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Music City posted:

He deserved criticism when the offense was listless and they were losing. He deserves credit for the team's turnaround. 

Reasonable, balanced, insightful post from a ****ing knee jerk general. 


Music City posted:

He deserved criticism when the offense was listless and they were losing. He deserves credit for the team's turnaround. 

And I'd play the "players were **** and not executing during said listlessness" card.

Rodgers was lost for a while.  What's a coach to do?  You gonna bench him?

Brak posted:
Music City posted:

He deserved criticism when the offense was listless and they were losing. He deserves credit for the team's turnaround. 

Reasonable, balanced, insightful post from a ****ing knee jerk general. 


Hey fuc*stick... you can save your bull**** for your little glee club you condescending asshat. If I need insight on dick jokes and internet memes I'll call your number...

6 Step program required SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED!

Step 1: Beat Eagles - COMPLETE!

Step 2: Beat Texans - COMPLETE!

Step 3: Beat Seahawks - COMPLETE!

Step 4: Beat Bears - COMPLETE!

Step 5: Beat Vikings - COMPLETE!

Step 6: Beat Lions - COMPLETE!! - NFC NORTH CHAMPS!!

Now a new challenge!!

4 step program required

Step 1: Beat Giants - ______________

Run the table - Hungry5

Last edited by Boris
Music City posted:
Brak posted:
Music City posted:

He deserved criticism when the offense was listless and they were losing. He deserves credit for the team's turnaround. 

Reasonable, balanced, insightful post from a ****ing knee jerk general. 


Hey fuc*stick... you can save your bull**** for your little glee club you condescending asshat. If I need insight on dick jokes and internet memes I'll call your number...

Those are gifs, not a meme.  Just wanted to make sure we're all on the same page after the Bark walk off glee club homerun.  

Last edited by Henry
Brak posted:

We're not likely to see a more successful coach of the Green Bay Packers in our lives. 

But its all due to the abilities of AR. 

One could argue that the Packers have underachieved during MM's tenure given the offensive talent on the team over that time period. His playoff record is nothing great. Multiple letdowns and meltdowns, including the worst Packer loss of my lifetime up in Seattle two years ago.

This sandlot, run around offense we run is stupid. A team with a good or great offensive coach shouldn't have to rely on the silly, broken play crap that our offense depends on to win. Other teams manage to get receivers open and throw the ball on rhythm with much less mobile QBs.

MM is a decent coach of a team that is 100% dependent on one player. GB is not the QB factory it once was. We haven't developed anyone other than AR....and he came in with some pretty special gifts. When AR is off or hurt, MM has no plan B, no other QB can run this offense, the team instantly drops to NFL average or below.

MM is not a bad coach and I am glad we have him. I just don't think he is a great coach without AR.


Last edited by FreeSafety

I'd also take exception with the sandlot argument.  I don't watch all the film like some of you, but I've got to think some of that is on Rodgers.  I don't really care how we score, style points matter little to me.

Most of us also don't know what, exactly, is going on during practice, in the meetings, on the sideline, or in the huddle.

Last edited by Brak


Brak posted:

Most of us also don't know what, exactly, is going on during practice, in the meetings, on the sideline, or in the huddle.

We have no clue.

The only NFL job we are qualified to handle is watching the games

Last edited by Satori

McStupidface is a pretty damn good coach.  His two primary shortcomings are his loyalty to underperfoming assistant coaches and his stupidface sideline face.  One of those things is in his control.  

I think Rodgers would have been a damn fine QB about anywhere he went, but he's been an MVP because of his relationship with Mike.  

Satori posted:


The only NFL job we are qualified to handle is watching the games

I take exception to that.

I could be a better owner of the 49'ers than Jed York.

I'm dead serious about that too.

Last edited by Boris
Brak posted:

My argument has been, and remains, that McCarthy and Rodgers have mutually benefitted from each other. Unfair to say it's  all Rodgers.

That is a very valid position and obviously I can't prove you wrong. I certainly don't think it is a 50/50 split though. 

My perception is that I've seen AR show a lot of special abilities that I don't attribute all to coaching. And I've seen a lot fewer special moments of team achievements that I'd attribute mostly to coaching and not AR's abilities.

I've also seen a slew of other GB QBs fail to develop into anything under MM's coaching.

Great QBs don't win Super Bowls by themselves. Dan Marino would have at least 1 championship if that was the case. Great QBs don't come in to the league already great either, someone had to teach them how to play QB in the NFL. McCarthy supplied the knowledge, Rodgers supplied the talent and the attitude, the rest is history.

Name a HOF HC that didn't have at least a great QB. Chuck Noll maybe? 

Brak posted:

I'd also take exception with the sandlot argument.  I don't watch all the film like some of you, but I've got to think some of that is on Rodgers.

I think a lot of it is on AR. And I'd like MM to rein him in more. 

I'd love to see a good offensive coach implement an offense that takes advantage of the special abilities of some of the players, yet can function successfully with other players in some of those positions, including QB.......and I don't think we have that under MM.

Boris posted:
Satori posted:


The only NFL job we are qualified to handle is watching the games

I take exception to that.

I could be a better owner of the 49'ers than Jed York.

I'm dead serious about that too.

I know you are... but you haven't got eleventy billion do you ?

Therefore, you are not qualified to own  an NFL team ...

That long winded post must have come from someone who has been in a coma since October.

It's amazing some of the hyperbole fans launch at MM and yet he is recognized around the NFL as brilliant play caller.

When a team doesn't perform well, the coach is responsible for righting the ship. In this case, I also believe he was responsible for at least some of the reasons why they were losing to begin with. 

 Rodgers talked about "the team staying  together" and while they did do this, it was the leadership of McCarthy that kept them there. They stayed the course, and that course was plotted by the head coach. 

Music City posted:

When a team doesn't perform well, the coach is responsible for righting the ship. In this case, I also believe he was responsible for at least some of the reasons why they were losing to begin with. 

 Rodgers talked about "the team staying  together" and while they did do this, it was the leadership of McCarthy that kept them there. They stayed the course, and that course was plotted by the head coach. 

Agree.   I'm a vocal critic of MM and the fact that we didn't have a full mutiny speaks volumes to his leadership.   As a TT critic, I'll also say it points to the character of the players that he has acquired.  

Now quit being so damn stubborn and get a DC that won't give up 50 in the playoffs. 

BrainDed posted:
Music City posted:

When a team doesn't perform well, the coach is responsible for righting the ship. In this case, I also believe he was responsible for at least some of the reasons why they were losing to begin with. 

 Rodgers talked about "the team staying  together" and while they did do this, it was the leadership of McCarthy that kept them there. They stayed the course, and that course was plotted by the head coach. 

Agree.   I'm a vocal critic of MM and the fact that we didn't have a full mutiny speaks volumes to his leadership.   As a TT critic, I'll also say it points to the character of the players that he has acquired.  

Now quit being so damn stubborn and get a DC that won't give up 50 in the playoffs. 

I remember last season, as things started spiraling downwards, that Henry and other posters commented about the entire feeling of ennui and stank that seemed to be entering the locker room. Lots of talk about restless natives, etc. 

Tommy Clements caught most of the flak for a lot of this, bad and unimaginative playcalling putting the team into a funk, etc. etc.,  but many of us also commented on things like Josh Sitton publicly b****ing about play calling.

Sitton gets cut right before the season starts and OMG the world is coming to an end.

The team starts off fast but then gets derailed by injuries and retooling. 

All of a sudden the mojo starts to return. Aaron and Mike take total control of the locker room once again. And viola!, here we are.

Mike and Ted have often said that the locker room is the most important place and component of their Green Bay Packers.

There is/are a story/stories here, if only somebody would write it.

They do what they do.

I for one totally admire what Ted and Mike have built here. Yes Aaron Rodgers is an important part of the team's success but let's not think Ted and Mike wouldn't have built a winner without him.

Planners plan, coaches coach, leaders lead. Success generally follows (although the opponent(s) always get a vote too!).

Enjoy the journey.

Last edited by ilcuqui
Satori posted:
Boris posted:
Satori posted:


The only NFL job we are qualified to handle is watching the games

I take exception to that.

I could be a better owner of the 49'ers than Jed York.

I'm dead serious about that too.

I know you are... but you haven't got eleventy billion do you ?

Therefore, you are not qualified to own  an NFL team ...

If only you had come into the world from Denise DeBartolo's vagina, Boris.

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