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Exactly Ammo, bet the whiners thought it was mighty cold today based on what they are used to. But they aint seen nothing yet. Tomorrow when they get on the field its gonna be a rude awakening weather wise.


Around here today dudes were out shopping in shorts and a hoodie. Thats how balmy it felt for the local folk. Tomorrow a whole nother story.


Whiners may still win (strong probability), but one day of acclimation in mild winter wont prepare them for whats in store tomorrow. Packers are truly acclimated to this, hope it helps. Thats why we play the games.

Question? Does the visiting team have to bring their own sideline heating equipment, or does the host team have to provide it? I know the Pack has a good system for keeping their players warm, but do they have to accomodate the visitors with the same?


We have heated benches with built in foot warmers, and other ways to stay warm, But does the opposition have the same luxury unless they bring it themselves?

I am pretty sure that it has to be the same on both sidelines.


Turn it around a bit....when the Packers have to play Miami (or the old Phoenix Cardinal stadium) on a very hot/humid the Packers have to bring their own cooling equipment?  I think those huge cooling units that mist the benches is required for both team per NFL rules.


Of course, I could be wrong.


Headset/communication stuff has to be the same, I'm sure heating/cooling stuff does as well.


The only difference is noise making - that big, fat Viking guy sits behind the visitor's bench blowing his horn.  And the extra PA speakers.

Wrestler Ric Flair gave the Niners a pep talk tonight and Niners RT Anthony Davis giving GB some bulletin board material maybe?









Last edited by CAPackfan

Nature Boy.....back in the day, he was something!
Now...he's an old, balding, overweight man with cauliflower ears and grandpa tits.

Either way, though, what kind of mental toughness do you ever have to go through as a rassler? Sure, I can see these guys having to play through pain, as it were, but how can you develop mental toughness from a predetermined outcome?

I've stayed at the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. It's where all Packers opponents stay when in Wisconsin. If this is what he meant by "sh!t hole"...I can see where he's coming from. It's far from the worst hotel experience in my life, but I'd imagine NFL players usually get better accommodations. If he meant the Fox Valley/GB area in general...I hope fattass Raji does the first useful thing of the season and takes his kneecaps out.

Compared to where most visiting NFL teams/players stay during the season I'm sure the Paper Valley probably ranks pretty low in terms of extravagance and amenities.  


If your point of reference is SF and 70 degrees and Appleton and 8 degrees then I wouldn't be offended by someone suggesting their home base is a little nicer.   I've always felt that WI from about May-October is literally one of the best places to live but in the other months?   Not so much.


I did get a kick out of the comments though.   You're coming into town to play a football game.  When these guys played in college there were a lot of towns that probably made Appleton or Green Bay look like LA or New York City.   They get into the big league and they totally lose perspective.


Personally, if Davis is making comments like that maybe he's already thinking about things other than football or is distracted and that's excellent.   Just wait until he steps on the field later today.  It'll resemble nothing like yesterday.   Heck, I was tooling around the "schithole" in a hooded sweatshirt and no hat or gloves and felt totally comfortable.   Today?  Uh no


Eff the Niners!

Last edited by Tschmack

Watched NFL Network playbook, and Sharpe was of course the only guy picking the Pack. He brought up a very interesting point. Said James Stark's decisive one cut into the hole running style would work better than Lacy's against the Niner D. Hope MM is thinking the same thing and he tries to balance the running attempts between the two.

I expect the Packers have worked a lot this past week on how to beat the 49ers.  


I expect the 49ers have worked a lot this past week on how to beat the cold. 


Last edited by Packy

I just heard Skip Bayless say the Packers should play in ass-less chaps & fart snowflakes. I think I'll start a thread.


Hope MM follows the advice of these brilliant yakking heads and takes carries away from Lacy, his ass isn't nearly as nice as Stark's. 

The NFL network crew already gave the game to the whiners.  I would love to see those Fks eat sht!!!  And, there is no one I hate more than Sapp, even on BSPN.  Just turned the **** off. 

Sure SF is in for a rude awakening today vs. the temps yesterday but SO IS EVERYBODY ELSE!  GB may be a little more acclimated because of the weather they've had so far this winter but none of that is going to compare to what they will be playing in today.  This will be near historic conditions.  Both teams have their work cut out for them regarding the weather.
Originally Posted by DH13:
 This will be near historic conditions. 

Will it be cold, yes. Historic, no.  Tomorrow, yes. It is 5 degrees with a NW wind at 12 MPH, wind chill -11 in Green Bay right now.  The dew point temp is currently -3 and the air temp can't fall below the dew point so it's not going to be -20 or even close to it at kick-off.

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