sign him.

Trade a guy that is on the brink of being the best at his position? No way. Even if he only has one more year left, someone of his talent level is worthy of the franchise tag.
Saturday, January 29th Locker Room Video:
Aaron Rodgers (@3m15s is the question about his team mates on IR)
Darryn Colledge
Scott Wells

Jason Wilde's Article is a bit misleading, imo. First off he asks us to assume Rodgers was sending a pointed message about the photograph when the question asked was:
"Aaron, do you feel for the IR guys, and I’m not talking about the photo thing, do you feel bad that they aren’t able to take part in this?"

from the article:

Rodgers had an opinion on the entire PhotoGate controversy and wanted it to be heard.

“Well, I’ll say this,” Rodgers said, pausing briefly before continuing.

When you read the article it paints this picture that Rodgers is carefully choosing his words and sending some sort of pointed message. In the video it couldn't be further from the truth. He's answering the question of whether he feels bad they aren't able to take part and notes that they had a choice to be around or not. Jason Wilde loves to stir the pot and then play the "What did I do wrong?" game. It's calculated and he's hoping and praying for attention and page hits. He does more good work than bad and knows the Packers as well as anyone but on this one he's trying to create a story to attach himself too.
Last edited by titmfatied
I realize you can't dictate policy like not using Twitter as about 99% of players who do use seem to know what and what not to say.

But I swear if you could build it into their contracts it would be nice to ban Frick and Frack from using it. It's ridiculous to even have to think like that but honestly instead of their knee and wrist injuries I wish it was their fingers that got broken.

Nick is doing a hell of a job at burning his bridges here and I'm sure going into SB week the last thing MM or TT want to do is answer more BS questions about Nick and JerMike's lastest tantrum on the innerwebs.

Completely ridiculous.
Originally posted by Sally-Ka-Nancypants:
I didn't know guys went outside of Green Bay to rehab. Where are these guys?

Finely brags almost daily how great the weather is in AZ while MM has mentioned several times how much he appreciates Taucher sticking with the team.
This thing smacks of a team that hasn't been in this position, from Barnett and Finley to Rodgers and the front office(Blumb, etc.).

They haven't even gotten on the plane to Dallas yet, and this thing that was put to bed rears its ugly head yet again. Right now they're in front of a friendly media bunch, for the most part. Come next week they will be getting blistered with this kinda stuff, and they need to keep their heads about them...all of them, including Rodgers.

McCarthy needs to put an end to this one. You'd think someone would have gotten the word to the entire team, IR guys included, that they should shut their traps on this subject. It certainly won't help anyone on this team to be fielding questions all week in Dallas about this garbage.

And Nick Barnett, after opening his mouth after he said he should never have opened his mouth, So long pal, your days in Green Bay are done.
Well it sucks but it is looking like there's a rift here that needs to be either mended or cut off for good come this offseason.

Seems pretty clear AR and MM are not amused; both of them have been derogatory to Frick and Frack now on this. And they are the only ones that really matter. Nothing has stopped them so far, and obviously they're not concerned this will either. They're on top and intend to stay there, and loudmouths who haven't been there can either shut up or take a hike.

Still think Finley can be saved.

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