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I thought it was astute of Rodgers to point out what a closeknit team this has become, rather than acting like the diva Favre might act. I do believe he should have kept his mouth shut, but his words ring true that this current group has become a team in every sense and it is this that has brought them to the big dance. Nick and Jermichael were free to rehab where they wanted, but don't bitch if you don't feel part of the team if that's the case.
Originally posted by CJS:
Exactly. Nice job throwing gasoline on a fire that had pretty much gone out Aaron. Make those comments AFTER the Super Bowl. He's the last guy I expected to do something this stupid.

Rodgers did nothing stupid. He answered a question honestly as he always does. The other pricks that are sitting home in places far away from the team need to keep their yaps shut.
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:
Originally posted by CJS:
Exactly. Nice job throwing gasoline on a fire that had pretty much gone out Aaron. Make those comments AFTER the Super Bowl. He's the last guy I expected to do something this stupid.

Rodgers did nothing stupid. He answered a question honestly as he always does. The other pricks that are sitting home in places far away from the team need to keep their yaps shut.

IF some players felt they could get better injury treatment elsewhere due to so few trainers compared to so many injured players, I do see credibility in that.

I think Rodgers and everybody else should SHUT UP with respect to the injured players. Let management talk, everyone else just SHUT UP, Rodgers included.

Heck, I love the guy, but still.
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:
Originally posted by CJS:
Exactly. Nice job throwing gasoline on a fire that had pretty much gone out Aaron. Make those comments AFTER the Super Bowl. He's the last guy I expected to do something this stupid.

Rodgers did nothing stupid. He answered a question honestly as he always does. The other pricks that are sitting home in places far away from the team need to keep their yaps shut.

I couldn't disagree more. This news item was OVER and successfully resolved. All was well in Titletown once again. Rodgers brought it back to life and Dumb and Dumber predictably chimed right in. Rodgers should have saved those comments for another time or taken them offline directly with those players.
I think Rodgers said out loud what the current 53 man roster is thnking. Guy's who decide to stay away all year forced themselves into the conversation, forced the team to alter it's prep schedule at a ime when everything should revolve around getting ready for the game. I don't theink AR is the only guy who is upset how this is playing out. Finley shoud have stayed with the team this year. He could have helped Quarless the way Tauscher helped Bulaga.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
It's not going to affect the outcome of the game either way, and I sincerely doubt it will have any effect whatsoever on preparation. That's all I really care about.

It's annoying to read about as a fan, but so what. The organization is pretty much out of it, and it's down to #56 being ticked off at #12.

If Barnett's mangina is that bruised because of what #12 said that's his problem. I doubt Rodgers says that publicly if that wasn't the prevailing sentiment in the locker room.
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:
Originally posted by CJS:
Exactly. Nice job throwing gasoline on a fire that had pretty much gone out Aaron. Make those comments AFTER the Super Bowl. He's the last guy I expected to do something this stupid.

Rodgers did nothing stupid. He answered a question honestly as he always does. The other pricks that are sitting home in places far away from the team need to keep their yaps shut.

exactly, he was the one asked the dumbass question, not like he volunteered it. he also knew his response would create some flak. this is a leader guys, I think his answer proved it. as far as I'm concerned let AR talk all damn day. also cut Barnett's prima donna ass and trade Finley as well, he's gonna be a stud tight end but the next TO, get value for him now.

don't know who said it but with this depth we should start trading picks in the draft UP. god I'd hate to lose another superbowl but the skie's the limit next year.

I'm done now

edit: skies? ima quit drinking now
Originally posted by Cold Mark:
I'm surprised Rodgers decided to go back to this story. Not good.

Really, how's that? Are they more likely to lose because of what AR said? Will they not play as well now because AR spoke up? Please explain, Cold Mark. While you're at it, would you mind explaining how this is the only thread in which you've posted for 10 days? That's certainly going to be the most compelling answer.

Originally posted by CAPackfan:
The silver lining about this issue is Barnett made TT's decision easier on who to get rid of after this year, him or Hawk. So long, Nick

Yep. And at this point it's almost tempting to pay Hawk his full 10 mil to ensure Samuri Stupid is off this team and also a parting F U to Nick.

Barnett to the Bills for a 7th. Or some WI cheese curds. Fine with either one.
Originally posted by gblinda:
Finley had been rehanging in Arizona and green bay according to his tweeds, I was actually more surprised by his decision to go on a cruise during the last game/first playoff game...seems he coulda waited til season was over.

He went on a cruise? Roll Eyes

And there's Tauscher traveling with the team offering his help in any way he could. Little wonder now why MM continually mentioned Tausch's name.
Maybe GB should have more adult chaperones for the IR guys.

Somebody like Leroy Butler or the former long snapper Rob Davis need to get these IR guys together and have some domino or spades games to keep these guys occupied.

Its to bad the guys making the most noise are starters maybe their position coaches need to make a call to settle them down. Hell where is Donald Lee's influence on Finley.

I reality the only one who really could put a stop to it would be Reggie and he is not available.

The IR thing is what it is and I understand that players may choose to go home to get rehab if they are down for the year and it may or may not be better for them. The only way it would not be better is if there is bad influences like in the Jolly situation otherwise most of the guys are better off at home. Then you have a guy like Tauscher , he is sticking around as a mentor and an asset to the oline but not everyone is in that category.

After the first round of tweets this should have been off limits to the IR guys and active players. Rodgers and Woodson went to bat for the guys and that should be good enough for the guys and should now be a non issue.
Not to insult ANYONE, but please don't even think about trading Finley...that's what a Viking fan would say and hope for. JerMichael is a gem that just needs a bit more polishing, not a re-cut. Tausch reminds me a bit of my favorite--Big Gil Brown, with his dedication to the team. This team must remember that the Dallas Press corps are even now coming up with questions that they hope will bring controversial and inflammatory answers. I hope they remember that a "no comment" is always a good reply. GO PACK!!
I must have heard something different than the reporters. Rodgers was not saying "these guys should have had treatment in GB". Remember the question, he was asked if he felt bad that IR players haven't been able to take part in all of this. All he was saying is that the IR players could have taken part of being in GB for this ride to the SB but chose not to. Thus it's hard to feel bad about choices that some IR players themselves chose to make.

Note this is different than saying they shouldn't have gone away for treatment. He probably has no real issue with this, he just isn't going to feel bad for those players if they feel left out then. They chose to leave. If anything, Rodgers is giving us a lesson in personal responsibility and all the media (and apparently players) totally missed it.
Originally posted by CAPackfan:
You keep Finley. He's not too bright but he is extremely talented and also still young. I think he'll figure it out. It's not like he is the one saying the stuff first, it's usually Barnett getting on his soapbox and then Finley agreeing from the background. You eliminate Barnett and I doubt we have Finley really going to twitter doing crap like this. Most of his tweets are just random crap involving him and his wife, etc

He hasnt even played a good full season yet. Can you imagine if he has a 800 yard season? He might be doing push ups in the drive way. LOL
IMO Rodgers is very calculated when he speaks to the media. HE knew exactly what he was saying. My hopes are that his intentions were:

1 - F**k off Nick, you have not acted like a member of this team.

2 - J Fin, if you want to stay here and win championships, you need to stop following fools like this. Follow guys like Grant and Tausher.

I imagine A Rodg is just echoing the general thoughts of most on the 53 and the IR players who stuck with the TEAM.

As far as trading J Fin. NO WAY. You give the young punk his spankings and let him watch you trade Nick to Buffalo. He has had problems with a bad tude since day 1. Calling out AR his rookie year, the drugged up youtube vid and now this. Problem is, the guy is absolute athletic freak. You have to stick with him until his distractions outweigh his potential performance. Its not there YET, IMO.
Let's face it. This whole situation has been, for lack of a better description, pants-on-head retarded.

Finley and Barnett picked the wrong way to go about it to start with. The initial team response was not too good. But from there on out, this whole thing has been blown out of proportion by the damn media. (On the other hand, if they talk to Rodgers/Woodson, or hell, McCarthy directly, none of this happens.)

We can certainly blame them for the opening of this mess, but the rest of it is on the media sensationalism. (One can only hope a mess like that (or even more distracting) happens this next week for the Steelers.)
Originally posted by vitaflo:
I must have heard something different than the reporters. Rodgers was not saying "these guys should have had treatment in GB". Remember the question, he was asked if he felt bad that IR players haven't been able to take part in all of this. All he was saying is that the IR players could have taken part of being in GB for this ride to the SB but chose not to. Thus it's hard to feel bad about choices that some IR players themselves chose to make.

Note this is different than saying they shouldn't have gone away for treatment. He probably has no real issue with this, he just isn't going to feel bad for those players if they feel left out then. They chose to leave. If anything, Rodgers is giving us a lesson in personal responsibility and all the media (and apparently players) totally missed it.

I wanted this to be true and still do. But it isn't.

Reread the quotes, both Rodgers' and McCarthy's.

There is no getting around them. They all but came out and said Barnett and Finley are full of it. Which, by the way, they are.

I wanted your spin and it ain't coming. Those guys know how to say "no comment," and that is clearly not what either of them said.

Check it out: ain't nothing stopping either AR or MM. Packers are going to win. That is how confident they are. That is how sure they are. The truth will prevail. And faker little loudmouths will not. It was bullcrap to complain about the photo to begin with, it still is, and the top dogs on the team are not afraid to say so.

This team has offically transcended it all. They don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks anymore, and there isn't a person alive who can challenge them.

Not in the NFC, at least.

Last edited by Pistol GB

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